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alison Jul 2015
When I looked into
your eyes, I thought
you felt the same, but
what I saw was only
a reflection of my own
love and emotions.
alison Jul 2015
A smile can be
the best mask
alison Jul 2015
You made me feel
forest fires ignite
in my heart, when
I can't even make
you feel a spark
alison Jul 2015
You tell me
to just be myself
but then judge me
Try as I may,
I can never be
good enough to
fill up your perfect
alison Jul 2015
I'm not the person
I want to be
That person seems
far out of reach
an unattainable hope
I'm terrified I'll
never wake from
this nightmare.
alison Jun 2015
When you say ‘I miss you’
my heart, both swells and breaks.
alison Jun 2015
I used to think
love was about feeling
constant excitement,
passion and trust.
Now I can see love
is what I feel is it,
not some fairy-tail
sold by movies.
Emotions aren't always
around all the time,
love isn't perfect nor
easy, it never was.
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