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 Jun 2014 Allison Harsh
the way that alcohol
f  l  o  o  d  e  d
her veins
was almost like
the way in which
flood a night sky.

and her eyes,
were black holes:
and dark.

she left all her cares behind
a long time ago,
on a shelf
in a jar,
sitting right next to two others, labeled

you might ask what happened to her love.

she left that with me,
and said,
"do with it what you wish,"
for she hadn't the trust
to expect me to keep it safe,
nor the happiness
to keep it for herself.

i never saw her again after that,
but i still have her love.

and to this day,
here it sits.

on a shelf,
in a jar,
right next to two others, labeled
"memories of you"
"hope for the future."

though i must say,
each of these jars
is growing emptier
each day.

okay so i don't really know what inspired me to write this so yeah it's really random but i kinda like it.
 May 2014 Allison Harsh
is my first poem
with no capital letters.

and i don't know
why it matters so much,
because the height
or shape
of a letter
has nothing at all to do
with what you are trying to say
or how you feel,
if, of course,
you are one of those lucky few
who feels anything at all.


— The End —