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I thought I needed you
Like how i need my morning cigarette

But the thing is,
I'm not really addicted
But I'm lying because I smoke a pack a day, just trying to be metaphorical
 Apr 2015 Anna Marie
 Apr 2015 Anna Marie
and with you, it's starting to feel like spring instead of the cold winter I had known for so long.
disgusting weather here, I wish to be back in Vegas. But I missed you far too much to stay.
In this dream world, you were my only reality.
 Mar 2015 Anna Marie
4:29 am
 Mar 2015 Anna Marie
I'm tired of seeing my face
I'm tired of waking up
I'm tired of going to sleep
I'm tired of being home
I'm tired of going out
I'm tired of my family
I'm tired of friends
I'm tired of people who don't give a ****
I'm tired of people who do
I'm tired of people
I'm tired of sitting on chair
I'm tired of standing up
I'm tired of standing up for myself
I'm tired of being let down
I'm tired of letting people down
I'm tired of letting myself down
I'm tired of all the colors
I'm tired of the sunrise
I'm tired of the sunset
I'm tired of breathing
I'm tired of talking
I'm tired of eating dinner
I'm tired of eating stew
I'm tired of getting thinner
But I'm still not tired of you.
I'm also not tired of my dogs
 Mar 2015 Anna Marie
Kate Irons
i wonder if they notice that i can't breathe when they mention your name
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