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  Oct 2016 Andreina
My love,
Never worry
For even though
I can not tell you much
Of the affection I feel for you
The only reason that I have stories
To tell the galaxies that gather around
You and I, above us, and below too
Is because you are my sunlight
And to them I am the moon
And the emotions I shine
Is your love; the light
Coming through
Some people will love you in ways that they are not capable of putting into words. But they will radiate this love to you... and their friends. And some of these friends will make poems about such love.
Andreina May 2016
It never let's me go
Even when the walls came in
asphyxiating me.
Even when the roof comes crashing down,
I'll still be here
hold by it's hands
captured by it
imprisoned by it.

Time is the worst jail
even when you think you're out
you are never free...
and then it's when I realize
it was not time who never let me go

it was I who could not let it go.
Andreina May 2016
I think this feeling, this feeling that everything is about to change, is sinking me
so deep
I can't find air to breathe even if I had a mask.

The feeling that soon some people may be here and others may not. The feeling that reality as you know it it's coming to an end and you can't do anything about it.

It feels like you were the only one that knows someone you love is going to die, but you can't find him
it is

- *kiks
Andreina May 2016
It's funny.
In the exact moment I realize I am hoping for something more,
it's also the moment everything falls down
pulling me with it.

- *kiks
Andreina May 2016
Everytime I think of you
my heart skips a beat.
I can feel how it runs faster,
faster towards you.

But when I realize you belong to someone else
I can feel it decreasing

The beat is gone
and so are you.

It is gone
I am gone.

- *kiks
Andreina May 2016
I wish every message I receive was yours,
but that only makes me fall deeper
and deeper
into my endless sorrow.

It reminds me of what will never happen.

My heart is heavy of the "could have been's" that will never be.

- *kiks
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