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You see up
I feel mid
You say "wow"
I hear "oh..."

You reek "amazing"
I smell "not enough"
In everything
Never enough...

In all I say
In all I do
I can never say
To me

"I want you"

I take this
I do that
You see me
I see [          ]

I drown me out
Pull up the covers
Bring down the stand
Drink up

My up is down
Your down is up
Yours is mine
Mine is your


I can't take life
Drown it out
Drown it all out
Take it away

Drown it out
Scream over the sobs
Sing over the screams
Drown me out

I sing "happiness"
You say "wow"
You see beautiful
I feel

[           ]
is sunlight bright,
or are our eyes dull?

is a blanket warm,
or am i just cold?

is water refreshing,
or are they used to hell?
Be my flower
My child
  Lead me away
   Take me there.

I will learn
To trust in
  Your instictual
   Knowledge, our nature.

Grab my hand
I will follow.
  Inner Child, let's
   Make home out there.

We have a family
  Who knows us.
  They understand
   Out hurt. Let's walk.
Streams down the cheek
Rivers of pain
They never run dry, but they're draining the ocean
Someday it will leave me broken
But there's no man who can repair it
No person who can patch the holes in my head
So these tears fall
Fall over my lips
They fall into my hands
And I'll collect them
Store them away
I will remember every hurt
And every tear
I'm silent
I am not silent because I am gagged
I am not silent because I am dumb
I am silent for the mere experience of silence
It is a choice
A willing act to not speak when injustice is seen.
A choice when the girl told you her boyfriend was abusive and yet you said, "Have a good night," and carried on with your day like another butterfly to be collected and pinned to your array of malice and gore.
I am silent.
I keep my melody, my song.
Did you know that we all have a song?
Every one of us.
It is what moves the fiber of our being to life and breath.
It steers our will and courses through our veins.
Some sing. Some choose not to.
Some belt out their melodies in tumultuous harmony, while others whisper along.
Their melody, nevertheless, beautiful and counted.
And some... some sing off-key
So, yes.
I am silent.
Because my silence is the only sanity I store, my salvation.
My only hope for life, and to see you someday.
I remain silent, so you can sing.
And you choose to sing for me.
I hold in my hand, a flower.
Delicate, soft, fragile.
  And from this flower, I pluck.
   It's petals. I pluck the petals.
    I take the petals to show my love.
     I take its clothing to reveal my heart.
      Each garment exposing another inch of cool, soft skin to show
       hard, muscled veins.

What is the real mask?
  The clothing, or the skin?
   What am I trying to hide?
    Isn't my love enough that you shouldn't wonder?

So, I pluck.
I pluck away the petals to reveal what is inside.
  The ugly.
   The bad.
    Because that is love.

So go ahead.
Take my clothing
  And pluck these petals.
it's ok to be ok
it's ok not to be

it's ok to say you are
it's also ok to say you're not

whatever you want,
i'm here for you

i'll hold you close to my chest,
just breath. just be.

it's ok to be broken
it's ok to be.
Shedding this skin
Donning my new
One of color and pain
A rainbow bruise

Like tearing off a bandaid.

I hear doctors will hurt you,
I hear they do it to heal
Is that what this is?
There is so much pain, but I am happy.

I am out.

My family is growing
My friends are showing who they are
Some are close
Others will stand aside.

My God.

He hears my pain
He knows my heart
I know he understands.
He loves me.

For me being gay.
Some days life is just wrong.

The air is poison and the rain, acid.
The water is scarlet red
and the clouds are blue ashes.

Days like these, where the world fades away,
the colors of nature are twisted
and my mind starts to decay.

These moments I wish would burn to dust
and poppy flowers.
Instead, I stand in the crimson rain
to taste the ****** showers.

These colors paint a story (I hope left untold)
in bright blue rust and lilac in bold.

Now the portrait is dead with tears running through it.
Red coats my hand, the knife in the ****** blueprint.
let’s rush
run through the field
it’s what we want to do

let’s dance
around the fire
hand in hand

let’s sing
near the sea
swelling in our hearts

let’s swim
in the ocean
floating in love

let’s soar
high above the clouds
to keep our heads

but in the end
if you want

i will sleep near you
my arms to keep
the monsters away

and maybe
i would like
the same

face to face
your hair in your eyes
i brush it away

you steal one from me
so i take it back.
the kiss
let’s rush
run through field
it’s what we want to do

let’s dance
around the fire
hand in hand

let’s sing
near the sea
swelling in our hearts

let’s swim
in the ocean
floating in warmth

let’s soar
high above the clouds
to keep our heads

but in the end
if you want

I’ll sleep near you
my arms to keep
the monsters away

and maybe
I would like
the same

strong arms
to surround me
safe haven to be

face to face
your hair in your eyes
I brush it away

you steal one from me
so I take it back
the kiss

your eyes sparkle
I’m lost in the emerald hue
and I realize

I love you
A poetry without words
A language lacking speech
A multicultural dialect
Containing endless definitions
Eyes that convey a plethora exuberance
A touch that moves worlds apart

The rhythm beats your blood
The melody writes your story

Music. Dance.

Unconventional salvation.
On glorious procrastination
How you keep me from being full
I love it when you take away my time
And now I'm rushing in this paper
And it's time to thank you

— The End —