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Jun 2015 · 1000
Andrew Jun 2015
It takes a lot to be 100% truthful.
Whether you want to or not.
whether it is because a lie you caught yourself up in.
a honest mistake.
or a truth that has yet to be told.
all of which has a equal or separate reaction.
you either have to deal with the realities that come.
or release the caring you have for the person.
or apologize to the person that has been told this truth.
this is called...
The truth shall never stop coming and the lies die today
Jun 2015 · 518
A cry
Andrew Jun 2015
I'm sorry.
If there was anything i could take back.
Its the negativity.
My idiocy.
The pain i brought you.
I just want to start over.
a cry for pity.
a chance to show you the truth.
the love that i show is real.
not an army could stop me.
you deserve to know.
you know i do to.
it is only fair but.
in our life.
what is fair.
is there such a thing.
i don't believe so.
do you?
think about it....
The reality has set in...
Jun 2015 · 502
Andrew Jun 2015
Lips have the taste of so much
The lingering taste of the loud that eased my thoughts last night
The kiss of the special girl that you thought she meant the world...
in reality she still does
The tastes of food that you filled your burning desire that long night
Jun 2015 · 308
Andrew Jun 2015
You were the one that brought me smiles.
Then i realize i lost you.
I can't believe the lies.
But in reality you are lying to me too.
The fact is unbareable.
You said you dont want to "lose me" "miss me".
But you turn around & throw me way like a old apple your done eating.
Then tell me not to contact you.
So much for not being lost.
Jun 2014 · 273
Later.....or now
Andrew Jun 2014
You say wait
Can you really wait
The love I have can't be contained
Nothing holds me back
Idk where to begin
There is soooo many things I could say
Other than the fact your eyes are like and ocean I just get myself lost in
They sparkle when the light hits them
You skin is soo smooth to the touch and a hug from you feels like it should last forever.....well
because I believe it should
Your voice....I could listen to all day
Your smile I would do anything to see it again and again
You force a I want the real one the beautiful one that made me fall in love with you
Jun 2014 · 257
Our secret
Andrew Jun 2014
This was once
Happened so fast
if only I had it back
So I can enjoy it at least one more time
Perhaps longer this time
A kiss that made my mind go crazy are the one I think of everyday
I wish to yell our little secret to the world and so everyone knows the happiness I have
The emotions contained shall be released and embraced just like I wish you would be with me
May 2014 · 1.2k
Decisions /
Andrew May 2014
Every decision we make is so vital
It can impact our life so much in so many ways

We choose to skip, smoke, drink, lie, cheat, maybe steal

You ask The Lord for forgiveness
Is he really there...
Is he really gunna answer...
Or even listen

We are scarred to accept the sins we made in our decisions
Sometimes we deserve them
But we are too oblivious to apologize or just to scared to's about time we accept it and let it go
May 2014 · 309
Her (
Andrew May 2014
Her beautiful hair
She says she's not beautiful
But what insecure girl doesn't say that

To me she's amazing
Of course she thinks otherwise
She has her negatives
but everyone does

I'd do anything for this girl
We've spent time together
Honestly I feel so happy around her
...I only hope I give her the same happiness

Looking into her eyes
her dark brown eyes
The eyes that have seen much more than the average girl

She trust no one
I trust her
If I had to choose
I'd put everything on the line for her
I wanna change her life in a positive way
Love her in a way she hasn't been loved
And that...
...that love...
...will be indescribable

— The End —