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Alejandro Sep 2014
Do I really know what the light is?
I have peered up into the stars
And saw them glowing ever so brightly
But have I felt the light to it's fullest?

I have seen people bathe in the light
Some literally living in the light
But do I really know what the light looks like?

An incomprehensible amount of people
They know the light inside and out
Yet I am so incompetent to understand
I have felt the light with my fingertips
And claim I know all about the light

I found a star
A star willing to give me a shine of her light
I felt her light shine upon myself
But than I got scared and ran
I ran from her light

Although I missed the light
The light I barley got to feel
I miss it because I burnt her out
Burnt her dry and gone

Do I know the light?
The light I had
But burnt out?
I've seen the light for ages
So I just turned my light dim

Dim - dim
I sat near the rim
Sitting there looking very grim
I looked back and took a skim
A skim down memory lane

I held her light
She did not want to fight
I wanted to hold her light longer
But it was to late
Because I had burnt her out

Do I really know the light?
I should have known
Known of my incompetent mind
I should have taken the time
The time I could have used and learnt
To learn all about the light
Alejandro Sep 2014
Oh Lenore Lenore
Where hath thou hidden thyself
I must see you more and more
who hath taken thy heart to be
******* to be gored on thy floor

Oh Lenore
who hath no knowledge of me
through paths blown haulage of nothing but trees
flew to no college
cruising without acknowledge

From door to door
running by the stores in the poor
why hath thou hidden thyself from me
I must see you more and more
who hath taken thy heart to be fried and chopped
to be on thy floor, my Lenore

Oh my Lenore
How my core doth dries on thy door
Oh you're bored
you ran from door to door
escaping for you sword and roared
I stood up and ran out the door from thy sword

Eyes feeling sore just about to pour
I suddenly felt a sore in my core
falling to the ground
being gored near thy door
feeling nothing but a galore of tores

Oh Lenore, My Lenore
I only wanted to love you... forevermore
I was inspired by Mr. Poe's poetry at the time I wrote this.
Alejandro Sep 2014
The heart that always thumps
Thumps faster and faster as life
The life of my life walks and disappears
Darkness brightens, as the light darkens

Your words are songs
More beautiful than the last
The life of my life sings like a bird
Flying away faster than a bee

That smile that never faded away
Those eyes that always outshines the stars
Them hugs that always warmed me up inside
And the kisses i will always remember

It gives me joy seeing you here
From the day i saw you
To the day we fell in two parts
I've always wanted to be inside your sweet tender heart
But i wouldn't want to tear you apart
That would be like a big ol smelly ****

I felt like we could've been more
More than what we were
We just fell short
Guess i should've thought more
But i was carried away
You're beauty was that of a blue jay

No amount of words can tell just how much
Just how much you really meant to me
I could hold you in my arms for days
And tell you all different the loving words
Shining on you brighter than trillions of different stars
Not even that could show
How much you really meant to me

From the bright loving mornings
To the dark saddening night
Not a moment went by
That I didn't want to be shy

Deep down when last we set apart
I've still and always want to be
Inside that very sweet and tender heart

— The End —