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 May 2016 aeoxi
Martin Narrod
A skin of threes your majesty
Pepperdine and cypress trees
Commit to me next summer please
My needs of us together lover
Let us wed us into we.
 Mar 2016 aeoxi
Little Bear
It’s okay to say no. It’s okay to say no to someone you love. It’s okay to say no to a friend. It’s okay to say no to a parent or child. It’s okay to say no to a job or relationship.

It’s okay to say no to ****** advances. And it’s okay to say no to a person who’s romantically interested in you. Even if it hurts someone’s feelings, even if you disappoint people, even if you’re judged and ostracized — it’s okay to say no to anything and anyone that causes you pain or makes you uncomfortable. You’re allowed to put yourself first. You’re allowed to set limits and boundaries.

And you deserve to make your happiness and well being a priority. You don’t ever have to settle for something or someone that doesn’t feel right. And you definitely don’t have to compromise yourself for the sake of making other people happy. YOU HAVE TO TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF, AND IF THAT MEANS SAYING NO, IT'S MORE THAN OKAY.**

A quote by – Daniell Koepke
"No" is a complete sentence.
It does not require justification or explanation

(not my quote)
 Mar 2016 aeoxi
The chinks in my armour have grown so wide I'm no longer protected

My faith has dwindled so much it fits in the cracks of the palm of my hand

My grip on reality had long since slipped into an abyss where I am disconnected

My life as rocks on a beach,beaten by waves so often that it has turned to sand
 Mar 2016 aeoxi
**** something
or phone a friend
bury the past
or find an end
contemplate suicide
or running scared
decide if you pay cash
or leave your credit bared
take a lot of pills
and drink a lot
cut yourself properly
just to make the pain stop
sweet talk your alter ego
to go just another day
or choose which way to go
if you can't stay
drive for miles
in a direction you don't know
ask the street signs for guidance
even if it shows
where you won't end up
but isn't it a game?
you'll look for guidance
on every corner
that starts to look the same
around and around it goes, where it stops? Nobody knows...
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