Date night, pretending to hate you
Resultant relaxation brings that, innocent look
A twinkle in your eye, uncountable like the planets
The windows to your soul, soulful like the clear water
That fills our glasses, unconditionally like the love you hold
Risking it all on our feelings, that's my devotion to commitment
A song that lasts
Stays with me in my heart
Like a bird that chirps hello
It never says goodbye
Because goodbye is far too sad and sudden
A sincere thought towards your life
Is like a caged bird that sings
I keep forgetting these memories, to forgive you for your mistakes
The fire of heartache
Is like a burning desire
A song that lasts
Stays with me all the time
Stays with me in my heart
Like a bird that chirps hello
It never says goodbye
Because goodbye is flying away to a land of wetness and dried out rivers
Like tears in the rain
Clocks slay time... time is dead as long as it is being clicked off by little wheels; only when the clock stops does time come to life.