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 Feb 2021 Winter
Verity Lane
 Feb 2021 Winter
Verity Lane
I have held so many of your tears
on my skin
in my chest
that I have forgotten
I have my own.
To my middle child.
 Jan 2021 Winter
John Donne
No man is an island,
Entire of itself.
Each is a piece of the continent,
A part of the main.
If a clod be washed away by the sea,
Europe is the less.
As well as if a promontory were.
As well as if a manner of thine own
Or of thine friend’s were.
Each man’s death diminishes me,
For I am involved in mankind.
Therefore, send not to know
For whom the bell tolls,
It tolls for thee.
She's troubled and twisted
    my earth bound mistress
    offers me all my dreams
    without faulty promises.

    She lives in constant rain
    but loves without any pain
    and reaches me in places no
    honest woman could ever do.
The colonial masters came
With abounding plans to fragment.
They spread their wings over the diamonds,
They suffocated the gold,
They pecked at the copper,
They smothered the platinum,
They cornered the cobalt into their web,
They scurried away with the cocoa.

They clipped the wings of those
Left behind with
Fragmented land
Fragmented culture
Fragmented language
Fragmented sense of purpose
Fragmented sense of direction
Fragmented minds.

Once orderly people are now
Fragmented people trying to
Painstakingly piece it all together.
What an arduous task lies ahead,
But with God’s guidance it will be done.
I crave to bloom and bloom on you
Loath to shine on in your sadness
I long  to be the sun of your brightness
I wean  on thoughts of you
Like a toddler I dread the first step
But my leaking inks urges me on
lurking thoughts of you flows on on
I can express in shades of whites and black lining dots only
Hoping to make imprints on you
Blaze your heart with shining crystals
Of lyrics and words as you flip the next page and scan the lines of you.
May my unskilled dots charm that innocence of your unspoken love
And sooth like a balm that pain in your inner space for your love can flow still.
And this love my wet ink will share.
 Jan 2021 Winter
 Jan 2021 Winter
sun came
for it's flower

she blushes in
the heat
of the

rouge from
a salmons pink

her joy always returns
with dew drops
of the dawn
that pearls
in the valley
of the rising sun

she is lotus my river of love.
For my wife
My lotus
My river of love
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