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Aimée 3d
I'm not a famous author,
Or a poet writing books,
But I like to write what comes to mind,
And my rhyming's off the hook.
I don't know where I got it from,
It's probably just a creative mind,
I think outside the box,
And I don't like to be confined.
The words just flow out my brain,
As I write them down,
They all just come to me,
And I don't even know how.
It's just a skill I didn't give up,
And kept on practicing,
Writing, thinking & writing some more,
To see what my thoughts will bring.
Aimée 3d
The rain fell down from the sky at night,
Tapping on the windows,
With all it's might,
I cuddle down in my bed with delight,
It was like free therapy, it felt so right.
The sunset rises in the morning,
In the dawn,
A bunch of colourful flowers filled with droplets on the lawn,
The morning sky wakes up and let's out a yawn,
I'd say this day ahead might be nice & warm.
Aimée 3d
When the skies were blue,
And the sun was out,
You were a friend,
Without a doubt,
We talked and we laughed,
This will never end I thought,
But one day you were talking,
And one day you were not.
But when you stopped talking,
Was when the skies turned dark grey,
And I sat in the corner,
And I wasn't okay.
I thought that you would have cared, Not only when it was bright,
But when the clouds closed in,
And it felt like there was no light.
You turned your back to me,
When things weren't going right,
I never thought you'd do that,
No I didn't, not quite.
Now you just act like I'm someone to dislike,
That's why I lost all my trust because I was made feel not alright.
Aimée 3d
Shame me for my anxiety,
Treat me bad for being quiet,
Talk down to me when I'm depressed,
And then you ask me why I'm silent.
You're angry at me for panicking,
Make me feel like I'm an alien,
Treated like an outsider,
All the time, daily and
All I want is to be my true self,
Cause authenticity is key,
But I fail to be who I am,
I fail to act like me.
I'm sick of being judged,
By family, guests & strangers,
Now every time I'm around people,
My brain thinks I'm in danger.
I don't know what to do,
And I don't know how to change,
My life doesn't feel like a life,
It just feels like a game.
Aimée 3d
You think that you know me,
When really you don't,
Can you spell out my full name,
I'd surely guess that you won't,
Do you know all my talents,
Or the passions I hold,
Or the places I've been,
Or the stories I've told.
Have you walked in my shoes,
Or the boots on my feet,
If you want to know me,
Come here and take a seat.
Don't listen to gossip,
That oozes from the slandering tongue,
Because they only do that,
When they want me to have no one.
It's jealousy that causes that,
So don't give a listening ear,
Ignore what they say,
Cause it only makes them sneer.
If you want to know me,
Ask me & not them,
Because what comes out from their mouth,
Is what they make up in their own head.
Aimée 3d
Hey, how are you?
Oh I'm fine,
But what I really wanted to say was my mental health has started to decline,
And all these anxious thoughts they wrap around my brain like thorned vines,
And if I treated you the way you treated me, you'd be at ground 0,
Not at cloud 9,
Look up at the clock there yeah, see that... look at the time,
How would you like to be made feel bad getting up late because of a tired mind?
Everybody ******* out of me while I'm struggling, they can't be kind,
Passing indirect remarks and crossing the line,
Bragging about their lives & counting the dime,
Sneering & leering cause they 'wouldn't want mine',
So don't wonder why I'm down in the dumps,
Because in my life I've hit a lot of bumps,
And you've been mean when I fell down,
You didn't care & then you ask me how I am.
Aimée 3d
You ever feel so stressed,
Where right inside feels so compressed,
And you feel like a mess,
And life feels like a test,
And you can't just leave the nest,
And you always feel depressed,
But it just means 'deep rest'
And with online, you become obsessed,
With perfect lives, & it's a pest,
Telling you just how to dress,
But I guess, the algorithm won't take a ****** rest.
Telling you exactly how to look,
Be like the ones on magazines & books,
Go ahead & have a look,
Be like 'Brittney *****' or Brooke,
All the happiness it has took,
Aim for perfection, skinnyness and looks,
You don't wanna end up lookin like that lad captain hook,
Drinking all his gold away in his hideout & nook.
No one cares unless you got luck, money, confidence & bucks,
If you're suffering, "oh that *****"
They push you straight into the muck,
Their the hockey stick & you're the puck,
It can feel like you're really stuck,
But when you are struggling,
You'll see the ones who actually don't & do truly give a ****.
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