Mechanicsburg, PA
I am a monk, minimalist and anarchist. I now live in Mechanicsburg, PA in a shotgun apartment (without a shotgun) with only a neurotic cat …
London - England
I won't explain what the poems mean so don't ask! You are the music while the music lasts. - if it's untitled, then it's unfinished. …
New York
____________________________________________________________________ Check out my Website: Hello, my name is Paul. My pen/middle name is Samuel Hesed. I am in love with Poetry, Philosophy, Space, …
It may not be your conventionally beautiful style of poetry, but I believe any raw emotion is beautiful. I’m obviously an amateur, so any constructive …
All writing material are the intellectual property and copyright of myself, David Ehrgott. contact me for permission to use or print/reprint. Like me on Facebook …
You can find me on Facebook Brandon Nagley Also on YouTube as Brandon nagley I speak prophecy news on my YouTube channel that matches biblically. …
Life, with its rules, its obligations, and its freedoms, is like a sonnet: You're given the form, but you have to write the sonnet yourself. …