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Maybe if I close my eyes
Time won't move as fast
And maybe
If I stop waiting for tomorrow
I will enjoy today
I'm not saying that I don't wanna grow up
But if given the chance
I wouldn't change a thing
Fly high,
Know your dreams have wings,
Be an albatross...
Clearing above the blue seas,
Until the curve of the horizon,
Can be bent and seen!

Fly high,
You know you can steer,
Tame the winds...
And break the waves;
Even storms can clear,
Giving way to brighter days;
A new season blooms,
Fear not, nay!

Fly high,
And break off from the hibernation,
See yourself with a redefinition;
Even a single prism,
Gives birth to a spectrum!
Pain stays permanent,
Permeating through time;
The pinch of loss,
Can never be sufficed.

Pain surges periodically,
Often high in tide,
Crashing on shores of sympathy;
Bund that gap,
With all your might,
These sensations erode,
Cutting in the shape of your soul;
Gorging away your sane.

Pain pangs often,
Reminding of the times gone,
But in that memory,
Find inspiration to go on!

Pain pacifies loss,
Whence you derive,
Your reasons to smile,
In memories so close...
Dormant relationships bloom,
An evergreen garden!
Loosing the person you love, the one who matters you the most or a family member is painful. The road to recovery from such a tragedy needs tremendous courage. As we trudge along this trying phase, often we are subjected to sympathy that wanes our courage to face the facts of life.
But to remember our dear one, smile at the golden memories, recall all the sweet bygones and promises made then can serve as an inspiration towards a better and less painful tomorrow.
May be we should try this approach of healing rather than crying...after all pain and the absence of the person we love is permanent...
I am this marble statue
take me to the Pantheon
let me there and give me breath
movement like the fluid aqueducts.
Bathe with me when no one's looking--
we'll escape those gladiators
gladiators had no choice either
you see
They were just people stripped of their pale, blue skin,
and now they're entertainers
battling the gout, aurora mirth
of a Leo
a fierce, unforgiving Leo--
and then the aqueducts run dry.
So you can't bathe with me
everybody's watching now
Save me from this
I don't want to be a statue
*Fleeing from the pantheon
ramble ramble ramble
 May 2015 Aditya Bhaskara
within a prison-like classroom.
i learnt the writer used
"i "
to express his or her's feeling of unimportance.

i promise you.
i've been texting my i's in lowercase letters ever since.
Tick, tock. Tick, tock.
Has nobody realised that it can drive a man insane?
Wasting your life away watching the rotating hands.
Daylight Savings just seems like a cruel joke.

Tick, tock. Tick, tock.
For Christ’s sake, make it stop.
A constant reminder that we’re dying.
Drinking too much alcohol and writing lazy poems.
We’re young now but it will watch us grow old.

Tick, tock. Tick, tock.
Tick, tock. Tick, tock.
No more.

Rip it from the wall,
Torture a confession out of it,
Leave it broken on the floor,
Shattered like the hearts of feeble lovers who let it **** them.

We shall overcome.
Once I felt nothing but pain,
I had been without sense and insane,
I would carve my skin up like a pig,
Then you left and deep I had to dig,

I had to find the strength to be myself,
To find a way to reach beyond that top shelf,
You said it was too much but that's just you,
Albeit that seems normal I did not expect it from a friend so true,

At first it was a world of pain,
And yet for all that it did wane,
I learned to stand and fight,
My world changed in a movement so slight.

It would not be seen by naked eye,
Then you said "saturday, black tie."
And again, my world flipped,
My mind blew and my sense was stripped.

But how in the world could this be?
Perhaps it could be good to a tolerable degree.
It would seem that life is ever changing,
But life isn't something made for explaining.
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