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My words
Deepest feelings
From the soul
With every drop
Of ink
Is the chasm
Between me
and blank pages
Crossing over
To dwell
Among the lines
Are the meanings
This idleness is driving me insane
My life is in the hands of the pilots
As I wait in this plane

I'm weighed down by a fog like haze
As I drift through this cloud
My thoughts are trapped in a maze
And there's no way out

Suddenly I feel a strange sensation
I awake from the dreamlike state
My body is impatient
I can't stand to wait

There's something grabbing at my heart
Attracting me like a magnet
I want to jump into the dark
To satisfy the need for attachment

My soul leaves my body
I'm soaring through the sky
The raindrops wave to me
As I pass them by

I'm drawn to the feeling
Like a moth to a flame
My thirst for oneness is unyielding
As I take my aim

I see the peaks of mountains
And the raw power of rivers
I visit city fountains
But as I travel through the forest my soul quivers

You're there among the trees
The tugging on my being is stronger than ever
I come to you like a cool breeze
My soul meets your heart, we are finally together

I realize what love is
And I feel complete
But than everything changes
And I'm back in my seat
They say distance makes the heart grow fonder and since we're so far apart it's no wonder why I love you so much

— The End —