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Wuji Feb 2012
Watching men defeat each other,
Like it's our own little Colosseum.
People pay to be up close,
To be with the winning team as they boast.

The women stand at the side,
Cheering for front line tide.
They will crash with the other team's wave,
Split the difference bets are made.

Body on body they battle each other,
Do they even know one and another?
Or do they just follow the coach's words,
"Push forward boys, make them hurl."

Game after game,
They do the same thing.
Win or lose,
They still get paid.

Paid the big bucks to put on a show,
Commercials roll on before you know.
Get you to buy, get you to watch,
Buy this ****** like Miss March.

Forty-Sixth battle same as all before.
Crowds will still cheer, the cheerleaders are all ******.
Losers will *****, and the Referee always *****.
These mindless men get paid the big bucks.
The CCC keeps the masses appeased.
Wuji Jan 2013
Eyes in the dark,
Diamonds in the coal,
Look at her face,
Please touch but don't hold.
Her life a disaster,
Constantly being ripped and torn.
A twisted little angel,
Bound to serve her home.
Everything is wrong,
No one has a light.
It's so dark in here,
You don't have the right!
How dare you even try,
To beat your saving grace.
Think you're so big and strong,
Beating on that pretty face?

I will take her in,
Shelter her from your dark embrace.
I love that darkened angel,
You're a disgrace.
Everything is so dark.
Wuji Apr 2012
What a surprise,
I'm waiting till sunrise.
A girl has my mind under lock and key,
Her presence like food, always fills me.

I'm pushing off others,
In hopes that I may catch this feather.
Elusive and electric, so hard to catch,
More than one hand reaches for this missing patch.

A patch to fill one's life,
Deepest cuts of love's knife,
Will make the pain worth it.
Music, love, happiness, I just want it all to fit.

I have my feelings posted,
Wanted adds for your love on every door step.
So please sign on that dotted line,
Then you can be only mine.
I am helpless.
Wuji Oct 2011
What I can I say,
I'm a sucker for a happy ending.

But only if,
I end up with you.

You see,
I am a compassionate guy.

And I will walk if I want,
Or maybe I'll fly.

Go ahead tell me I'm wrong,
Sing your depressing song.

I will do what I want,
And learn from it too.

I gave her my love,
That's something you can't just undo.

So ya,
Great for me.

One more round,
In the ring with you.

Try to knock me out,
And I'll leave the ring.

But let's have fun,
Lets enjoy this last run.

And those who can't see,
We'll let them be.

Life is,
Too short for them.

We can see,
You and me.

So bring it on,
It is dawn.
New beginning, and last beginning for us.
Wuji Sep 2011
Jesus jizzes holy juices,
That you people gently rub upon your faces.

Liers lie to protect that which they deny,
To the lavished living people.

Why won't the sun set,
On this selfish age of *****?

I'm tired of these try-hards taking over,
My rightful territory.

Come hold my hand,
As we hoist our way to Heaven.

We'll need to step on some somebodies,
To sleep with the silver lining.  

All I need is the native nature,
Of the not so naive heart.

Can anyone help me heal,
These horde cuts from hell?

Let's all do the calm camel,
And claim the dunes of the cautious for our country.

A country we all call America,
The anticlimactic antagonist that aims for anarchists.

Words will always be that way,
Of the world's wary warriors of peace, protection, and self worth.

And with that I say,
So long.
The first day out of four...well I think so.
Wuji Sep 2012
Looking in your eyes,
Hoping you will decay.
Unleashing all your everything,
So I can get a taste.
Wondering if when you crumble,
Will the townspeople fix you up?
Or will the pieces stay where were left,
Even though we all know that's not right.

Can I keep a part anyway?
A souvenir for all the trouble?
Can I sleep with a smile sketched on my face,
Even if it's from denial?
Feast off the dieing because you'll never run out of food.
Wuji Sep 2014
She lied and will deny any thoughts she had at the time.
Loved and lost I can't find where to go and keep asking why.
U think it's denial, but I've walked so far on these calloused feet.  
These days drag on as I wait for the eye contact I deserve.  

Where is the switch you flipped, we could both use some light.
Help me help you to help me so I won't need to help myself.
Y do you think I am nothing, can't you remember anything?

Are you afraid of me? You moved away when I moved closer...
Running from the train is pointless if you stick to the tracks.
No one has the love for you that I have, can't you see that?
The things I'd do to have you again.

You're the one who diagnosed me as insane.
Our love was that of two cannibals tearing each other apart.
U amazed me with your presence, thoughts, and love.

Maybe it wouldn't even work again.
I wish I just had the chance to find out.
Nobody compares to even a single aspect of you
Everything is all smiles till I'm alone in bed with familiar city sounds.
The hole was made too long ago to not be empty by now, right?
Then why isn't it?
Wuji Apr 2012
Little boy stands,
In his empty room.
He's got nothing to do,
'Cept to crawl back in the womb.

Stands by himself,
Not one person at his side.
Voices inside him speak,
But he'll always deny.

Denys that they're there,
Denys that he cares.
Denys the looks and stares,
Denys the cross he bears.

Bi-polar fish out of water,
Flops around his own life.
Makes his way to puddle of water,
To only find a puddle of knifes.

Cannon ***** in,
Happy and glad.
Sinks further in,
Submerged and mad.
Denys that they're there,
Denys that he cares.
Denys the looks and stares,
Denys the cross he bears.

Tries to swim out,
Cuts paint the scales.
Fish drowns in blood,
His own gills have failed.

Little boy stands,
Watches it bleed.
Takes the fish in his hands,
***** out the life he so desperately needs.

Denys that they're there,
Denys that he cares.
Denys the looks and stares,
Denys the cross he bears.

Fish guts and blood,
Pour into his mouth.
Eyes open wide,
Life headed south.

Finished he licks his lips,
And grins a big smile.
The boy's life now has meaning,
The meaning is his denial.

Denys that they're there,
Denys that he cares.
Denys the looks and stares,
Denys the cross he bears.

Denys the den eyes...
Wuji Nov 2012
Death a theft,
Steal the life away.
Go away flooding light,
I hate your glare.
Reminding me of the blindness,
I once had to feel.
Superficial spot lights,
Seem to always shine through,
The dirtiest stained glass.

Never enough gas to keep me warm at night.
And it's a long night,
The darkness whispers,
Desires untold,
Not sure why I wrote this. Math class is weird.
Wuji Jul 2012
Die for me,
If you love me!
Die for me,
If you believe me!
Die for me,
If you want me!
Die for me,
If you want to be happy!
Die for me...

Never good enough,
You won't get through the gates.
Clouds shroud the entry way,
Graves diggers will get the best pay.

Die for my love.
Die for family.
Die for happiness.
Die to reach the stars.

Or live...
Breath the air of betrayal,
As you slowly sin away.
Why can't you just die?
I can't...
Wuji Jan 2013
It must be nice,
Having someone to look forward to.
A friend to call your own.
Daydreams of perfect afternoons.
You and your friend in a blanket cocoon.

I have I no such visions,
For I have no one to call my own,
Only hoping to catch table scraps.
My moods are seasons at high speeds,
For each change I undertake I require new needs.

I can't even recall such a time,
When I looked forward to someone who is mine.
But still I can't help but to feel fine.
Guess I don't mind the melancholy,
Suits me I find.
Guess I am fine with being fine.
Wuji Sep 2014
Nothing has happened but everything has changed,
Today was easier than I planned.
Lay in bed with my studies, music cheering me on,
I've dropped the crutches, I wanted to stand.  

Keep making friends, keep jamming in names,
Remembering jokes and information day by day.
Always smiling and being friendly,
Never being too tired to play.

Fool all my friends to think that I'm cool,
Waving to people while playing bass late at night.
They offer me all kinds of things,
Guess I'm just not about that life.

Eye contact with strangers,
I've got that bounce in my step.
8 AMs, whatever man,
Don't want to dull my optimistic rep.

People ask what I'm on,
Question how I can believe.
I turn to them and simply answer,
"I really like to breathe."
Highway to Easy Street
Wuji Nov 2011
Dreams come and go as they please,
Poisoning my mind till I start to wheeze.
Placing thoughts into my head which were once naive,
These dreams scream words that bring me to my knees.

Words of love and pain,
Words of laughter and disdain.
All these words driving me insane,
Just to be woken up by the rain.

They appear and disappear,
Not wanting to stay near.
Shouting words that I fear,
My whole body begins to sear.

Then comes the one who lies,
Responded to me with a simple "Die".
This answer coupled with,
"Haha <3 I got to go now bye."

Can't believe that came from you,
Someone who I barley knew.
I question myself if I want it to be true,
But if I do,
Will my mind and heart have a coup?
Dreams mess with your head.
Wuji Nov 2011
The road is long,
The road is wide,
Is the journey worth it,
Or just a waste of time.

He thinks to himself,
"I'll speed right through."
Peddle to the metal,
That's all he knew.

Flew down his road,
Ran over the roses.
Drove past some *******,
He stuck some poses.

Leaves ran across,
Like squirrels in distress.
He didn't flinch for a second,
He wouldn't clean the mess.

Drove so fast,
Drove right by,
His destination,
What a guy.

His mind changed,
He drove away.
Kept driving and driving,
Didn't want to stay.  

Kept going and going,
Get's his fix in his car,
Stops for a drink,
In the local bar.

Got far enough,
That he forgot where he's from.
His new life made,
A great girl, a small house, and a bottle of ***.

The road is long,
The road is wide,
The journey was worth it,
The destination was just a waste of time.
Drive, drive, Driver Man, drive!
Wuji Nov 2012
Eskimos always die gloriously,
Killing fat ***** in the Arctic sea.
Swear I saw one with a whale's eyeball on his thumb,
And he just screamed at me.
Asked "Boy what's the matter? Can't you **** like me?"
I frowned and said I rather be dead than **** your gentle enemy.
Made a home of ice,
Don't need a fridge.
I live in the Antarctic,
Where ****** is gigantic.
But who here cares of it now,
So far away from all of us.
Learning string names.
Wuji Sep 2012
Flies can never starve.
Picking apart what they get,
Any size fills them.
Shoo, there is more food then mine.
Wuji Aug 2012
The wind will wither it,
The fire will burn it down,
The rain will drown it,
The earth will bury it underground.

The elements will protect,
Their only home.
**** the disease,
That condemns our dome.

I'll wish you no luck,
You have ate more then your share.
And when I told you to stop,
You said you didn't care.

No matter how hard you push,
You'll never be able to resist her pull.
As long as you have loved here,
You are tied,
A docked boat,
That can't fully stray.
Never just one.
Wuji Jul 2012
Standing by myself before gates of open sky,
There she stands in front of me looking right into my eyes.
Open plains but I know the rain might just pour down,
So I stay hidden away under my umbrella.
Every answer is empty not caring what we do,
Whatever you want I promise I'll be content.
It's not a lie, no not all I just want to be your doll,
But I am locked in my emotion umbrella can't even feel the rain.
Never a chance of getting wet or misstep because I am protected from the pain.

Anything I want next time?
How about you get me out of this thing?
I don't need any promises any more,
Meet me at the door.
Because I can't walk in there with my emotion umbrella.
That touch will always tease me.
Wuji Sep 2012
Fire cloud of red,
Covers the paper I see,
Burned words but a scar.
Stupid mistakes.
Wuji Nov 2012
Prison cell, prison cell,
So crowded in my room.
My guards are so friendly,
But they keep my hands to myself.
Can't make up,
My own **** mind.
Since thy already made up theirs.
My cell is so big and furbished,
But my guards are still unfair.
Can't go where I want,
Can't do what I want to do.
You should be grateful,
That I keep away from you.
Aren't you proud to be guarding me?
Rather than that rotten boy,
Who lights up the TV screen?
Where is the trust in me?

Can't I just get away, to prove I don't need your favor?
I'm trapped inside my prison cell, the guards are so unfair.
And the guards to the prisoner next to me don't even care.
Soon. Soon I will escape.
Wuji Mar 2014
Racking my brains,
I lack all my past pain,
Which inspired me to write.
But I've won all my fights.
I've spent a year loving you,
With nothing in return.
Endless amounts of what ifs,
The embers you had left on me,
Began to burn.

You fed my fire with small twigs,
And I'd do anything for more.
The fire rose up but I contained it,
Didn't want it burning anyone.
But then you started throwing branches,
And then you threw logs.
You uprooted the trees,
That kept you alive,
And burned them to prolong your withdrawal.

My fire roared,
Your heart soared,
And we both knew what to do,
We uprooted you.
Diving into my fire,
We started our new little game,
Burn high, bright and forever,
Become an eternal flame.
And we burned.

We burned all people who had doubt,
We burned anything that got in our way.
We laughed at the thought of anyone else,
No one can douse our flame.
You've forged me with your intense yearning,
We showed to the world our burning.
Our flame isn't going out,
And for all I care let there be a drought.
You are the only thing I need.

Fire born from desire,
Love that broke the chains.
Lips that could drive a man mad,
An endless maze of a brain.
Yet she let me in,
And I'll never figure her out.
But I'm here laying with her,
Both of us covered in burns,
Still on fire with the flame that'll never go out.
Wow first on in a while.
Happy One Year my beautiful girlfriend Madison.
Wuji Jun 2012
I am,
In my,
Own home.
In my,
Big chair,

No arms are around me now,
As I burn into infinity.  
No arms are around me now,
As I burn into infinity.  
No arms are around me now,
As I burn into infinity.  
No arms are around me now,

In my,
Own home.
In my,
Big chair,

Why can't I,
That one sided,
Roll to find,
Always so,
To look into that,
Won't last long,
I am,

No arms are around me now,
As I burn into infinity.  
No arms are around me now,
As I burn into infinity.  
No arms are around me now,
As I burn into infinity.  
No arms are around me now,
As...I join the clouds.
Just emptying my mind with my bass.
Wuji Oct 2014
Got all these friends but I just want a girl.
Someone to **** someone to be my world.

But I know when the other comes one will go.
I'll be left with the latter and want the other back so.

I'm so happy right now but I never felt so alone.
Where is the special one to take me away from all I know.

I 'm not alright but having the best time.
I want to be something to someone and can't get them off my mind.

****, I know I'm not doing too great.
But is it so much to ask for a ******* date?

The most pathetic thing is though, I'll be sad when I leave.
No more times with all the girls and guys who are my family.
The things we do for love. -Courage
Wuji Oct 2014
Found someone new, so like you I'll say, "*******".
Already have blood on the carpet. Drat.
Wuji Aug 2014
Saw you in a picture today,
And I realized,
I ******* love you.

You've walked away,
And I'll give you time,
Because I ******* love you.

Maybe you got bored,
Or you just can't commit,
But I ******* love you.

Never needed anyone,
And definitely not now,
Still though I ******* love you.

Got all these little thoughts,
Crowed in my mind,
Screaming "I ******* love you".

**** that.

You have no control,
But you're the only one to blame,
I ******* loved you.

Soon I'll get to see you,
Once or twice a week,
I ******* loved you.

Hope you learn to regret,
This mistake,
I ******* loved you.

I meant every,
Word I said,
Like, "I ******* love you".

How can I love,
Someone drenched in betrayal?
I ******* loved you.

****, I don't know,
I guess...

It's nice to feel uneasy again.
Wuji Aug 2012
Look at my picture,
On the wall,
Everyone who loves me,
Framed to be viewed by all.
I'll never take the paper,
Out of that frame.
What if it rips,
What if it makes me insane?
I hate to do this,
But you know you are a face in the crowd.
Smiling and waving,
Yet trying to look profound.
I'll still look at pictures,
I'll still smile at memories,
But we will never have what you all want.
"I can only make one of you happy."
Why not me?
Wuji May 2012
Racing mind racing mind,
Going everywhere all the time.
Call me two face, wish I had two,
Schizophrenia gives me much more than you.

Why am I me,
Why do I see what I see?
I could be whatever I want to be,
Yet I am me.

Keep asking myself what's wrong,
What is wrong?
Why do I question myself?
Come on kids, run along.
What's wrong Ryan?
Wuji Aug 2012
This dark room is so familiar,
As my eyes take it in.
Memories of lying there,
Lying in our sin.
Over used devices,
Will meet their breaking point,
Some are happy,
Some are sad,
Some pass the joint.
But I can't help but recall,
How I felt in the dark.
So unsure of where I was,
But certain of what we are.
Can't erase the shadows,
That existed even in absence of light.
Outlines of death and fright,
Watch me all night.
This darkness is so familiar,
I know I've been in this room.
I want to recall those feelings,
But I want them,
With you.
I know I need to make it happen...I just don't know if I want it to happen.
Wuji Sep 2012
Hands to yourself,
What if you break it?
You couldn't fix it,
So leave it alone.
Think you know better?
You don't.
Think you'll heed my warning?
You won't.
Eyes on the prize,
But the claw,
Always opens too soon.
Fumbling over the chances,
That you can be with her.
Naive in every sense,
Keep walking on,
Prepare to be captured,
Even if you are her,
Favorite pawn.
Not even a rook...
Wuji Jun 2012
My favorite people,
Are the ones I don't know.
They are the only ones,
I can let my feelings show.

I feel a little greedy,
Stocking ideas in my head.
Everyone I know around me,
Not knowing what I have said.

But all you great strangers,
Who happen to read my poems.
You are the only ones,
Who I invite into my mind, my home.

I do fear the day,
When certain people find,
That almost every word I think,
I subconsciously put in rhyme.

Or that I feel so radically,
About certain subjects.
Don't even get me started,
About the opposite ***.

And what if she reads them?
Will she color me insane?
Not you people,
Your opinions runoff me like rain.

I'll never really know,
What you think of me.
But you will all know more,
Because you'll let me be.
But really, thank you all for reading. Means a lot.
Wuji May 2013
February fifth,
Rest an old hero,
Taught me many things I know.
Never explained in short word,
Unless it was goodbye.
Told me he loved his handsome grandson,
And let himself die.
Complicated beyond fixing,
Didn't stand a chance,
Once so fit and healthy,
Took a seat for his mid life dance.
Known throughout the world,
He had many friends,
Could get us in the places once we arrived,
With a whisper and a grin.
Announced to his whole plane,
That his grandson was born,
They all cheered my name,
Toasted to a new horn.
And now you are gone,
I look at you laying there,
Smiley sweet as if laughing,
That so many people cared.
I went up to the open casket,
And there I cried,
Rest In Peace Papa,
That was are final goodbye.
Wuji Jan 2012
I am a man, a flying man,
Flying around the garden.
Never stopping to stand.

They are the catchers,
Looking for prizes.
Those misguided snatchers.

I fly around,
Spreading love all around.
Such a nice thing to be so high off the ground.

So the catchers,
They jump,
They leap,
They bound,
Waving their tempting net,
With that lovely swishing sound.

Then I am caught and put into a jar
A nice little habitat,
Behind glass bars.

They feed me food,
But are quite rude ,
If I stare at the meadow out there.

So I sat,
And my image changed,
Into that of a rat.

They let me go,
In disgust.
Left me on my own with no one to trust.

But I escaped from there,
And went back to the meadow.
The catchers didn't care.

"That rat will never grow."

Then they left,
And lucky for me,
I was back to a being a flying man.
They couldn't cage what I could be.
Drafted this on my phone a while ago. Kinda forgot what's it about.
Wuji Aug 2012
I feel so greedy,
For wanting you to love me,
Will you forgive me?
Why do I even feel this way?
Wuji Jul 2012
I will keep looking,
For I am a lighthouse.

I will always see the good in everything,
For I am a lighthouse.

Confused I will search for answers,
For I am a lighthouse.

Help any ship along the sea,
For I am a lighthouse.

Wait in a single spot unmoving,
For I am a lighthouse.

Slowly decaying from the inside,
For I am a lighthouse.

Alone for all my days,
For I am a lighthouse.

Never will have any true partner,
Because no one builds two lighthouses next to each other.
What a job.
Wuji Sep 2012
I held it in my hands, and felt the god in me.
I can **** you, or I can set you free.
"What are you doing?" they asked.
"Having fun." I replied.
"I wonder if a tiger would allow me not to die."
Squeezing it they named him "Frank".
I called him "Dead" as I picked it up by its leg.
Begging they asked for his second chance.
So I let it go and watched it dance.
Then I saw myself again.
A spider waiting in the shadows.
I cheered Frank on to get caught.
So nature could take course.
But Frank didn't want to get taught.  
It hopped away,
Missing it's lesson about life.
And the spider starved.
Everyone else happy,
I was just in awe.
It had cheated death twice.
****** Frank...
You probably still live in her room.
Wuji Sep 2012
Can't believe you're on your way upstream,
Against all the odds.
A trout rocketing through the river bed,
Leaving in his wake all doubt.
Fisherman staring longing wishing to escape,
Knee deep already in his own ways.

Shaking his fist,
Seranading them with swears,
Jealously is so honest,
We all know how he feels.

Trout broke away to the love he sought to taste,
Half way there you should have seen his face.
Not fork in the road but a bear in the way,
Killed for life reborn again someday.
Fisherman was satisfied, he was right again,
Cast the rod into the stream since the cycle was still intact.

Whistling to himself,
Face slowly withered away.
Crual smile tattooed to his face,
Which the Reaper will make disappear.
Rain is so settling.
Wuji Nov 2012
Today I have decided I will be famous,
I'm bored of breathing with all these temporary things.
I want to produce my own light and shine in the dark,
Be more known than the North Star.

My story will be a great one,
Full of twists and turns.
Rising and falling at worst times,
I'll be the best of them all.

They said I'd never make it,
Said it was much too late.
Didn't care if I failed,
Only wanted to get out of my cage!

I may catch on fire,
But that is of no concern.
Have all these fans to *******,
Help me notice the burn.
What a goal.
Wuji Mar 2012
The Gods don't blink,
The Gods don't turn away.
The Gods stare,
Turn on them and you shall pay.

They threaten us,
With laws that we trust.
Don't do what I say?
I'll throw your *** in hell.

Be good people,
And when you die,
I'll take you to a place,
Way up high.

Everyone is happy in the clouds.
Some enjoy eternal life,
Some are reborn,
And some have virgins to plow.

Are they all up there?
Living in peace?
Or will the Gods punish you,
For not believing their piece.

Doesn't seem that merciful,
Doesn't seem so nice.
You don't believe me,
And you'll burn from the cold ice!

A God who does that,
Is no God of mine.
I am my own God,
The Kingdom of Heaven is in my mind.
Doesn't seem so great to me. (Found this, must have wrote it a while ago)
Wuji Jun 2012
I am teenager and I want to be loud,
I am a **** and I **** around.
Smoking villages, smoking towns,
Teenage girls keepin me aroused!

**** nine lives I've only got one,
Got problems bro? "I feel bad for you son".
****** pop lyrics till the day is done,
****** teenagers already think they've won!

World is their oyster? More like a clam!
All the weirdos with their over done glam.
Sheltered sadist couldn't give a ****,
Girls so jealous of the Lady and the *****.

Smokin, smokin peace to all,
Relaxing freeloaders ignore all my calls.
Chill brother the world is just a big ball,
Getting throw into the sun like a glass vase to the wall.

Don't forget me! I'm the eyes.
Seeing all these strangers caramelize.
Suffer, suffer let the pain rise,
Karma gonna see to your demise.

Voices get quieter,
As I watch  them get higher,
Smiling so big, new furnace buyers.
I sit alone scared and tired.
Back in my day it was my day.
Wuji Sep 2014
We're bonding after losing you,
We both really care.
We know you've a rough time,
And want you to know we're there.
Our love for you may be dormant,
But it can still wake up.
Ring the bell, and call us to arms,
Your back is what we've got.
We've seen you twist and change,
Into all these shapes.
You don't need to create forms for us,
We'll take you and soothe your hate.  
We love you,
We'll never really stop.
Me and her know you too well,
Or is that something you forgot?
We're brother and sister, don't mistake that.
Wuji Oct 2012
And I lay here looking at the sky,
Counting all the leaves that are prepared to die.
Yet they all stay up attached to their tree,
Helping it live on as they die from the disease,
Called Winter.

It's called Winter,
Freezes over the warmth.
It's called Winter,
Pauses back and forth.

And now you know you're trapped,
For nature's mid year nap.
Don't you love the taste of the sap,
As you fall down to your knees.

Until then I lay here.
Until then I will lie.
Waiting for the boss to come down,
And tells me that now is the time to die.

The birds are flying over head,
They make Vs in the sky.
Why not make tissues birds,
For all the ones who cry?

I wait here laying down,
Eyes upon the sky.
Waiting for that lucky bird,
To fall from reaching too high.

Or maybe he'll be alright,
Maybe he'll be just fine.
And just **** on me,
I pray that I am such a lucky guy.

Maybe the Winter will let me be,
Until then I look toward the sky.

Now it's getting dark,
Don't have a clue why,
But I see the bright lights over head,
Now I'm ready to die.
It was the first day of Jr. year and I just had to go home and be a kid.
Wuji Oct 2011
O how the hanged man must feel to be at last at peace,
To hang there in eternal suspension,
Until someone gives a dam to get him down.

To be a sign to all,
To fear the hanger,
To feed the vultures that have picked at you all a long.  

And what about the moment the rope constricted the life out of him,
Squeezing like one would to a sponge,
But instead pain and gore, not bubbles and suds.

Did he die smiling?
That is what matters.
So he won't be a menacing image but a friendly reminder.

Obey your government or you'll pay the price,
Defy them,
And they'll ruin your life.  

They have a rope for us all!
Our lives planned out from the draw!
A death from a blissful rope.

Have we lost all hope?
Peyton Farquhar. An unjust make believe death.
Wuji Jan 2013
Please dear stranger help me out.
I will ****, steal, lie, and beg.
Please dear stranger I have no doubt,
Cut off my ******* leg.

I can't walk away from the pain,
That was manifested inside of me.  
Only drugs and knifes to stab and drain,
Will help me be at peace.

Locked inside my favorite room,
Without the ability to do much.
I'm just sitting here hating you,
And that crap I had for lunch.

O goodie it's pill time,
Better limp my way on up.
My wound is crying slime,
I think it's about to erupt.

Spews blood makes it rain,
Can't feel my leg,
But I know it's in pain.
Please please cut it off I beg.

Cut off my ******* leg.
Pleaseeeeeeeeee it hurts.
Wuji Mar 2012
I am alone,
Inside my head,
Inside my room,
Full of dead.

They cry and laugh,
And tell stories.
Listen to them,
Forget your worries.

Enter two more,
Unlike the others,
Alive, beautiful,
Born to be lovers.

Pick and chose,
Which one you want.
Present or future,
See what they got.

But be aware,
Present is unknown.
Future loves you already,
And my mind is blown.

The dead look to me,
Shrugging their shoulders.
"What am I doing here?"
Whispered the tired solider.  

I say I don't know,
And to my despair.
I realize I'll lose one,
If I don't care.
Not all who are dead are in my head, you are too.
Wuji Sep 2011
Meow meow meow,
Goes the girl that wants me to bow down,
To look under her bed for her dog.

As I did the lights dimmed down,
And on her face,
A smile replaced a frown.

For I did not know what she had in store.

Promises of candy got me under there to look for her dog,
But little did I know,
She only wanted my log!

As I came up to report that nothing was there,
I was greeted,
With a ****** stare.

For I had been trapped in her lair,
But honestly,
I didn't care.

As she pushed me to the floor,
I lied there hoping she'd want to keep me,
From breaking for the door.

She pounced on me and stayed close to my chest,
We were touching,
Breast to breast.

I got excited and so did she,  
Who says you can't have fun,
Without a fee?

Before you knew it the fire was lit,
As we,
Began to kiss.

Closer and closer we both moved in,
How could something that feels so right,
Be a sin?

As we both closed our eyes she had sent her hand out like a spy,
To inspect the treasure,
Of her guy.

I buckled a bit feeling a cold hand,
But I was happy,
And it made me stand.

She felt this and pulled down my pants,
To get a look of my giant lance.

I threw my head back as I began to relax.

Started to caress her body,
We were both being,
Very naughty.

Soon enough she was stripped down,
Then she happily,
****** on my crown.

As I started to fade away,
The curtain was dropped,
For the rest of the ****** play.
I had lots of fun writing this for a girl who asked me to write a poem on the spot. It was a while ago and I think I can say pretty confidently say I was *****. ;)
Wuji Jun 2012
Here lies the bride,
****** ripped wide,
Married rich, a bribe.

Watch her walk,
The guests all talk,
Open mouthed minister gawks.

Masquerade party,
The lock and the key,
Binds two for all eternity.

The smile they share,
Warming with care,
Trapped in a stare.

Married, her dream fulfilled,
Kids, a home, family dinners, that's the drill,
No money for the bill.

Last chance to run,
Last chance for fun,
Eclipse the sun...

Here she comes.
And they liv...well they lived for a couple of years.
Wuji Dec 2012
Might sound cliche,
But I'd rather kiss.
Could ******* everyday,
Though it wouldn't make you not his.

We are animals,
Lusting after each other.
Can't resist the the touch of her skin,
So unlike any other.

You and me,
The idea such a tease.
Hidden with secrets,
The answers were too hard to not cheat.

A dream is where we can meet,
A garden where we can be together.
No where to go, or people to break us up,
I wish I was better...

I'm not fine,
I'm crying inside,
Lying outside,
Dieing inside.

No Dear,
I am not fine.
How long before you realize this is no good for you?
Wuji Aug 2012
Stabbing stabbing,
Never wishing he had,
Everything that makes him sad.
Once betrayed now he has his own goal,
To put in end to the ones that made him pay the toll.

People are disgusting,
Not only that but they are distrusting,
Always needing revenge for the most pointless of crimes.
Out doing each other because why not be better then what we were originally,
Why even try?

What bad taste,
That left in my mouth,
As all positive thoughts will head south.
Everyone hates someone but why does anyone care?
High on your narcissism you think no one compares.
It's sickening.
Wuji Sep 2014
Guess what,
You're reading this right now love.
You don't really care,
You're just curious.
Don't worry I get it.

But why are you here though,
What right do you have?
You left me broken and alone,
Yet you still hang on for my words.
Maybe I never actually left your head.

How does this make you feel?
You always liked to check on your exs.
I changed my name,
And you followed me here.
But since I have you, why not look around?

Will you dare to read a love poem,
The ones that proves that this last year was real.
All those words inspired by your promises.
Or are those thoughts amputated,
Trying to rid yourself of this disease.

What did they tell you?
That I was manipulating you do to what I want?
I did everything for you.
Let me take you back.
Think of the good times, they didn't have to end.  

Guess what I know?
I know your afraid of me.
I love that, it's so cute.
So why not play with fire some more?
After all we still have a world to burn.
Wuji Aug 2012
No touch,
I listen.
Barley feel,
The wrath you bring.
I do not abuse you,
In any way.
No ****,
Just love,
And respect,
In my own peaceful way.
You like to lead,
Then lead away,
Can't expect your slave to
Jump into your lap,
So come to me,
I want to be your sap.
I am a fool,
But please,
Hold my leash
I am yours,
Take it or...
You are in control. You always have been.
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