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Sam Mar 2017
The rush through my veins
The newness of everything around me
The terrifying moments to come,
but comfort and reliance of one
never to give in, never to back down.
Sam Mar 2017
Don't fret little one,
I stood where you stand.
I used to know what it's like,
to be swept away by the waters.
Don't let the waters take you.
Get back on the boat,
take back your control,
and stand up for who you are.
Don't break yourself down,
It's not worth it.
Trust me, my dear child,
when I say I know.
Don't make the mistake I did,
and drown in the waters.
Being completely lost,
and bruising from the rapids.
Don't let the wall of rocks,
push you to be someone you aren't.
Instead, climb the crumbling wall,
and be who you want to be.
Sam Mar 2017
I hear those words,
that specific melody.
I feel the pain I once felt,
and the nag of mellow happiness
of those days past.
I think I'm going to start a music series? I have no idea, I always say I'm going to make a series, then it never lasts long. Well, We will see where this goes ^-^
  Mar 2017 Sam
so there's this boy
he wears plaid, is kind of cute, i guess?
i raised him straight from the worst
and still, he hates himself everyday
why can't it stop?

so there's this angel
he wears a trench coat, is really cute, i guess?
he raised me straight from hell
and i don't know why, but i hate myself everyday
why did it start?

so there's this boy
and i try to keep him happy
but it seems like he's going back to hell again
how does it stop?

so there's this angel
and he tries to keep me happy
but i feel like i'm going back to hell again
how does it stop?

so there's this boy
and he hasn't come home
maybe he was drunk?
was he still out on his hunt?

so there's this angel
and i feel horrible to leave him
did he think i was out drinking?
or did he think i was still on my hunt?

so there's this boy
and he hasn't been home in a few days
did he leave?
usually things are supposed to end with goodbyes

so there's this angel
and i watch over him everyday
i feel bad for leaving
it's kind of ironic, watching after your guardian angel
I hope this was alright?? i don't know i'm not a pro at writing poems
Sam Mar 2017
Castiel, dear Castiel
be careful in your brave fight.
Your wings, their tampered,
battered and broken.
You fly ever so slightly
above the earth unspoken
Your heart has diminished.
Been tampered with and
beaten over.
Yet you still give the love
the love they once gave.
You pursue and persist,
never giving up on the fight.
I believe in you dear Cas,
I am here by your side.
Never shall I let you go,
without a trusted guide.
I whisper to you
what you already know
The strength you behold
is greater than most.
Just don't use it all up,
on one tiny ghost.
TRUST ME, I know what I'm talking about
  Feb 2017 Sam
Akira Chinen
He was dying under
the moonlight of her smile
Dying to comfort her aches
Dying to relieve her pain
Dying to stop her tears
And he would use his last breath
to show her she was always
loved beautifully by his heart
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