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Mary Winslow
Oregon    "Old age should burn and rave at close of day; Rage, rage against the dying of the light..." Dylan Thomas I have put up a …
Ontario, Canada    Social deviant with a big heart. Dark and exceptionally strange. It's all part of my charm. If you steal my work I appreciate the compliment, …
122/M/Seattle    "How things seem to seem is not enough. We must somehow discover how things really seem!" - Bertrand Russell - "Névé'novȯhe'étanóme mȧsėhánééstóva, onésetó'ha'éeta netáhoestovevoo'o, onésėhestóxévétáno …
Bre Woeller
San Tan Valley, AZ    I'm Bre 17 years old and just writing poetry so I don't go insane
Kenna Marie
Tx    Hello! I'm a recent graduated high school student. I use a lot of my time dedicated to writing poetry, short stories etc. Art is my …
23/F/wisco    I write about boys that don't love me back folllow me on insta: connorbeez
Isabella Rosemary
AL    Hello! My name is Isabella. I hope you're able to connect with my poetry and get something out of my work. Feedback is greatly appreciated!
Mallory Davis
Japan    i hope you're doing great. please find your happiness. you deserve it. -j.a.m- you can also find me on my instagram @djhonoka © All Rights …
Luisa C
21/F/Australia    Words and writing anything sets my mind free.
Ysa Pa
20/F/Milky Way Galaxy    If I tell you, would you believe me? Ig/Snap: @Ysa.Pa
Tom Blake
Scotland    Something On this site has contaminated my site!
Anna Zapalska
Denel Kessler
You, my fellow poets, are amazing. I'm glad I found you. Keep writing and sharing. Regarding copyrights? Our poems are a part of us and …
29/F/Canada    Sarah Ahmed
UnReality    Much Love and Beauty to anyone who looks
its gonna make sense
26/Two-Spirit/Philippines    doesn't make any sense/ trying hard to be a poet/ in between- madness and sanity, reality and fantasy. /Twitter, IG & Wattpad : @IGMSOfficial/ Tiktok …

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