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Yitkbel Feb 19
Ant Farm of Forever Encased in Ember

By: Yitkbel

Written: Sunday, February 16, 2025

Ant Farm of Forever


It's getting early and it's getting late,
Far from midnight and closer to day.
You're wide awake, always the same,
Your soul drenched in love and fear,
Or dread as they say.


You're daydreaming with your heart again,
Of all the ifs and whens.
And all the dearest whom, and where too.
They were faster travelers than you;
I guess they had to go.
But where to?
You ask, and it's no use.
You're standing in the vastness
Of an empty field.
There's no one to answer you.
Are they traceless,
Except for the traces of memories,
And all the pains of love
Clinging by threads of regret to you?
"Could I trace my way back to them,
Or would these traces leave me too? "
I wish I knew,
I too, am standing in the vastness
Of an empty field.


Have we wandered off too far,
And crossed the threshold?
I can still feel the cold,
But this is a sight to behold.
This is a place devoid of time,
But definitely not life:

See, the barley runs up to the sky,
Waltzing between the old oaks,
Rushing to reach the light.
The pink and blue light,
Swirling about,
Curtaining the shadows,
Behind the clouds.

Have we been left behind?
You know we can fly,
When we're not reality-bind,
Could we reach them in time?
Would I
Would I
Be always left behind?
The child in me cried.
As our feet begin to hover,
And leave the land behind.


It didn't take long to reach the divide,
And when you pushed what felt like
A curtain of cotton aside.
I saw the lines.
These must be the shadows
From your dream of dreams,
And dream of life.
You searched and searched
For a familiar face,
And familiar eyes.
But this place is too vast,
This place to wide.
They are innumerable,
And only one of each,
Of you and I.

So we remain,
Strangers in this strange tide.
Wondering why.
What is the purpose
Of this winding line,
When someone, somewhere,
After some time-
If you can say that
In place it isn't defined-
Handed down a gift
To every him and her,
An ant farm of forever,
Encased in ember.
Did you see the glint in the center?
Illuminating some ant inside.
Whose eyes is it reflecting off
I wonder?
It's rather familiar, I gather,
Is it yours? Is it mine? Is it his?
Is it hers?
Is it…
Don't you remember?
This is all of your time enclosed in ember!
Where your soul may freely wander!


Those swarms of forgotten fireflies
Under that bike stand lights,
Those violet skies pulsating with
A unshakable fear of the unknown
In your naive mind,
Those galactic rides that you never questioned,
Whether they existed beyond the orange city lights,
Those callous hands and wizened eyes,
You were so afraid to be hopeful of seeing
Beyond time, are
At the end of the winding line,
And here,
In your hands,
In this Ant Farm of Forever,
Encased in Ember,
For you to freely wander-
All the choices you have made,
All the love you have loved,
That refuse to fade,
All the senseless days,
You wondered why you must face,
When you thought they will never stay,
Yet, here they are,
Basking in the sun rays.
Glistening with unobscured light.
Just like those same old,
Timeless times.
When the most earthly beings
When the most earthly things,
Were perfectly divine.
I think the concept for this poem came about a few months ago when I was reading the book Einstein's Dreams by Alan Lightman in which there were thirty somewhat fantastical short stories describing universes in which time works differently, or seemingly differently to ours. In one, time was about to end, and I had taken it to be describing a sort of growing block universe mode in which time is finite and had finished growing.

In trying to research whether or not there is a concept of a ‘grown block universe’ rather than growing block universe, I had stumbled upon a short summary of a paper I still have not yet read (PhD Dissertation in Philosophy of Physics by Pieter Thyssen titled: The Block Universe: A Philosophical Investigation in Four Dimensions) that apparently tries to argue for a block universe with free will. To paraphrase the summary, it was described as the block universe enclosing a timeline that was the result of choices by a free agent.

My mind immediately begins to wander like a child trying to see that world in ways that would make sense to its simplicity rather than to actually read the paper itself and see how it is described scientifically.

I was probably taken back to a concept I had described in another poem back in May 2020 that was inspired by an actual dream I had in which I was lifted up out of the universe and have it revealed to be an ant farm in a tank in some lab of sorts.

I had imagined this block universe with free will as an ant farm in which the free agents are the ants and the fill materials as the bulk of spacetime itself. It made sense to me at times as it is not:

Presentism of a slice of an ever changing present moment in which the past no longer exists, and the future doesn't exist yet.
Glowing block universe in which the crawled past continues to be, but the future the ant is crawling towards has yet come to be.
Eternalistic and fatalistic universe that's more like a diorama in which all of time, past, present, future is just there, and forever there, and time is an illusion.

I keep replaying the thought experiment in mind,
and some days this makes perfect sense, and other days I am completely confused.

I can think like the ant in the farm in which my consciousness is present one moment at the time, where the future is unknown, and the past exists as memories.

But I can never truly grasp the mind of a higher being that is physically omnipresent in every moment before, along, and beyond the ant's journey where every moment is just as capable of being acted upon.

Thus, this poem is rather more of my mind’s attempt to find an answer to the purpose of the persistence of certain mundane yet divine feeling moments in life.

And I'd imagine we would each be gifted our own Ant Farm of Forever one day in eternity, where we can wander through those moments of forever over and over.
Feb 10 · 223
Seam of Eternity
Yitkbel Feb 10
So you stand in the seam of eternity
A dust in the wind, a speck of dream
What do you see
Oh what do you see
What do you see
At the edge of the sky
Why oh why, the gargantuan wings
Light and light, sweeping in
Stars and stars falling on the plains
Say dove dove, what are you
A harbinger of?

Oh love love, what else but love?
Didn't you see the tender leaves above
The cicadas call with voice so soft
Come with me, fly with the dove
Cause it's time and time and time
To escape time
From endless nights to endless light
To endless light!
Written: December 27, 2024
Feb 9 · 86
Yitkbel Feb 9
I know I can't love you with words.
Sending out tattered lines into the waves,
In green lit bottles fit for the drunken sea,
Wrapped with hope stained rags of my soul,
Never to be seen again.

Shall I try loving you with silence?
Perhaps then you can finally
Hear your heart's whispers,
Scattered among the stars,
Singing with the cicadas.
When they've reached the moon-
The wisps of their forgetful voices-
They'll float back down,
In the silver beams of time softened light,
As seeds of dust sown,
For another dream.
Written: January 3, 2025
Feb 7 · 58
[Yisselakh] Scarab
Yitkbel Feb 7

By: Yisselakh


The beetle climbs the wall of reality
Rolling the sun into place, into the sky of dreams


So the beetle rolls around the Sun
Like in dust, our soul rolls around
And they say we're guided by the stars
Or is it our hearts
Or is it our hearts
Is it our hearts


Is this just poetry, is this just art
Is it really the truth of what we are
I'll never truly know
You'll never truly know
We'll never truly know


What the wise men say
The fools will never follow
If you say so if you say so
That's how they always go
That's how they always go


But when her heart of gold
Shines warmly on your mold
On countless fateful noons
Your heart and your soul
Your shell like sun upon the moon


You'll know
You'll know
You'll know
And you'll believe
And you'll believe

CODA Verse:

So the beetle rolls around the Sun
Like in dust, our soul rolls around
Like they say we're guided by the stars
And all of our hearts
And all of our hearts
All of our hearts
Reading Fabre's Book of Insects by Jean-Henri Fabre
Written: June 18, 2024
Yitkbel Sep 2024
If eternity left a door open for you, would you let curiosity take hold of you, step out, and rush into the storm of time, of humanity?

And would you be back?

I knew neither the moon nor the sun
And night never showed his face.


The day was the keeper of this place;
Keeping the dome clean and round,
So not a speck of star can be found.
Of course, this is me speaking in the future
Of the past;
Unlike in Time, this is a fertile pasture
Only of earth and not dust:


I wouldn't have known the moon,
I wouldn't have known the stars,
If not for the gate at the end of the path.


So how should I describe the color of the sky,
That sunless, endless shimmering domed light
If the brilliance of opal, and mother of pearl
Magnified a thousand, a million, a billion times
It's soft pink, mystic green, royal blue and purple
Melt into the beauty of life, erase all sorrow
And leaving only a dreamy field of coral


As you float
As you float
Ever away
Ever away
From the shores of troubles


“If there's no night, is there morrow?”
“Is there sleep, are there dreams?”
You seem to wonder about these things
What's a dream to someone who's within?
The peace never cease, therefore never change
So weariness would seem rather strange
It'd be hard to fathom these feelings


If not for me experiencing
If not for me experiencing
Before my wandering


Wandering from my garden
My garden of love
My home: my oak tree with canopy high above
My fruit of life, my sweetest peach grove-
Except for my ever following dove-
My four fields of sunflowers, lilies, aster, barley
My four rivers of this little valley of plenty


These things I have left behind
To wander beyond the desert
Into the labyrinth of time


The gate has always been open
So when did I get curious, and why
Was it always ajar, curiosity wide
There has always been spiritful wind
But in the garden never with rain
Softly singing and never howling
And I didn't understand the darkness I was seeing


Like a stranger on strange tides
Here's what I remember
Here's what I could define


The paved crystals end at the divide
There's only dull stones on the other side
Barefoot I naively and confidently stride
That's when I learned what sand feels like
Are stars innumerable as sand
Or sand innumerable as the universe is grand?
It's as if I stepped on the planets then galaxy’s bend


So much dust
So much dust
Would I be buried alive?


My home I have left far behind
Leaving a small window of light
Would I remember what it was like
Would I ever return with or without a guide
When the sand have blanketed over
All traces, all paths and even the light
Everything of mine is getting heavier it seems like


As it rains
As dust and sand seep into my veins
I am learning of discomfort and pain


Even though this was a storm of sand,
Still the least strange of this wonderland,
Now that I have seen the brightest and darkness
Of emptiness and shadows
The barest barren and greenest meadows
Summit of stones, pines, snow capped might
Still the golden dunes I most like


Like heaps of stars below the sky
Like heaps of stars above the sky
You have see it to know what it's like


The desert never seems to have an end
I wondered if this was going to be my land
My untillable land of moonlight, stars, dust and sand
And I hungered, I hungered
For my home as I knew not this oasis of man
So I walked and walked,
I knew not what else I can-


As I wandered on
As I rambled on
I saw something on the horizon


Preserved by a crown of rosemary and thyme
A little wooden sign wrote Pasture of Time
What beautiful and leisurely grass to remind
Remind me of my home, my Garden of Love and Life
There are no true residents here, only travelers
Well maybe except for the sky’s butlers
Three archers playing below the curve


Red cape for the soaring clouds of day
Yellow toga to curb the fierce noon rays
Blue dress accentuate the moon’s grace


These three, guarded the wanderers of a thousand faces
They are always changing and I wondered if I am the same
As the dust piled on me, some stayed
Some fell, some shifted in place
And I'm being directed to head in one way
The tour would end at the faraway gate


Even through all these plights
My dove never took flight beyond my sight
Ever faithful, darkness or light


Since I'd probably be here for a while
I wouldn't mind these miles of trials
If the tame have never known the wild
Would he know if he's at peace or in denial
I'm just afraid of falling in love with what I can't keep
When I leave this plain
I want leave the pain


And not fall for some illusions beyond belief
That'll dissipate when I leave
That'll dissipate together with me when I keep
Emulating the transient things
And I become one with the wrong dream


And all you strangers, you who roam
So very different from my friends at home
Why do your faces keep changing
Why are you always on route to leaving
Could one of you walk with me a little longer
So whatever changes I can at least remember
That's when I suddenly noticed her


But I'm not ready to cross the threshold of hurt
Give it all to human nature
What would it be like, to be any other:


The Eagle:

When the sky was low
I never envied the eagle
And still, though it floats
High above the bees, the ants
The earth, the dust, and sand
The dandelions, the foxtails, fig trees
In the meadows

It'll just take the emperor’s new clothes
Of praises and wear it proud with illusive boasts
But what's the use when we all know
It'll never traverse more free
Through immaterial dreams
Nor soar above the stars
Nor bring news from the future or the past

The eagle is still just like us
The eagle is still just as lost


The Bees

And what about the bee that never asks
What's at the end of work, end of the path
The queen bee was born to be
Not something to be dreamed
So it restlessly toils away
We are already here, might as well stay
So they reason, and so they agree

But what do some say
About the honey they make
They don't believe in that changeless place
I've retained in my mind however vague
They say, they say
They are for whoever will replace
All of us at the end of our days

If not for a journey faraway
When we escape this maze
If we will cease, only dust stays
It'll surely be a waste
So then what's the point of bees and being
What's the point of bees and being


The Ants

What's the vast to an ant
If we barely brace the land
We count the stars thousands times as grand
As brilliant beach of unreachable cosmic sands
We see the lights that dot the sky
As not much different than high flying fireflies
These are the white lies of white nights

When ants can't see the truth of the sky
When ants can't see the starry sky
And think of ourselves kings of everything in flight
And think of ourselves kings of life
When only to dust and shadows can we say we're bright

The existent non-existence is the ant's plight
It's our plight
So we endure gladly, only few understand why



When we are pushed along a path
By false ambition, fate or lust
Even if we're never lost
What happens when we reach the top
A cliff always has a drop
If only there aren't such a curvature
To what we hold dear and yearn

If love is “truly patient and never boast”
How fertile and green would be its
Eternal meadow
The beauty of an endless plateau
Fields of purple irises and marigolds
If this lasts forever, where would it hide,
The shadow loving woes

Never in the meadow
Where the sun would expose
These dark and gloomy foes


Dandelions in the Morning

Such fragile dreams in the youth of being
Such lofty wings in the youth of dreams
It comes and goes on a whim
So easily broken
Yet so resiliently woven
So you would think it went with the wind
Never to return and never again seen

And one day,
So suddenly
All you hear are the yellow flowers singing
In that field you never found promising
Now blanketed with snowing dancing wings

The dandelions of youthful dreams
The dandelions of youthful dreams
The dandelions of youthful dreams


Reeds at the Dusk

So you are, at the end of your path
The sky is veiled by a dusky mask
And the threads of reed sewn across
Obscure where you're going
And where you are
Would you be lost
To the waves or to the dust

But there is a compass in your heart
And you have been there before in the past
So have faith you'll find your home at
That timeless hut
Beyond the reeds at dusk
Beyond the reeds at dusk
Beyond the reeds at dusk


Fig Trees of Midnight

I see so faintly the shape
Through midnight’s blue drape
The contour of a fig tree
So I believe I have sown
But the flowering we can't always see
So would I be reaping the fruits of a dream
Or would I be reaping the futility of a dream

Oh, have faith
Have faith
When you can't see it
Doesn't mean it isn't flowering
When the sun is hid
The moon is still reflecting
You can't forsake before you've gone all the way

You never know
How it'll go
Figs of Midnight
Figs of Midnight
Might taste just as sweet


What a lovely scene nature paints
But these are such transient things
I'm afraid I can't bring
Them back to my cabin
Back to my little plain
Would my faith dove remain
The only one following


Ever following
Ever following
Ever following


I was so speaking
When I saw a light, a dream
What a wonder of a being
I have never seen smiles of lightning
Eyes shaped like crescent moons
Within which a billion stars pools
Is this why I was destined to arrive in time


To bring your soul with mine, my dove by my side
Back to my Garden of Love and Life
My Garden of Love and Life
Because clearly you are and you're meant to be,
So thinly veiled by the dust of temporary things
A being, even in this earth plane,
Helplessly shimmering with light
Written on: June 2, 2024
Concept inspired by the short story,
The Dream of a Ridiculous Man
By Dostoyevsky

Eagle - Ego and ambition
Bees - Humble work
Ant - Inferiority
Meadow - Life of Leisure
Dandelions at Dawn
Common reed at Dusk
Fig Leaves of Midnight
Yitkbel May 2023
Sentient Dreams
2. The Echoes
3. The Dreamer Who Reaps Eternity

Digital copies are free to download.
May 2023 · 137
Children of Sunflower Field
Yitkbel May 2023
Originally written in Chinese, and translated to English by:

Yitkbel ****

Date of Original Chinese Version: March 25, 2021

Date of Translation: April 4, 2021 Easter Sunday


Sailing upon new waves,

Post Modernity's Wake,

The 'wise men' arrive upon the Isle,

Isle of the Children Faithful and Wild,

Ascend the Peaks of Antiquity,

With a thousand coats of obscurity,

With New Clothes and New Shades,

Conceal the eternal Splendid rays.

They say,

'This is the Dusk of Illusion!'

'The Dawn of Disillusion!'

'Gone with the Ageless Eternity,

Behold the Age of Humanity!'

Stealing light with a sleight of hand,

As shadow disembark upon the land,

They say,

'The Sun is dead,'

'Go back to bed,'

'And dream about nothing,'

'That's all there will be remaining.'

The long night arrives,

Lingering, while daylight



Dreaming in the New Cave,

Never to the sun, awake,

The young fog stolen away

The old path and old ways.

Darkness roars, Ennui soars.

The Songs of Seeds cease.

Lost without light's embrace.

A thousand crows' throats brace,

Wings replace the sky's face,

So the children forget its grace.

They sing:

'The naive cannot comprehend.'

'The fools will not understand.'

They sing:

'Existence is meaningless.'

'Humanity is purposeless.'

How many youth heard?

How many within the herd?

How many youth lost,

And at what cost?

Except for us!

Except for us!

Except for us!

Within the Darkness of "Depth",

Disbelievers of 'The Sun's Death',

We abide the mockery,

With Truth's memory,

Peering beyond the seamless clouds,

Lone souls among prodigal crowds,

To nothing else we will ever yield!

Forever Children of Sunflower Field!


The 'wise men',

With a thousand coats of obscurity,

Finally taught the 'wayward child'-

'Too naive' 'Too faithful' 'Too wild'-

To gaze upon their shadow beneath,

Beneath their feet,

And say:

'That's all there is,

All there will be.'

Way above,

Above the fog, above the clouds,

Above the stars, above it all,

Manifolds of souls witnessing,

These wise men standing tall,

With their boastful clarion call,

Upon a speck of dust, believing,

It to be everything and nothing


They turn back, back to the Waiting

Of the Death of Time, Of the Death of Time,

As the crows carry on with their carrion rhyme.

They carry on, they carry on, singing:

'The Sun is dead,'

'Go back to bed,'

'And dream about nothing,'

'That's all there will be remaining.'

They carry on, they carry on singing:

'The naive cannot comprehend.'

'The fools will not understand.'

They carry on, they carry on singing:

'Existence is meaningless.'

'Humanity is purposeless.'

They carry on, they carry on singing:

'Gaze upon your shadow beneath your feet!'

'That's all there is, And all there will be.'

How many youth heard?

How many within the herd?

How many youth lost,

And at what cost?

Except for us!

Except for us!

Except for us!

Within the Darkness of 'Depth',

Disbelievers of 'The Sun's Death',

We abide the mockery,

With Truth's memory,

Peering beyond the seamless clouds,

Lone souls among prodigal crowds,

To nothing else we will ever yield!

Forever Children of Sunflower Field!

Forever Children of Sunflower Field!

Forever Children of Sunflower Field!

Forever Children of Sunflower Field!
My collections:
Yitkbel May 2023
Written and translated by: Yue Xing **** Yitkbel

Originally in Chinese as lyrics on:

August 19, 2020

Translated into English on:

August 22, 2020


The wise man in the desert

Watches over the child

In the fields of gold.

The child in the fields of gold

Gazes at the zealous youth

At the foot of the mountain,

Climbing, climbing, climbing.

Wanting to bask untamed

Right beneath the fiery sun,

Wanting to tame the quiet moon

Crush it beneath his feet.

The feat of man.

The support and brace

Of morality and faith

To them are shackles

That must be freed.


As they roared:

Be reborn, nature!

Nature of man!

As they bellowed:

Go rebel, desires!

Desires of the self!

“Doesn’t the world cease to exist

Without the observer who is ‘I’”?

“I close my eyes and all living

To me met their timely demise”.


The wise man said nothing,

And the child wondered:

You who perceive yourselves

Collectively no less than Zeus,

Why gift yourselves the fate

Of Sisyphus?

Don’t you know that even time

Must melt away?

And yet there you are worshiping,

Keeping in dust as your

Salvation and eternal faith.

The rolling stone you’ll never eternally own.


Like ants upon an anthill,

At the crossroad of humanity,

Under the gas lamps still,

Quenched the humble fire with vanity,

Enlightened by tungsten’s burst,

Inaugurated Man “King of the Universe”.


The philosopher hovered away.

The poet sighed but stayed.

You all perceive yourselves

Collectively no less than Zeus,

Yet gave yourselves the punishment

Of Sisyphus!

Don’t you know that even time

Must melt away?

And yet there you are worshiping,

Keeping in dust as your

Salvation and eternal faith.

The rolling stone you don’t eternally own.


Time grew, aged and will soon melt away!

The world leap or falter illusions must fade.

As the rolling snow boulder melts away,

Did you lose or gain in the spring days?

-Those who climbed the snowy peaks

Are now losing losing all in the decay;

Those who sown in the eternal pasture

Are now reaping reaping joyfully away.-


The kings wail and weep,

The believers rejoice in the days.

With great irony the Zeus of today,

Confined themselves to Sisyphus’ fate.

They don’t believe that even time

Must melt away,

So they worship and praise,

Keep in dust as all the

Salvation and faith,

The rolling stone they want to eternally own.


What hope we used to keep!

Humbly cradled in the eternal dream!

Yet we were lured to think ourselves wise;

A cluster of ants fighting to be lords of flies.

Perceiving dust as above unseeable souls,

Willingly, our rotting stones up a steep hill roll.

Boasting our strength, status, height of place,

While mocking modesty’s unseeming grace.

Unaware of the coming crushing weight,

As the uphill stone tumbles back to base.

Ever evading us,

Ever escaping us,

Ever the ennui

Of “Man: Controller of the Universe”

Ever confined to mere dust and earth.

Self-imposed exile, had the wayward son forgot,

The once great purpose? Now all for naught?

“Meaningless! Meaningless!”

“We are headed to nowhere!”

When the stranger to strange tides,

Kills, hides, and pretends to be the guide.


Matter ever shifts,

The soul never ceases.

With great irony the Zeus of Man’s beginning,

Brought themselves to Sisyphus’ end.

They don’t believe that even time

Must melt away,

So they worship and praise,

Keep in dust as all the

Salvation and faith,

The rolling stone they think they eternally own.


Sweeping beneath the fog

Of the overturning dusk,

Endless, ceaseless dust

Engulfed the roller till naught.

Only the dreamer in the fields

To the invisible eternal yields.

Bewildered by the shadows,

Darkness of humanity’s days,

Only those who never forgot the hidden light

Can find the gate above without fear or fright.

Everlasting in the decay.

Peaceful in the destruction.

Must not be bound,

Must not be bound,

Must not be bound,

By a boulder of dust,

By a mountain of mud.

The invisible never caused me alarm.

So they have mounts of gold without end.

So they keep the sands of time within hands.

So they must ever dread and fear as it slips away,

Dust to dust without a trace.


But we, we melt away the mockery with faith,

And lead the way with bolts of love and grace,

Back home to Eternity’s Gate!
Just popping in to update some poems written after I last posted.
May 2020 · 525
The Eternal Dream
Yitkbel May 2020
The Eternal Dream

By: Yue Xing Yitkbel ****
Friday, May 22, 2020
Originally written in Chinese on:
Wednesday, May 20, 2020

I had a whimsical dream
I dreamt the entire universe
Its truth revealed to me:
The giant beekeeper’s keep
The “cosmic ant-farm” indeed
But the ants are not we
The dormant ants and bees
They are the celestial entities
We are but their dreams-

The dust dreams it is an ant
The ant dreams it is a bee
The bee dreams it is a glowworm
The glowworm dreams it is a star
The star dreams to be the universe
The universe dreams to be the creator,
The creator dreams-

We are the stars’ dreams
We are the bees’ dreams
We are the ants’ dreams
Unbind by ashes and dust
We still roam on eternally
From innocent morning
To wizened even
We live eons through fleeting dreams
Fall at nightfall
Awaken when awoke
Traversing the endless
Living the eternal
Eternal endless dreams

The wayward soul that is me
Hovering above our universe
Sweeping the clusters of heavens
That are mere dust, ants, and bees
Yet the Keeper allows me to be
To take in the love that fills me
To experience, to see, in totality
The true greatness of Him
And our humanity.
Yitkbel May 2020
-I live, breathe, it seems
Awake in a dream
Memories ail and fade
I take naught away
But my soul never strays
My soul and love's aches
Only these two of the same
Could cross over the gate-

The men in the desert
Seek chalices not water
The men in the desert
Among grains of gold falter
The men in the desert
Frantically climbing upon one another
Failing hands towards the celestial river
The men in the desert
Suffocate in reach of height of matter
Wind sweeps dust, falls the ladder
The men in the desert
Their desperate faces fade and alter
A short deluge of ashes and dust later
The marks of the men in the desert
Were found still a few mirages further
Dissipated near the translucent border
"Only fools believe in unseeable water!"
They proclaimed louder and louder
Till thirst conquered them and only
Silence, the presence of absence lingers

Like the shadow that deathly cowers
When the light tears all slumber asunder
Rising in the East to empty my cup
Lowering it in the West to runneth over:

The Chalice of Life and Being
Is only a momentary timely vessel
For the absence of plentiful
Within without to hold
The clear, transparent
Truth of Water
Across the labyrinth of shadows
Till we safely reach home
The Boundless Ocean of the Void
Where it is not devoid of anything
But could ceaselessly hold All

-Beyond time and space
The Boundless Ocean of the Void:
My Chalice of the East and West

By: Yue Xing Yitkbel ****
Friday, February 28, 2020 11:39 p. m.

     See Tao Te Ching "Chapter 11"
The Story of the Stone Translated by David Hawkes
While reading The Story of the Stone, I came across the line: "Each in the end must call a strange land home," which by its original Chinese version and interpretation/footnotes I understood it more as "we mistake a strange land as our home."
This, along with its lively description of the Void, (The Truth according to Buddhist philosophy) I finally gained a new understanding of what I had previously deemed as a rather nihilistic view of the hereafter.
     The idea and manifestation of "the lack thereof" permeates my life, ponderings, and poetry, yet I found no meaning in the idea that life is a blink of a dream between the Truth of the void, The Emptiness that is at the core of Eastern Philosophy.  But the answer was always there, ( as Lao Tzu dictated "The empty space makes it useful."
      I had always interpreted the void or emptiness as the lack of anything, and the inability to contain anything, true nothingness. (Though I just went back and looked at my Chinese copy of Tao Text Ching, and having read again the original and the accompanying commentary I realized that I had previously interpreted the Taoist idea of the "formless" birthing all of form and the 'there are matter within the void’ to be the relationship between our material and physical world and the exterior nothingness. And now I could reconcile it with my faith of the great beyond that is far from empty and runneth over of that which I could carry back and forth between Dreams and the Awakening: that sweet essence accented by a more earthly love that lifts me up far beyond it.) Yet it had always hinted to me throughout my own poetry, from the silence that beckons me to hear more mindfully to the love that is made much more profound in its absence, that the truth unseen really is like Lao Tzu's empty cup that is much more useful than a full one or one without a cavity to begin with.  

     The void, although seemingly contradictory, is possibility and space to contain everything.  

Continuing the cup analogy:
Truth is the space without and within the cup, formless thus unbreakable and eternal, yet endless and endlessly useful, endlessly possible.

The fragile weatherable cup of matter that is our blink of life and being. You wouldn't want one that is all cup and no space, all visible and observable without the cavity and gap.

And our souls are the water.
May 2020 · 4.2k
Summer Child
Yitkbel May 2020
Verse 1:

Love like a summer child

Bask in the sun of your reverie

Hear the bluebirds perking wild  

Place your faith in the serendipity

Gone it may be, the passerby daffodils

But my love just bloomed in the dale

Marigold Marigold

Have you been sent to love me well?


Love this summer child

Wayward, unkempt and wild

I am the dreamer and the dreamed

Sprung from the last chimes of bluebells


Love free

Love wild

Love is gentle like Lily of the Nile

Love is the summer wine mild

Love is the marigold caressing me

Like you are always

Like you are now

The marigold and the summer child

The marigold and the summer child

The marigold

The summer child

The summer child

Unkempt and wild


Alas the summer will always leave

As leaves fall in the young boy’s dream

To kiss the earth and dust of eternity

And leave only impermanence to me

Verse 2:

Love is always for the beguiled

But never trust your memories

Clever the disguises of bluebells

They were not chimes but knells

Softly the sunflowers gaze fell

And my love withered and paled

Marigold Marigold

Your love is the fool’s gold now


Grief my summer child

Into the swamp you fell

I was the dreamer and the dreamed

It’s time to wake, wilt, and wither now


Love escapes

Love wilts

Love is the flower morning glory

Love’s in the blue hydrangea dwells

Love in the marigold’s fiery envy melts

Like you were never

But you are now

The marigold and the summer child

The marigold and the summer child

The marigold

The summer child

The summer child

Withers and wilts


Summer will always leave

Summer will always leave

Summer will always leave

As summer turns to autumn leaves
Summer Child

Lyrics by: Yitkbel

14:51 October 20, 2019
May 2020 · 362
The Eternal Dreamer
Yitkbel May 2020
Why must the Eternal Dreamer

Seek to sow his golden purpose

In a fickle poem, for a fickle world

Pleading to be a destined grain of late harvest

And not a seed of sand from the desert of abundance

Lost, like every other, in the wind

Drifting, fading, falling

Till only silence, with the lifeless dune

Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Yitkbel May 2020
The river of time ages
The river of time sighs
In the same distance of life
There used to be a thousand waves
There used to be a thousand sighs

Now that the river is senile
In its movement through space
In its movement through time
In the same distance of life
There are only a hundred waves
There are only a hundred sighs

The river of time ages
As the river of time sighs
The river of time sighs
As the river of time dies-

It once lived for our existence
It once lived for our lives
Now we await its death
Now we await its perishing
To repay the debts-

All the plunder of lost love
All the plunder of lost lives
All the plunder of lost souls
All the plunder of lost minds

All the plunder of lost hearts
Recovered, healed, shattered, and repeat
Till only what is truly within remains

Without pain.
May 2020 · 199
The Dreamer
Yitkbel May 2020
The dreamer must be sheltered

By the loudest silence

To be kept from the harm of waking

Yet, how I long to embrace your voice

Even knowing that I could cease to be.
May 2020 · 174
The Songbird
Yitkbel May 2020
Larks must not seek the sky for songs

But this soul still foolishly dreams

For the lofty silence to cease her sleep

For my wings of weariness and longing to

Steady and never meet-

So that

Parted only by the dawn of obscurity


Embraced by the dusk of clarity

The songbird and his heavens

Could finally caress in thundering harmony

By the mercy

Of ceaseless fleeting shadows

Granted by the night’s awakenings

And my fall

Till Eternity

- Yitkbel, Monday, May 4, 2020
May 2020 · 178
The Answer
Yitkbel May 2020
I don’t know if you’re the ocean or the sky
I don’t know if I’m a fish or a bird
All the same as I swim or drift hopelessly
In your lofty invisible love
Do you caress me back intuitively
Or is this just the ebbing of my own tides
All the same as the panging waves take over
Burying me in the silence.
March 28, 2020
Yitkbel May 2020
The Metaphysical Dancer:
A Wintry Waltz of Being

By: Yitkbel Yue Xing ****
Original Chinese version written: Tuesday, January 28, 2020
Translated: Wednesday, January 30, 2020 12:41 a.m.

The way through eternity
The road of souls
From the invisible shapeless
Unto the invisible shapeless
As if an unseen dancer in winter
Slowly putting on layers of snow
Fleeting timely coats

A layer of consciousness
A layer of memories
A layer of stardust
A layer of flesh and blood
Gradually a form manifests
Gradually a self manifests
Till we see life
Till we see change
Till we see death

Everything, every gain and every loss
Everything, every birth and every demise
Awareness, being, time, and death
Will eventually fade, seep, melt away
Leaving only the invisible shapeless dancer
Invisible and shapeless as ever
Still dancing
Till eternity

If the beginning and end were
If the beginning and end are
If the beginning and end will always be
An enlightening everlasting dream
Why must we wake for a fleeting
Indivisible blink
Experiencing all the clashes and separation
Experiencing all the love and hatred
Seemingly meaninglessly brief good
Seemingly meaninglessly brief evil

I can't take away these words
I can't take away these memories
I can't take away any fragment of your being
With me
But I must have stolen a trace of your soul
A trace of your light
Hiding them within
Within me
Within my soul
Here and there we clash
Creating the sparks
That lit up heaven
That warmed up the sky

Is it thus
Is it thus
Is it thus
For us to long for home
We must wander to the afar
As our lost souls drift
As our lost souls drift
As our lost souls drift
We long for the eternal home beyond

The way through eternity
The road of souls
From the invisible shapeless
Unto the invisible shapeless
We will all eventually shed the snow
And continue our dance unseen
As the earthly melt away

Melt away the consciousness
Melt away the memories
Melt away the stardust
As the flesh and blood decay
Slowly the form fades
Slowly the soul manifests
Till we lose all the changes
Till we lose all the losses
Till we lose all the death

Everything, every gain and every loss
Everything, every birth and every demise
Awareness, being, time, and death
Will eventually fade, seep, melt away
Leaving only the invisible shapeless dancer
Invisible and shapeless as ever
Still dancing
Till eternity

If the beginning and end were
If the beginning and end are
If the beginning and end will always be
An obscured everlasting dream
Do we really gain nothing when we return to slumber?
Not even the warmth in our souls
Brought on by the melting of the snow?
Or the eternal folds and faults
Scars and bumps that altered the shape of our core
From all of our profound encounters and collisions
With each other?

I can't take away these words
I can't take away these memories
I can't take away any fragment of your being
With me
But I must have stolen a trace of your soul
A trace of your light
Hiding them within
Within me
Within my soul
Here and there we clash
Creating the sparks
That lit up heaven
That warmed up the sky

So it is thus
So it is thus
So it is thus
For us to shine even brighter
We must temporarily be
Let our parted souls combine
Let our parted souls combine
Let our parted souls combine
Embracing ever more brilliantly beyond

When the snow melts away
When I return to the eternal place
When I forget time, being and space
Blissfully, unknowingly dancing familiar moves of nameless grace
The twinges of lightning
From the marks of existing
Will remind me of our inseparable timely days

As it is thus
As it is thus
As it is thus
For us to truly cherish the hereafter
The place above decay and matter
We must experience
So our witless souls would remember
So our witless souls would remember
So our witless souls would remember
Only love that could palpitate in dreams
Transcend matter
Would never be forgotten
Yitkbel Jan 2020
I'm the dreamer who reaps eternity.

If thou knowest not what could be known
How could thou be wise to the unknowable?
Instead of the fulfilment of wisdom
Plentiful, with golden overlooked fields of wheat
They hunger for the unquenchable faint stars
And gain not the warmth of heaven's retreat
But the stoic cold indifference of heavens afar
In the barren I'm destined to be
All of antiquity granted to me
A callow child sowing wizened words
Lo and behold as they grow unobscured
Wild and free
As only TRUTH after sifts of time remains
To be resown
In fertile old earth and as new seed
In the harvest
The fruits of
What is rooted to eternity
Will be reaped

Don't fear the silence
Feel alive as you hear your heart beating
Don't shun your doubts, emptiness, uncertainty
You must have the wavering void of darkness
To hold a dream
That is not devoid of
Unwavering indefatigable wonder

Is there an unknown quiet hidden prophecy
Clawing to be freed from deep within
An instinct with the shape of my shied soul
As swallows yearning for the sure south
I had danced with the same faith of finding
My wings a thousand quills across the keys
Praying the given words and ebbing melodies
In waltzing secrecy may show me
And let me hear, let me see, let me be

The sound of cherubim’s laughter in the wind
The rain and darkening clouds soothing
Hearts weary of ennui beneath languid sun
Minds anticipating enlightenment of dawn
And souls waiting, silently, patiently for my song

All the woes wake the sweetness of being
As the bitterness of ale cradles dreams
I could rise higher than if I'd never fallen
There must be darkness for stars to be seen

This must be my destiny
All these lost ways and wandering
This must be my destiny
I can hear whence the world stops singing
This must be my destiny
To mark wayward path without markings
This must be my destiny
I can still see whence light only modestly reigns
In the desert, to the gazer, heavens will finally reveal
What were, are and will be
Like a dream, timeless they'll tell me

Do you feel the pull before you see the star
Just as your light is here before you are
For I can sense a force of glory leading me far
Beyond the great earth of ashes and dust
As if the gate guarding my dreams is ajar
A stray light is peeking through the dark
A rung of the ladder, shadows mark
A feather falls, a sleeve caught
The blade of light points the path

The winding green path that hides the valley
The crown of oak that shields the bard
Sunshine too harsh for young hearts
Shadow coveted by dreamers of love
Yearning to reunite beyond time and space afar

Just as quietness calls for sweet longings
The sailors they drift to slumber against tidings
Seedlings must breathe without canopy foliage
While shadow shelters depth of life within the sea

Don't fear the silence
Feel alive as you hear your heart beating
Don't shun your doubts, emptiness, uncertainty
You must have the wavering void of darkness
To hold a dream
That is not devoid of
Unwavering indefatigable wonder

Traversing ceaselessly
The dawn of silence and dusk of uncertainty
Unto the undying fields of ancient wisdom
I am the dreamer who reaps eternity
I have decided to continue trying to pursue my dream of becoming a lyricist, which means I'm going to focus all my energy on writing and learning to write lyrics that won't be posted here.  
I am not a composer, singer or producer myself, so I am looking for any collaborative opportunities on the music side of things.  

I would write lyrics for free, just a writing credit would suffice, and I usually only take a couple hours to write each completed work.
I won't be spending time on HP much so if anyone needs to contact me, my email is on my profile.

Happy New Year!
Peace and Love!

The Dreamer Who Reaps Eternity

By: Yitkbel Yue Xing ****
Origin version written on:
Thursday, December 26, 2019
Published Version First Draft Completed:
Saturday, December 28, 2019
Yitkbel Jan 2020
The Beginning and the End

(Introduction and Conclusion):

The withering maples, the fallen skylark
The plagued leaves, the forsaken bees
Are warning us that we are not only
Losing our depth, but also our earth
The sun, and our ways
When love is great, greater than the sea
We fear it the most, afraid to be lost in the waves

It shall not fade away, the eternity will always stay
Yet, Yet we build our haven with materialistic bricks
To hide away from the fear of losing
And look down upon culture and souls as a foolish faith
Not realizing, all that can be weathered away
Will be weathered away, broken down, to decay
Then, swept away, by the temporal waves

And those that belong in the eternal place
And those that seek for truth within this maze
If they ever find it or are found by it
They will shine, shine under the sun of everlasting rays

If all these endless roads are only for the incomer
To prepare for the end of the road, the end of our ways
Telling them that within this cycle of brevity
The road will end just a few short steps away
Would it be more rational to not arrive, or stay
Surely, we seek truth to find guidance to the pave
And continue our lives
In that painless, lossless


When we are still combating evil
With our guns and metals of empathy
Another far more vicious and shapeless foe
Has suddenly and quietly sneaked up behind us  
So that on our search for the truth
We are being suffocated by the abundance

It seems like we are being surrounded
By two different but equally hideous enemies
But are we the only innocent ones?
Are we innocent?
The sky is veiled by the autumn shade of change
Perhaps, we couldn’t see clearly who’s who
Behind the mask of foliage
Couldn’t see what is truly happening
To this new age


The red leaves gently fall
Covering their visages
Till we are deluded by the illusion
A fool with dusty tattered cloaks, scythe in hand
A knight shimmering like gold, staff in command
But what hides behind this nature’s disguise
Which of them is our friend which is the foe
Is one warm in clothes but cold in his soul?
The humble one cherishes his blades for harvesting
The boastful crushes with his plenty, baton of pain


All hungry and thirsty souls
All bodies filled with emptiness
Just want to be filled, filled with whatever will stay
And stay, peaceful without the prospect of abandonment and fading away


We wish, we pray, we
Won’t be washed away
Be forgotten, perish away
Why climb for the summit
If we must fall to a nameless grace?
Why can’t we just stay unborn?
If we can’t bear life’s lightness or weight?
Perhaps, I’ll never understand my place
But within the pondering and hopelessness

I woke up
And realize that truly:
Only Love transcends time and space
The embrace between two condensed hearts
Of pure longing could exert
The gravity
And gravitational time dilation
Of such self-forgetful density
That would wrap entire fabrics of reality
Around us, immersing us, with brief
Merciful revelations and trials
Of the unfathomable


The Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire
Should not have been for us so near and dire
Only a couple of generations, only a couple of decades
We are already lost between unrest and the barren
The wavelength of boom and bust becoming exponentially shorter
So that before a man has fully dug himself out of the mud
He is already returning to ashes and dust

Within the ocean of impermanence and uncertainty
We quickly raise the good lumber
And then just as efficiently push it back down
Till we are more like volcanic rocks
With so many holes floating, to ask to be filled
And when fulfilled, drown as we fill, purposeless
And empty  


Hungry or at peace is sometimes the same
We are equally empty and anxious
We aren’t necessarily searching for more
Like Milan Kundera said,
What we can bear the least is
“The Unbearable Lightness of Being”

The children joyously rush towards the summit
And pushes down the monolith that crushed them
Without realizing an invisible rope connects all
So that all who wishes to reach the top
Must also fall through and brace the ground


All hungry and thirsty souls
All bodies filled with emptiness
Just want to be filled, filled with whatever will stay
And stay, peaceful without the prospect of abandonment and fading away


We wish, we pray, we
Won’t be washed away
Be forgotten, perish away
Why climb for the summit
If we must fall to a nameless grace?
Why can’t we just stay unborn?
If we can’t bear life’s lightness or weight?
Perhaps, I’ll never understand my place
But within the pondering and hopelessness
I woke up
And realize that truly:
Only Love transcends time and space
The embrace between two condensed hearts
Of pure longing could exert
The gravity
And gravitational time dilation
Of such self-forgetful density
That would wrap entire fabrics of reality
Around us, immersing us, with brief
Merciful revelations and trials
Of the unfathomable

The Beginning and the End
(Introduction and Conclusion)

The withering maples, the fallen skylark
The plagued leaves, the forsaken bees
Are warning us that we are not only
Losing our depth, but also our earth
The sun, and our ways
When love is great, greater than the sea
We fear it the most, afraid to be lost in the waves

It shall not fade away, the eternity will always stay
Yet, Yet we build our haven with materialistic bricks
To hide away from the fear of losing
And look down upon culture and souls as a foolish faith
Not realizing, all that can be weathered away
Will be weathered away, broken down, to decay
Then, swept away, by the temporal waves

And those that belong in the eternal place
And those that seek for truth within this maze
If they ever find it or are found by it
They will shine, shine under the sun of everlasting rays

For all hungry and thirsty soul searching for eternity.

By: Yitkbel Yue Xing ****

Translated from original Chinese Lyric that was originally translated and adapted from my English poem: “Terror of Good, Emptiness of Plenty”

Original date of Chinese version: November 3, 2019 18:55

Date of New English translation: November 5, 2019 15:04
Dec 2019 · 292
Leap, Even If Fated to Fall
Yitkbel Dec 2019
Before love, I cower and languish
As silence binds me till heavens’ end
I give and offer permanence and eternity
Ceaseless as cataracts of falling stars
Roaring through the desolation, stubborn gale
Bringing forth hope as wild seeds sprout
Tide after tide of suffocating plenty

All to plead for:

A blink from the indifferent sun
A sigh from the depth of the void
A smile from you

And receive nothing.

Still, my faith is true:

As swallows in wintry plight flock
To seek the prophesied warm south
As salmon race towards life's autumn
Leap or lapse, always to land in its fall

Like the many hapless before
The destined countless after

It is also my instinct to seek
To love
Even if I never find
And only the eternal quiet echoes my calls

Heaven remains when heavens end
While Earth cease where earth ends
You and I did not spring the same
Yet, if one withers the other will surely fade
Written some time around midnight, while feeling uncertain, uninspired, and reading Keats.
Leap, Even If Fated to Fall
By: Yue Xing Yitkbel ****
December 11, 2019
Dec 2019 · 3.5k
The Timeless Dream of Home
Yitkbel Dec 2019
The Young Poet’s Dreams:

I often dream of the ocean
Dream of the sea
I've been waking up to a longing
Longing for the land
The land of my birth
South of the Clouds
North of the sea
Not bordering either
But close and very near
To the heavens and the world

Overlooked by progress
But not by history
Nature, and life
I was ungrateful of having fallen behind
Though I was still deeply moved
By the primitive nature and land
Still fully alive,
Green as the winding rivers
Firm as its sheltering boulders
This must be a proximity to
The truth I seek
The timelessness I seek

Chorus of Epiphany:

There must be Truth
In the unchanged and unchanging
Evergreen, and restlessly flowing
Rituals and rites kept alive
Thousands of years despite
Time, and the forsaken everything

Were the Truth and the eternal
Timeless, and the Faraway
Always so close
To home?

The Eternalist Dream:

Is this the source and origin of
My nightly and whimsical nautical dreams
The fact that I was born near the land
Of ancient and now lost shallow seas

Am I called by the truth, unchanged
In giant columns of limestone
Still marked by waves from near-eon ago
Though we can no longer see them
In Eternalism, the ocean still wavers
As truly as my footprints curved by
The flow of all objects of time and space
As truly as the countless unseeable me
Navigating through life and existence
Bearing all that is forever timeless
Unacknowledged for it is unseen
Through each step taken and each
Subtle yet unmistakable movement
Create a new and continuous ‘to be’
With all of me floating along the unseen

Fully alive and eternal shallow sea

Chorus of Epiphany:

There must be Truth
In the unchanged and unchanging
Evergreen, and restlessly flowing
Rituals and rites kept alive
Thousands of years despite
Time, and the forsaken everything

Were the Truth and the eternal
Timeless, and the Faraway
Always so close
To home?

The Mythical Dream:

It lives on in familiar words and songs
And not just silently carved in stones
To be felt by the more sentient and aware
And ignored by those occupied by more
Present and timely tangible indulgences
Guided by the elders' tales and melodies
The distant dream of purer lives and love
Manifests in this child's untamed heart
Yet searching for a world different to
This mundane and subdued reality
Each stone shadowed with the spirit
Suggestive of a more petrified golem
Granted by even a hint of heads and torsos
Were given a name from myths not stranger
To a young soul lured by the allure of fables
And so an Eastern Stone metamorphosis
Of the Yi Legend of Ashima who turned into
The famed stone still standing proudly
Among the stone forest after being forbidden
A loyal union with her most unbetraying love
Burst into life full of every sung voice and color
Leading the way for the lithic pilgrimage
Of the mythical monk of the "Journey to the West"
They too live on unchanged and unchanging
Through every weathered stone yet standing

Through every named word kept repeating
Through every ancient myth ever recalling
Kept alive and from disappearing
In every child’s

Chorus of Epiphany:

There must be Truth
In the unchanged and unchanging
Evergreen, and restlessly flowing
Rituals and rites kept alive
Thousands of years despite
Time, and the forsaken everything

Were the Truth and the eternal
Timeless, and the Faraway
Always so close
To home?

The Human Dream:

Ancient tongues often remain unwritten
And even those like the pictographic Dongba
Though befriending my childlike curiosity
Still remain stranger to my understanding
So only vaguely am I acquainted with
The varied rites, rituals, celebrations
Of the people keeping alive the unchanged
Words, traditions, dresses, and mythology
Ever one with nature, the elements, universal
Some dance in the darkness with torches
Others duel playfully with water under tropic sun
Like my childhood dreams of a too optimistic world
Their dresses and symbols, from ox to peacocks
Remain ever hopeful, and full of living colors
Truly, what comprehension do I really need?
When the earth’s heart beats in unison with
Their thundering dance sung with bare feet
When they hand you horns of sweet rice wine
Inviting you to a far more intoxicating dream
You only need to understand and accept
What you can evidently feel and surely see
The unchanging and unchangeable joy
So pure and kind, that will forever,
Perhaps thankfully overlooked by progress,
Timelessly remain.

Chorus of Epiphany:

There must be Truth
In the unchanged and unchanging
Evergreen, and restlessly flowing
Rituals and rites kept alive
Thousands of years despite
Time, and the forsaken everything

Were the Truth and the eternal
Timeless, and the Faraway
Always so close
To home?


It must be,
For in my nautical
Waking and asleep
Eternalist, Mythic, Human Dreams

It calls restlessly to me
From my birth, through its continuation
I’ve risen and gazed upon the violently
Violet obscure and cloudy night sky
And felt a great fear crushing down
Upon this child of an ever searching soul

I was afraid,
I will never KNOW
And know what,
I did not know

I have felt something stirring
Yet, all greatness seemed
Unreachable, unseeable
Undreamable like the hidden stars

I loved the winding rivers between earthen boulders
I loved the rainforest sacred as its wild elephants
I love the stalagmites caves and the dormant volcanoes

Yet, always longing for an unfamiliar faraway
More moved by progress and not overlooked
I was never aware, until now
The truth timeless and unchanging
Though now slow uncovering
That was always
The Timeless Dream of Home
By: Yue Xing Yitkbel ****
Sunday, November 24, 2019
5:53 PM
Yitkbel Dec 2019
An initial burst of all of life
Light and its lack thereof
Brilliant spheres clash and combine
A Titanomachy of the heavens

A man and his rib, serpent and fruits
Being and consciousness, in choosing
The poison one picked, its effects hereditary
Awareness was forever won, with death carried

To escape the great flood
Limps and torsos, ashes and dust
After time, baring the great black mud
Black as the Raven that returned, not

White as the dove that returned, to Noah
White as the east flag that bore a warning
A warning against the cunning snake
That will soon become Totem of the Dragon

As all hungry bodies search for a new land
A new land of great plenty and distinction
Four beings arrived on this new world of old
Of mountains and valleys, and ancient sea

Bore two lives that soon combined into me:
I was oft called in terror by the violet nights
And a white dove in azule trinket appeared
I even held the shedding snake in yesteryears

I held my gaze to the sky and felt ever close
To the wonders unseen, unsaid but promised
In silence and unmistakable feelings to me, till
I am safely grounded by the faraway unearthly

I was instilled with the desperation for greatness
But only ordinary quietness gave me any peace
Why, through all of creation did I arrive with
So unsteady and vague sense of mission

And why did I ever so gladly indulge and suffer
Through all of the joy, loneliness, and ailments
Just for this impractical soul to deeply dwell
Ceaseless upon a naive idealism of words

Still, I mustn't've passed by life, just to leave
Still, I mustn't've woken in life, just as a dream
I feel something brewing profoundly within
What and when, I know not of, but it will be

Perhaps I am not yet ready
But I am forever waiting
One day, I will reach the end of this shadow cave
And having accustomed to light already, I will see

Without fear, and pain

Like the initial burst of all of life
Light and lack thereof, will combine
And become of one mind with me
The Perfect Circle of Being Complete
Perfect Circle of Life and Being
By: Yitkbel Yue Xing ****
Sunday, December 1, 2019 4:19PM
Yitkbel Nov 2019

In Spring, from my poems, flowers spring
In Summer, a sum of everything green
In Autumn, foliage melancholically falls
In Winter,  my wintry mind gradually thaws

I. Spring:

Always one with nature
The Truth, my mind follows
A wave of pastel colors, returning swallows
Peck the hedges with petals of my soul
Blue and shattered, into the poetry it goes
What is without, escapes, imprints on the folds
Of time and space, as the stream of consciousness flows
Till, without me purposefully noticing
It captures within my thoughts an eternal Spring
And remains
Subtly felt but


In Spring, from my poems, flowers spring
In Summer, a sum of everything green
In Autumn, foliage melancholically falls
In Winter,  my wintry mind gradually thaws

The Poet's Dream Follows the Season's Calls:

When the world exterior is abundant with
Life and the breathing, palpitating all
I capture in my mind, thoughts and words
With wonders and troubles
Of the nature

When the world exterior crumbles and falls
Hidden and blanketed, asleep by the winter's call
The opening beyond Plato's cave gradually thaws
I am suddenly privy and drawn
To the nature

II. Summer:

Always one with nature
The Truth, my mind follows
Between the boulders of lichens
Upon the emerald streams
Floats the vessel of my soul
Gathering seagrass and pollocks, it goes
What is within, the nature time briefly holds
Is now words of mine, to be told
Before the grass fields are eclipsed by the gold
It captures my thoughts evergreen
And remains
Brilliant with eternal warmth
Read and felt yet


In Spring, from my poems, flowers spring
In Summer, a sum of everything green
In Autumn, foliage melancholically falls
In Winter,  my wintry mind gradually thaws

III. Autumn:

Always one with nature
The Truth, my mind follows
A twilight dance of leaves and boughs
First it blushes, ruddy, timid but bold
Then, it undresses, melancholy, bare in its fallen maple soul
A chilling gale gloats, pallid night wallows
In the anticipation of the impending revelation
What is without, dreaming its withering dreams,
Is now traversing through the wilting wintry plain
Soon to reach the delusive emptiness above
The hidden valley of invisible plenty
And be captured by my thoughts, reason and faith in harmony
With its dazzling orange and red, cerulean velvet behind emerald fringes
Forever vivid
In my poetry, to remain
Deeply felt, though


In Spring, from my poems, flowers spring
In Summer, a sum of everything green
In Autumn, foliage melancholically falls
In Winter,  my wintry mind gradually thaws

IV. Winter:

Always one with nature
The Truth, my mind follows
The snow covered barren streets
A tattered overcoat suddenly greets
In a moment, by it I was brought to a place
BLOOMING with intrigue, I navigated this maze
And found the GREEN hedge of will and fate
Rich with HARVEST fruits of reason and faith
Like the SNOWFALL, that steals all
I became a glutton of light, in spite of the shadow wall
What is within, bursts from my mind's seams
And overflows
Not into the nature beyond, without
But nature of my mind and dreams within
And is captured by my words
Mirrored from my thoughts
In my poetry, it remains
Enlightened by and enlightening
All who seek and think, every being
With truth evidently felt


The poet of autumn, summer, and spring
To the exterior objective nature sings
The poet of winter, withered and plain
From the interior subjective nature, essence springs

The seasoned poet blossoms regardless
Whenever, wherever, timeless
Fleeting fields of earthly gold
Or eternal pastures of souls
The Seasoned Poet Reaps Truth with His Soul
By: Yitkbel Yue Xing ****
Date of completion: Friday, November 15, 2019 1:38 AM
Started sometime after/around 10:00 PM Thursday, November 14, 2019
Nov 2019 · 328
Maze of Existence and Being
Yitkbel Nov 2019
In this maze of existence and being
The footpath is my free will
But I'm ever guided and obstructed by the hedges of fate
Where it leads me
I know not
Still I walk
Following the sunlight
A sunflower and its faith.

I won't ever stray
I could never stray
If there's only one, however twisted,
Enlightened and unobstructed

All I need to do is
Maze of Existence and Being
By: Yitkbel Yue Xing ****
Friday, November 15, 2019 3:15 PM
Inspired by or brief elaboration on the much longer poem I wrote last night.
Yitkbel Nov 2019
Mindful of this:

Keep reason (logos) close to your heart, and keep faith closer. (pistis)
Aim not towards greatness, but what is within yet ever beyond: the truth.


The summit, lofty beyond climb, great envy
Wintry and pallid, marked by death
He gives naught but vanity, a mirage empty
Yet takes all, consciousness and breathe

The ocean, vast beyond hope, waves swell
Yet, only faint specks of stars seen
While, within innumerable creatures dwell
It quenches not, but devours every being


Suppose the shape of truth is thus
Suppose the shape of truth and greatness
Is thus
A gargantuan ring hovering within the dark
As if the sun and its shimmering halo arc


Be the water, light, air
Transparent, unseen, unnoticeable, but vital
Be the water, light, air
Transparent, unseen, unnoticeable, but vital
Be the water, light, air
Transparent, unseen, unnoticeable, but vital


It floats above all, bright
Drawing envy, desire, and fright
This is greatness or great praises
And Truth is concealed in its midst
But greatness and truth are yet apart
Like the Copernican spheres and our star
Only the centre is a fiery near-eternal
Man, being a being, must be ever mindful
Only the truth of white heat beams
Pure yet humble
Could warm eternally the dreamer’s dreams
Perhaps, unnoticed, but vital


Be the water, light, air
Transparent, unseen, unnoticeable, but vital
Be the water, light, air
Transparent, unseen, unnoticeable, but vital
Be the water, light, air
Transparent, unseen, unnoticeable, but vital


Springs, quietly flow, unfeasible to boast
For only few cherish and worship them existing
If they, being forgotten, with sorrow leave
Then only arid plain, hopelessness remain

Man, rids all the grass and woodlands
To give to the future all, but air to breathe
Till roots no longer bind the dust and sand
And all suffocate, decay and then, cease


Suppose the shape of truth is thus
Suppose the shape of reason and faith
Is thus
One is the skin exterior to the other, heart
Neither will continue to exist, if apart


Be the water, light, air
Transparent, unseen, unnoticeable, but vital
Be the water, light, air
Transparent, unseen, unnoticeable, but vital
Be the water, light, air
Transparent, unseen, unnoticeable, but vital


Reason surrounds truth, plain unambiguous
Colliding, pulling, repulsing others of same
Gathering retort agreeable as well vicious
Harbouring within his *****, the faith safe
Though it must have eachother, never apart
As of the outer shell and the inner heart
It’s the ticker of life and love that’s most vital
Man, being a being, must be ever mindful
Only a belief of anything true to your soul
Pure, bare, and forever humble
Could prolong your existence with hope
Perhaps, untimely, but eternal


Be the water, light, air
Transparent, unseen, unnoticeable, but vital
Be the water, light, air
Transparent, unseen, unnoticeable, but vital
Be the water, light, air
Transparent, unseen, unnoticeable, but vital


Chasing greatness, Beings of Great Crawl,
Man always craves envy and praise
But the Truth Timeless is not lofty above all
It’s not unfeelable, unreachable
It’s not incomprehensible, undreamable
We should worship humility, most of all
Willing be the unnoticed, often forgotten
Yet, unforgettable and vital
Ever true to truth, true to self,
The Giving Light, Water, and
Breathe, none can live without
Not the glamorously bright, yet cold in its light
But the one unseeable in the sky, yet Ever Warming Life
The Perfect Torus of Truth: Be The Humble Invisible But Vital
By: Yitkbel Yue Xing ****
Written originally in Chinese: November 6, 2019 8:25 PM
Translated to English: November 6, 2019 11:20 PM
Date of correction: Saturday, November 9, 2019 1:00 AM
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