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I stood before the mirror
It showed who I was
I looked deeper and deeper
Flaws after flaws after flaws
I did not like the person looking back at me
I began to skip a few meal here and there
I didn't think it was nothing
I joined a gym to drop a few more
But one day I found these pills
I took a few
I took a few more
And more and more and more
I couldn't stop
I looked in the mirror for the last time
I looked so pale and small
Finally not any flaws
He was the wind that made my hurricane
The spark before my fire
The chill before my blizzard
The water to my ocean
The lava to my volcano
The blood that flowed in my heart
He was mine
But I wasn't aware
He was to share
Getting mad at a persons wrist is like screaming in a deaf mans ear
Both will not help and is usless to try
I am the monster hiding under your bed
I am the dark soul ripping you thread by thread
I am the depression that is taking over you
So you can take as much mebs
But you will never destory me
You created me
You made me strong by you being weak
You were the cause of this haunting
This may not be what you wanted
But darkness comes right after you flip the switch
  Jun 2016 adriana renee' little
We are drowning ships
crashing planes
falling skies

We are tragedies that never got
in ink
but blood

We are disasters they forgot
to record
or observe
or announce
or save
or help

We are train wrecks that needed saving
Instead you covered your eyes
Shielded your children
Dumped the wreckage into landfills
That are eating away at our plant


This world, it is ours
Yours and mine
It is not a kingdom that is your
birthright to take
to force yourself on
your rules
your mistakes
your judgement
your hearts

We are people
At every turn
every word
every day
every breath

We are still people
still alive
still able
still fighting
belonging to a world that has never accepted us
made space for us
let us belong

But we are belonging
This is pretty rough. Maybe I'll come back to it and fix it up eventually, but here it is for now.
you dont know how may sleepless nights
how many times i have cried
the times i wanted to die
all the days i go to my room turn on the radio and hide
i would have died for you
i would lie for you
i'd ride all my life for you
on the inside you were hyde
but i wanted a clyde
so i told my self these lies
to hide
i know what you were but i payed no mind
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