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Heaven, Where all Poets Go

dedicated soully to Kripi Mehra
who unknowingly commissioned this piece
with her love and feeling for those who
dare to fare on just words, only to
forth unafraid and unashamed


to the conclusion cut,
not knowing how we know what we know,
       knowing that of this cut,
this one,
as real as anything worth writing about,
not knowing how but demonstrating a modicum of erudition

clarity this time no stranger,
no remonstrating, endless debating, easy
come, and even easier go,
all poets (and lost-to-early children) go to heaven,
even the bad ones

stop with the teasing give us the reasoning

nah nah nah always in a hurry to get to the
bottom, move on, write yet another,
restless young'uns, girls and fellows,
even you old, small ones, who still can't spell
your own name
or rhyme, those slow mo yokels, national symbols,
the ones that seem never to ever catch their star,
the mothers across all oceans, who need childlike tendering,
Indian girl chiefs, boat captain historians, word magi-bus-riding hallway eavesdroppers, **** British girls, nurses, wonderers and after-life lusters,
burnt baby healers

learn that this self seal-selected profession
is an endless deal, profession rhymes with heaven,
you need to luxuriate in the long journey,
pink patience before you raise you glass

but OK, just this once,
the secret you have may have already read!
pass it along, as it was given to me
by one of us, poet laureate far better than I ever could be

Down in the sounding foam of primal things I
     reach my hands and play with pebbles of destiny.
I have been to hell and back many times.
I know all about heaven, for I have talked with God.
I dabble in the blood and guts of the terrible.
I know the passionate seizure of beauty
And the marvelous rebellion of man at all signs
     reading "Keep Off."

that is what poets do daily with each ecrive,
each line of metered musique mystique,
and with stanzas lighter than air,
a piece of you breaks off, floats upward,
and when the day is done,
the struggling striving breaking apart,
be now over,
all poets go to heaven to collect themselves,
their entire pieces of writings, called their collected works,
all the pieces reassembled,
you are at last, at last, at rest, whole, satisfied and undenied,
where poets, brave soldiers of all ages deserve to be,
heaven resting
Kripi Mehra: "A slogan- Always remain a fool
I wish I could write a poem on the title " Let's Convert Hello Poetry Into Heaven"..."
But you did, you did....

^  see where Mr. Sandburg is credited in full

"So raise your glass if you are wrong
In all the right ways, all my underdogs
We will never be, never be anything but loud
And nitty, gritty, *****, little freaks
Won't you come on and come on and
Raise your glass!
Just come on and come on and
Raise your glass!"
Lyrics by Pink, "Raise Your Glass"
 Feb 2015 Amal Chambers
When I was there
Dreaming to
Dance with you
In the rain
All was fine
But The rain of now is different from before

Then I used to feel you
Around myself
More closer
All was fine
But The rain of now is different from before

When the sound of rain
Was soothing to me
Just like yours
All was fine
But The rain of now is different from before

Then I used to wait
For the rain
To make me feel
Of your love
To me
All was fine

But **The rain of now is different from before
Heard a new one
Another ***** you found
But you said she's already perfect
Times you spent are totally worth it

You said you don't regret a thing
Only the times when we're still one being
No problems and awful fights
Your relationship with her is your source of life

But tell me why
Every time you sleep you always dream of you and I
And in the middle of the night in your waking
My name's the one you utter and look at her, hurting

You might make the whole world believe
You might be able to make her feel relieved
You might kept your secrets from being revealed
You might be able to create the lies be weaved


No matter how much you try to pretend
No matter how much you think you and her are meant
I can see it in your eyes
You're feelings for her are just in disguise
Be careful in pretending. It has the possibility to lead in pain and when the time comes you can't control it anymore, the real one won't be there for you.
I admit to having been one to use the word "they" as if something exists outside myself.
Gaze fixated on projections, in order to find my help
The biggest illusion, is that of separation.
I realized eye was the doctor, rather than just the patient.
Everywhere you look is a mirror.
Walls soon dissolve connecting you to beautiful tones you choose to hear.
The physical world consists of atomic constructs filled with space,
Dive deep within the void for a transcendental taste as you ride new wavelengths and embody strengths you didn't know you possessed.
Majority of your electromagnetic field emits from the beat in your chest.  
Act with your heart, and let out all you've suppressed.  
There's an infinite amount of ways we can think to perceive the given test.  Create your own questions for answers that will fill you the best, as you astral project, exploring the universe with a body at rest. The paper in this book is entirely yours to sketch.  Eye am you as you are everything, eternally blessed.
 Feb 2015 Amal Chambers
Today is a good day.
I have to make it decisive
or else it will ****,
and even if I do
there is a good chance it will ****.

I envy those who
are constantly joyful and giddy
because they don't ever know
the pain that accompanies
a cloud of acid rain.

I hate myself
for having to constantly
make that decision.
I hate being so malleable
and molded by the events around me
when I pretend to be unbreakable.

I hate that others don't
get the power
to own their emotions.

Today is a good day.
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