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Aimée 3d
I won't forget how you treated me,
& talking all the time behind my back repeatedly,
Running with your mouth, bring me down purposely,
For your own gain, but do you know your hurting me?
All the times you said hi & then greeted me,
But when you turn your back, you don't care, deleted me,
Just because I'm struggling don't mean that I'm below yee,
I'm grown up now, I cop onto things & I don't watch balamori,
Do you really think I forget things,
Do you really think I'm Dory?
Just please go away from me,
If you are treating me poorly.
Aimée 3d
Never underestimate the person that I am,
And never doubt my intelligence just because I've got shaking hands,
And never question if I'm good enough,
Because we all come from up above from that man,
And never say I'm stupid,
Or that I'm less than,
Never say you understand,
But don't reach out a hand,
And never pretend to be my friend,
If you never really can,
And never hurt someone just to be popular & have fans,
And never judge a book by it's cover,
If you don't know God's plan.
Aimée 3d
I'd rather a dog,
Because they do not judge,
They don't scoff at your downfalls,
Or hold onto a grudge.
They walk beside you,
And snuggle into your arms,
They are happy to see you,
And bark at anything that alarms.
They are loyal & loving,
And love you for you,
They don't talk behind your back,
Or treat you like poo!
They love being apart of your life,
And stay til the end,
Sometimes animals can truly make,
The best of friends.
Aimée 3d
True Friends stay,
Not only when the sun shines,
But they stand beside you,
Through troubled times.
They don't walk away,
Nor gossip, nor laugh,
They don't make you feel bad,
Or talk crap behind your back.
They don't whisper in ears,
And look over their shoulder,
Or move away,
And sit away further.
They don't get enjoyment,
out of your pain,
And belittle your worth,
Or the intelligence in your brain.
They don't pass remarks or pick holes in who you are,
And they don't give ***** looks,
Or play up on your internal scars.
They don't pick out your flaws,
And overlook theirs,
A true friend doesn't do that,
Because a true friend truly cares.
Aimée 3d
I forgive but I will never forget,
When I fell down,
The people who I thought were there for me,
Made faces, talked & frowned.
Instead of showing support,
They chose the other path,
Of making little of my worth,
& started to sneer, gossip & laugh.
When I reached out my hand,
They showed me their back,
And thought that it was funny,
How my life slipped off track.
I won't forget,
When I had a panic attack,
And instead of showing care & concern,
I was laughed at.
I won't forget,
The way I cried tears at night,
And the ones who treated me like darkness,
When all I needed was a light.
Aimée 3d
You judge me,
Like you're putting this beam down on my head,
I'm on the stage & the crowd points & laughs while I stand there full to the brim in dread,
It's taking a toll on my mental health, & migraines keeps happening inside my head,
And I'm shamed for getting up late out of bed,
I sit there hunched over my phone at the table,
Meanwhile the indirect remarks & hurtful digs are said,
And my back is turned,
But yet, I can almost feel their eyes burn holes in the back of my head,
As they stare & judge me,
So I remove myself from the kitchen suddenly,
And walk back up stairs to my room,
And I sit on my bed & think how I lost that inner child who used to be so bubbly.

— The End —