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 5h aA
just maybe
 5h aA
maybe if I just keep turning you into words
the feelings will fade away -
maybe if I just keep writing it all down
I’ll be able to turn the page -
 10h aA
Lizzie Bevis
In peaceful darkness,
my heart stood still,  
Four minutes were lost
against fate's will.

My quiet breath,
the silence was vast,  
In that fragile pause
I faced my past.  

Then the hands of angels
pressed firm and true,  
until CPR’s rhythm
finally broke through.  

I was lucky to rise,
I danced with light,  
and from the edge of death
I won the fight.
In 2015 I suffered an out of hospital Cardiac arrest, I often count my blessings and feel extremely lucky to be alive.
 17h aA
do Orion and
the Pleiades
ever gaze at
you and me?
for we are what
they hope to be,
begot by stars,
a conscious sea,
and even pain
means we feel things
 18h aA
Maria Mitea
he touched her by mistake,
staggering, almost falling off her feet,
eyes soon enough met,
the light seemed like a piece of mirror
                thrown into them,
a glassy glow,

    that shine you see sometimes in tears,
on her face as round as a rosy apple,
cheeks high to the sky, the lips careless

he could’ve reached out by accident
to catch her, perhaps, by the waist,
- ask from where she comes,
release her like a veil blown by the wind
I wonder,
If my eyes would tear up first,
Or will my heart.
For I can't forget the sight of our depart.
When you smile at me,
I smile in return
A genuine smile
No less, no excess
For smiles reflect my truth.

If I don’t smile,
It’s not meant to offend
It simply means,
That I cannot pretend
Not every soul
deserves the warmth I send
-An undeniable truth .

For my smile speaks volumes,
Far more than words,
like a mirror of feeling,
And if it’s withheld,
Don’t be taken aback—
I just can’t pretend
It’s just a silent truth!!
 1d aA
She arrived into my world, with colors like the bloom of spring,
A promise of snugness, the delight she could bring,
I watched her flourish, so vibrant and bright,
Yet I lingered in doubt, too sightless to clasp flight.

Her presence like summer, so vital and full of  delight,
But autumn crept in, stealing days from my sight,
I hesitated long and the colors slowly turned gray,
And then winter came, found me with nothing to say.

I now feel the nip of the love I let go,
Regret like the frost, biting deep in the snow,
She was a whole universe, still I took excessive time,
A season now gone, a mountain to climb.
 1d aA
 1d aA
I'd still smile fondly, looking at you;
Knowing the future having us will never be true.
 1d aA
I knit those words together
so you can pull them over yourself,
on a cold day
and always remember,
Its me keeping you warm.
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