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The one made for me is not you.
Because you are not ready for real love.
Not right now.
But you will be, someday.
The one made for me is the one you will be that day.

I’m here. I’ll stay.
I’ll wait.. wait for the moment to arrive.

Maybe it is a minute after you read this poem.
Maybe it is a minute before you take your last breath.
But, its okay.
A minute spend with you is worth a lifetimes wait.
No matter when it arrives.
I’ll be there.

Till the time you fall for someone,
who doesn't fit your checklist,
you haven’t fallen in love yet.
Because checklists are perfect,
while love is not.
So stop wondering if The Fault is in
you or in me or in ourselves.
Because there is no fault in the first place.

I’m here. I’ll stay.
I’ll wait.. wait for us to arrive.
Us  is greater than  you  and  me .
And it’s coming.
It’s probably late, but its on its way.
With every tick of the clock.
With every beat of the heart.
Us is coming, an inch closer by the day.

The one you  fixed, is the one you  killed.
But, its okay.
If you can fix me once, you can fix me again.
The night of the day you left,
was the darkest that I ever slept.
I was wrong, because I was scared.
So wake me up when all this ends.

How can you fall in love,
when you fear to fall?
You have questions that I can solve.
We are, but One.
Separated in Two.
Look through my eyes,
And see how we come true.

I’m here. I’ll stay.
I’ll wait.. wait for you to read the words
of the picture I’m trying to paint.

Thereby we sit, on the Edge
of the two sister cliffs.
One lives in fear,
while the other breaths in love.
Look up, will you not?
See, there is no bluff.

My heavens are not dark,
My love has not fallen apart.
For it is deeply rooted in the ground.
So won’t you look up?
Take that Leap of Faith?
Believe in my love,
Your tender heart is safe.

My love is here.
My love will stay.
My love will wait..
Wait for you to take that Leap Of Faith.



Pretty self-explanatory poem.
I wrote this about a month ago.
I write poems only about those things I emotionally connect to, and I tried my best to capture my feelings and reflect them with the words I use in this poem.
This poem is really special to me, more than any other that I have written in the past.
I hope that the shouts of my feelings reach your ears and take you on the journey of the pain you receive while in love.
Feel free to provide me with your feedback and also if you like this enough, make sure you share it with your friends.

Listen to me narrating the poem while you read it :
Follow me on my blog for more such poems :
I wish you’d kiss away my tears
Wish you’d open my lips
The way you have
Every intricate part of me
And steal your name
Right off my lips
Right out of my mouth
Until all thats left of me
Is this drunken desire
To drink to forget
"Pick me. Choose me. Love me."
 Sep 2014 Amber Vander
I remember every metaphor I used for you.
It’s beautiful how quickly I ran out.
It was just so difficult to describe
a forest at the bottom of an ocean on fire.
You were soft,
I was quiet.
I remember every park bench,
every broken sidewalk,
every open sky.
It was so whole.
I remember breathing,
and the lovely amount of effort it required.
I hope you do too.
They say writers remember the important things;
I say they are liars.
I remember you wore a purple flannel
the first time I saw you,
even though it isn’t your favorite colour.
I remember that you take your coffee black,
and your tea with plenty of honey.
I remember the way your eyes changed colour
based on the weather,
and the way you looked at the sky,
like it was endless.
You were endless.
I remember everything you taught me.

They say writers remember the important things;
I remember you.
 May 2014 Amber Vander
I drove past your house yesterday
and wondered if you still remember
how I look,
Foolish, I know.
It's so beautifully arrogant though,
how you still demand to be felt.
 Mar 2014 Amber Vander
 Mar 2014 Amber Vander
What does silence feel like?
Silence feels like waiting at a train station at 3:00am.

What does silence look like?
Silence looks like seeing your dad walk out the door again.

What does silence taste like?
Silence tastes like cold leftovers from the night before.

But worst of all
Silence is seeing someone you love, with someone else.
Found this poem in my journal that I wrote a few months ago
 Mar 2014 Amber Vander
 Mar 2014 Amber Vander
I have gnawed your name onto the inside of my cheek
Like carving love notes on willow trees
And I have painted your portrait on the back of my eyelids
Romanticizing the outline of your jaw
Like an artist would his brush
And my skin remembers every brief moment when
Your hand and would brush against mine
Like the leaves on the willow tree
With your name
Carved into
Its bark
 Mar 2014 Amber Vander
You know, I almost called the other night.
I’d like to think that
you would’ve almost picked up,
and I would’ve almost said something.
It’s a good thing I’ve almost lost your number;
I could get lonely someday
and forget that you almost wanted to stay.
I forget a lot nowadays.
I almost called the other night, you know.
But I’ve learned that “almost”
only counts in “I love you’s”
and “goodbye’s”.
Maybe I’ll almost sleep tonight.
It’s strange that I keep dreaming
about the night we walked around the city.
I always end up on the park bench
by your house,
I’ve almost stopped wishing you’d show up.
I'm a book
that no one wants to read.
I'm a rose
that's hidden in the weeds.
I'm a sun
that's covered by the clouds.
A diary
who's key cannot be found.

People aren't concerned,
and they think they know,
what lies beneath,
even though,
the current is swirling
and whirling away,
while the surface is smooth
on this beautiful day.
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