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Wuji Jun 2012
Standing still,
Somewhere in time,
When the urge comes over me,
To roll over and die.

Viewing the happenings,
Of all who are around,
Everyone looking so pleased,
Mind safe and sound.

A hollow coffin waits,
For it's first and last embrace,
Greet my new friend with open arms,
Can't wedge between our space.

I hold my friend close,
And it never lets go.
Now I am loved,
My new home.

A car passes by,
And a thought escapes my head,
I could die right now,
If I jumped out of my bed.

Look at me dad,
I can smile like all the others,
Nothing wrong here,
Even ask mother.

A hollow coffin waits,
For it's first and last embrace,
Greet my new friend with open arms,
Can't wedge between our space.

I hold my friend close,
And it never lets go.
Now I am loved,
My new home.

No, this friendship is complicated too,
While I am happy ten feet underground,
Friends and family cry above,
So I guess this is goodbye for now.

I'll miss you.
They mean too much to me to consider anything.
Wuji May 2012
Always so confused,
Can't help to be amused.
Hope I'm not being used,
That this not all just a ruse.

I want us to go somewhere,
Where it is I don't care.
Just sit here and touch my hair,
I'll hold you close enough to wear.

Our plans are always changing,
But my mind is rearranging.
Set up the staging,
While my love is still raging.

Sleep in my arms,
Laugh at my charms,
I'll show you no harm,
Wasn't raised in a barn.

All and all I must say,
I can't wait for us to play.
To spend time with you in my day,
Would hit me with the brightest of sun rays.
Good days ahead? I hope so.
Wuji Aug 2011
People die everyday,
Once they die for their sins they will pay.
Like actors in a play,
They leave the stage at the close of the day.

But what of the actors that stay,
The ones who's hair have turned gray?
The old ship captain forever watching over the bay?
The dog that eternally remains a stray?

What if they had conquered death,
By committing the ultimate theft?
By stealing life to prolong the woe,
Just by eating a fallen crow.

Eat a crow,
And you will know,
How to play the main role,
In your own show.
You will conquer death,
Be better then all the rest!
In fact you'd be the best,
If you just eat the crow.

It gets better I assure you,
You don't even need to make a stew.
Who even knew,
That eating it raw will do?

Just find one on the ground,
In fact find a bunch and make a mound.
Luckily for us crows can be found,
All year round.

You know you want to conquer Death.
Come on you kleptomaniac, commit the theft.  
Steal some life to prolong the woe,
Eat the ******* crow.

Eat a crow,
And you will know,
How to play the main role,
In your own show.
You will conquer death,
Be better then all the rest!
In fact you'd be the best,
If you just eat the crow.

Eat a crow,
Eat a crow,
Eat a crow,
Conquer Death and eat a crow.

It worked for me,
It'll work for thee.
I am not as old as can be,
I am almost sixteen.

Haven't died yet,
So does that mean I've conquered Death?
I ate the crow,
How could I have said no?

Eat a crow,
And you will know,
How to play the main role,
In your own show.
You will conquer death,
Be better then all the rest!
In fact you'd be the best,
If you just eat the crow.
Thank you Sara Nicole Gagnon, our conversion on crows inspired me to right this. I still don't get why you are frightened by such an elegant bird.
Wuji Jan 2015
I almost died last night,
I only died that night.
I filled myself to the brim with poison,
And I swear I died that night.
Stumbled around the treehouse,
I swear I had no sight.
I had all my friends worried,
That I would die that night.
So now I'm hearing stories,
the truth comes out of my plight.
How I did and said stupid things,
and how I almost died that night.
I'm sorry to burden you with my body,
I'm sorry I vomited on the floor.
I'm sorry that I layed in your bed,
Drenched in used Chipotle.
I'm sorry I called you the wrong name,
but everything about me that night was wrong.

I almost died last night,
but I'm still alive.
Throw up in my hair,
tears in my eyes.
Sorry isn't good enough.
Wuji Jun 2012
Just another stick in the mud,
Selling food till the day is done.

Hours and hours they see me wait,
Fake smile a while keeps them abate.

Barely time to eat my food,
Thirty minutes total, we all our tools.

Getting trained in the basics or so they are called,
A hair in the food could start a brawl.

Man up and eat it,
Can't **** you dumb ****.

But no, smile,
Give them a while.

I'm sorry I'll fix that.
I am a clone.
First day of work...and to many more!
Wuji Oct 2014
You, yes you.
I feel so bad.
You lost the ability,
To love what you had.
Not one complaint,
You just fell away.
I feel bad for you girl,
You should have stayed.

I was great for you know,
We had it quite down.
But you ****** up,
And I don't know what to do now.
You left your master,
And got a new host.
You think he hurts as much as me, but think back to before college,
Bet he hurts you at April level at the most.  

You forget the sting,
You forget the taste.
I don't mean to scare,
But I'm so lonely in this place.
You know I have control and I'd never hurt you so,
Give yourself back to me and let our animals take over.
Let's sort out our feels through fighting, and get it all cleared away,
We'll claw and slash and bleed more for each missed day.

I know it's a new year.
I know you don't plan to be here.
But I swear I still have some space left in your mind,
The space that wonders what we could be if you gave me the time.
"The thing that makes me feel confident is that  we are so compatible that we could only stay apart for so long before wed be drawn back to each other" Your words my love, I believe they still are true.
Wuji Jul 2012
Look at the actor,
Wears a mask of hardened clay,
The shape,
A clear slate,
The background actor of the play,
Not meant to be heard.
But he's so ******* good,
As some viewers confuse him for a wall.
Sounds not made from passion,
Just machine.
Lyrics forged to beats,
Meaning is what lacks from it all.

Any monkeys can press buttons,
Any machine can be used.
Look at how he draws the eyes of everyone,
So in twined and amused.
You dance not listen,
Never think just drink,
Enjoy the act while it lasts,
Though it goes on and on.

Stupid ******* machine.
Makes me mad.
Wuji Nov 2012
Unfair is the open door you refuse to go through,
While the servant waits unmoving to take your bags.
Paid with commission it is his mission to please you.
But your old room felt just like home.
Sorry you were kicked out,
I know I hated being evicted.
Could have all been avoided,
If the servant had quit.
Now you fire him,
Told him to kindly get the **** out.
Ruining all she had once going for her,
His head filled with doubt.
He killed the love,
He started the fire.
She buried the love,
She cried in denial.
Don't lose both of us,
Or at least just lose me.
No one compares to him,
That I could always see.
Now I have no one. Thanks.
Wuji Sep 2011
You filled,
My head with false hopes and dreams,
About our future.

You extracted,
Every emotion from me,
You malevolent moocher.

You taught me,
To swim,
Just to see me sink.

You used,
Your infections charm,
to capture me with a wink.

You made,
A hole in my heart,
So I could bleed out.

Why did you,
Feel the need to torture me?
What was that about!?

Is it,
Because I loved you,
Just the way a man should?

Or is it,
Because you'd rather be beaten,
Like your other guy friends would?

With your love you,
Built me a house,
Just so you could burn it down.

So you could hear,
My painful,
Heartbroken sound.



What ever happened,
To our,
Perfect fairytale?

I tried to stop it,
From breaking but you let it,

Is there,

Do you,
Plan to,
**** him over too?

So now what?
It's over?
This is the end?

Us minus you,
One lonely me to contend.

Just do me a favor,
And stay out,
Of my life.

If this happens again,
Who knows who,
Will be holding a knife.

So stay away!
And don't show me,
Your face.

My final hope,
Is that you will,
Find me hard to replace.
Three months and four days. Good job babe you beat your record by four days. </3
Wuji Sep 2014
I can't wait for you to be thrown away.
I can't wait to see the look on your face.
I can't wait to see you replaced.
I can't wait, I can't wait.

I can't wait until they all turn on you.
I can't wait until they find someone new.
I can't wait until there is nothing for you to do.
I can't wait, I can't wait.

I can't wait until you're just like your old friend.
I can't wait until this all comes to an end.
I can't wait to know I told you so then.
I can't wait, I can't wait.

I can't wait until you're all alone.
I can't wait until no one is home.
I can't wait to turn off my phone.
I can't wait, I can't wait.
But I have to.
Wuji Sep 2012
When plants die,
They are stiff.

When we die,
We are loose.

They decay,
We age away.

But neither of us stay,
For the grand parade.

To see everyone else walk.
It's an idea. Think about it.
Wuji Jan 2013
I don't get birds.

They fly in Vs,
Squawk their needs,
Bother the rich,
Bother the poor,
Looking for nourishment,
Swear they aren't ******.

I don't get birds.

Seem to follow me,
Looking for something,
They will never find.
Stupid birds,
Don't waste your time,
Fly away.

I don't get birds.

Birds mess with your head,
Call out your friends,
Wish you were dead,
Because of all the ****** birds.
You can shoo and say ****,
But it will take more then that.

I don't get birds.

You **** one,
But more come.
Oncoming waves of self destruction,
Where's the fun?
Stop your pestering,
I don't understand any of you.

I don't get birds.
Never will.
Wuji Dec 2011
Imperfections, Imperfections, Imperfections
Imperfections, Imperfections.

That's all that she sees.
Looking at the mirror,
Markin herself up,
With a thousand fees.

Sees something that,
She don't like,
She has to workout,
Go for a hike.

She doesn't like,
The way she looks.
Gonna fix herself up,
With some needles and hooks.

Sees everything bad,
Though she looks good.
But some people knock her down,
Knowing she'd call the vultures to pick her for food.

But what she don't get,
About herself,
Is that a high opinion of you,
Is true wealth.

Also she must think,
About others.
Tell an obese woman,
That you are the fat one when you stand in-font of her.

Tell the starving boy,
That you're the scrawny dude.
Tell the average American,
You eat too much food.

Think about what you say,
Cause someone might have it worse.
Don't say you want to die,
Like the dear family member in the hearse.

Remember that the perfection of something,
Is what you think is right.
But how can anything be so,
When we have all lost sight?
For those who play "I spy" on themselves looking for every unwanted detail.
Wuji Oct 2012
You are true,
Not to me,
But to you.
I can smile,
I can understand,
That it is not me,
But another man.
Rather it be one,
Then any other guy,
Happy you asked,
For different gas,
Your tank could try.
True to your word though,
You stick to one comforting enough.
I know you want to,
But let's spare him the pain.
You love each other,
That's not a bond I want to break.
We are still friends,
You two are still lovers.
Although you can rest assured,
I'm always under your covers.
We separate ourselves.
Wuji May 2012
Covered man,
By the pool,
Screaming at,
His favorite rock.

Says his rock,
Is not all talk,
But when it comes down to it,
It still can't walk.

Screams his rock is a fool,
Believing it is something it isn't.
A super powered demon rocker ladies man,
Please just shut up.

You aren't the pretty pictures,
Hanging on your wall.
A small grain of sand on the shore,
That is all you are.

Can't you see the problem?
Don't you know your wrong?
How are you content with being one of those blades of grass,
On their lawns?

A grain of sand for their castle.
A tear drop in their moat.
A penny in the sea of million dollars,
A person who doesn't want to standout.

Don't be someone who you aren't already,
I promise you someone out there will shower you with confetti,
Because of who you are.
You are you for a reason.
Wuji Oct 2012
Is it a sin if it's under the covers?
Am I bad for enjoying her?
Shes not mine, but I'm hers,
As we lay so closely together.
She says she likes me,
I say I like her.
Both our voices hazy with a resting tone,
Whispering our thoughts on the matter.
Invites me in to stay,
But I'm always kicked out.
Her arms never leave me,
Though I know I must go.
Innocent questions from under the covers,
We both know we can't be lovers.
Not now maybe not ever,
Yet we hold each other so closely together.
Says I'm so good,
Says I'm the best.
Controlling myself,
Inside the straightjacket's vest.
I am her dog,
Started at the foot of her bed.
Made my way so close,
But I know my place.
Keeps saying she's sorry,
I tell her its okay.
You know you are killing me,
But you're one of my best friends.
Lips to her forehead,
I do not dare kiss.
"Sorry sorry sorry..."
If I leave she'll surely begin to miss.
"Would you ask me to prom if you were a senior?"
Of course I would.
But I wouldn't get anywhere,
You belong to someone else.
Someone is walking in,
A tight squeeze goodbye.
She moves in for the kiss,
But I deny.
I hate having all this power over you.
Wuji Sep 2014
Two headed snake,
Different venoms.
One will bite the other and they will both die.

Who strikes first?
Whose fangs hurts more?
Why even wonder, they'll both expire.

Patterns on them,
Change and clash,
But I predict the older half is the wickeder of the two.

Strike down the young,
Shed away the dead weight.
A deserted bag of hollow skin awaits a new tenet.

What a story to be,
To return to an old husk,
Make myself home again and settle before dusk.
She isn't worse than him, she can't be.
Wuji Mar 2012
Guns guns guns,
See them everywhere.
Fun fun fun,
Labels them for stare.

Can't can't can't,
Stop the youth to want.
Pant pant pant,
Tired from my taunts.

Bam bam bam,
Any kind will do.
Sam Sam Sam,
Uncle Sam wants you.

Shoot shoot shoot,
Shoot them in your games.
Moot moot moot,
Not sure who are the names.

Guns guns guns,
I want to play!
Sons sons sons,
Play the American Way.

Who who who,
Who can help them?
You you you,
Cut them from stem!

Toys toys toys,
Brainwashing toys for your,
Boys boys boys,
Who like to break down doors.

War war war,
**** the enemy.
Tours tours tours,
Fun for you and me.

Can't help me, but please pass the bill,
I'll fix the world with my inspiration to ****.
How can kids help it? It's all they know.
Wuji Apr 2012
Distracted I wander,
Following the wind as a parachute.
Gliding on the backs of others efforts.
High above the canape and their common roots.

My mind never settling,
Always thinking I've made a wrong turn.
Backtracking, backtracking , was I ever on track,
What track leads to what I yearn?

Curtains' numbers one, two, three, four,
Players play for prizes, hope not to get burned.
Got a bad deal, don't win the sports car?
Go home and buy a rope and raise some concern.

Someone goes to stop you,
Get what you want, by threats and scares.
Instability will only balance if naivety is company,
Show them the scars and burned hairs.

What's the right choice!?
I'm drowning in possibilities!
Past chances sail away,
As I sink to the bottom of the sea.
Written in the inside of my math work book.
Wuji Nov 2012
Controlled with words,
Leashed to some stranger.
Third wheels so expendable,
Away from it all in the back.
Staring into the streetlights,
The thoughts run past the open trunk.

Who knows what you did to me,
To make me lose all hope.
Yes it's a sad ******* poem,
No it doesn't rhyme.
I'm listening to mellow music,
In the back,
Of my car.
Waitting to leave this parking lot.

Just leave my life and stay away,
Can't play this confusing game.
I've got everything to lose,
And only one thing to gain,
I know I will misplace it,
**** all this pain.

I pretray a man of excellence,
But I just am I boy waitting in the rain.

I should be done.
But I'm not...
Wuji Nov 2012
There is a line on the floor,
That you let wash away.
Tide rolls in,
Pulling me to stay.
We are under the covers,
Under the spotlight,
Guilty or *****,
We can't decide.
Advancing so suddendly,
How far will you go?
Will I have the guts,
To stop you and say no?
I want to reach in,
But the sign says "keep out".
I might be playing in the rain,
But I dieing from drought.
She kissed me quietly,
When backs were turned.
Love her lips,
Love the pain's burn.
We are so close yet,
I can't do much.
Your heart is not mine to have.
So why am I your crutch?
Scratches on my neck,
That's not enough.
I'll shove my hand down your pants,
If you call my bluff.
Let's grow more.
Wuji Apr 2012
Sitting in the dark.
A screen of white in front.
Scrolling through page by page,
Reading every kind of font.
Eyes bloodshot,
Hunting for what I want.
The information spiderweb,
Has claimed another heart.
Searching for all the knowledge,
That I will ever need.
Read, read, read, the things others have wrote.
Who knows who made it, or who knows the notes.
Rocking back and forward typing all the words,
Barley looking at the screen now,
Just at my keyboard.
The dark hides the keys,
But my fingers know their way.
Playing the keys before me,
Mind spewing out words,
The lettered jacks dance,
Now you all know what I say.
Wuji Mar 2012
Pumping iron,
Sweating blood,
Gritting teeth,
Plays in mud.

Macho man,
Athlete of space,
Needs to win,
Every race.

Loves his body,
Masturbates all night.
Looks straight in the mirror,
**** to his own sight.

Goes to the gym,
To wallow in sweat.
Work out, work out, work out,

Can't stand them,
We all call them jocks.
Self centered ignorant *****,
Wish they could **** their own *****.
Cannot stand them.
Wuji Oct 2012
No arms,
No love,
No hands to call a cab.
Back home,
Sighing to myself,
I notice one leg is too short,
OCD kicks in,
I eat my legs.
Now it's even,
But what is the point of a body as useless as mine?
So I jumped in the road,
To release the tortured sole inside.
More fragmented poetry from the phone.
Wuji Sep 2012
She calls it a **** if it springs on it's own.
He won't grab the flower if we say it has thorns.
She won't chase her dreams if we say wake up.
He'll burn the whole town down till they've had enough.

I bet you'll never realize the pain you gave me,
Secrets submerged within closed smile.
Never wanting more then just a taste,
Spoonful of pleasure but a mind bent on evil.

She calls the doctor when nothings wrong.
He amputates his paper cut with a hacksaw.
She cries and falls into comforting arms.
He hangs there broken from the cross bar.

I bet you'll never realize how no one lives here.
Empty house with dusty rugs on the floor.
A fire was lit a year ago inside it,
And now the butler is kindling the burn.

She never should of came.
He always wants to go.
But they can both agree,
To never trust a stone.
Don't do it man.
Wuji Jan 2012
I see it everywhere.
I make the changes necessary,
To keep everything fair.

But some people,
They refuse to accept, 
That things can change.
"Since they didn't in the past, so they won't now."

I have my voice.
And you know I'll shout.
I'll scream the words of peace,
Speak up or you will drown!

Can't handle injustice,
In any sense at all.
Am I the only one conscious?
I see it after all.

My mind is God,
And that is where heaven lies.
Overpopulated, polluted,
The ADD keeps it disguised.

There the judges judge.
And make my thoughts carry on.
Where they hum the notes.
Of this Justice song.

I have my voice.
And you know I'll shout.
I'll scream the words of peace,
Speak up or you will drown!
Speak up.
Wuji Dec 2012
He wanders you know,
He doesn't know where to go.
Aimless fights gravity as he treads around,
Trying to get off the ground.

On day he found a staircase,
He fought it way to top.
Fighting the very force that protects him,
From leaving his Mother Earth.

Reached the top to find a rope,
The battle began again.
Fighting all he knew,
He pushed himself from the land.

Made it to the clouds,
And as he caught his breath,
His shadow grabbed his leg,
Brought him down with a rip.

Back in his place,
Back at his home.
The man cried uncontrollably,
And slowly died alone.
Serves him right.
Wuji Nov 2012
You're gonna be the death of me my friend.
By cuts or starvation I know I'll meet my end.
Bloodshot eyes and bloodstained tears,
It'll go on for years and years.

You'll be the death of me my friend.
Seduction your weapon,
I'll forget all the tension,
With you so close to me neck.

And I bet,
Soon enough,
I'll be dead.
But I want you to **** me.
Wuji Jul 2012
Middle of the night,
Beginning of a new day.
Better get to sleep,
I hate to feel this way.
In my head I hear morbid songs,
Something is missing,
I know something is wrong.

Walk into my dark room,
No need to turn on the lights,
The sun might rise soon.
I don't like to let people in,
But if you are in you stay.
This door is only one way,
Only when you leave you pay.

Late night early morning,
Can't help to want some company.
O well I guess,
The darkness will not leave me.
I am tired of this.
Wuji Aug 2014
I think I got it,
An understanding of this situation.
A reason why life still goes on,
With the strength of a child's imagination.
No one can say,
I didn't love her since the day I met her.
No one can claim,
That despite my smile I wasn't hurt.
Life was so smooth and comfortable back then,
Till recently when it seemed a little rough.
Like a piece of you ripped out for no reason,
But now I have had enough.
No blood on me,
You left with an odd certainty.
Ready to jump ship,
Thinking I'd spend time looking for you at sea.
No, just go,
Hide in the dark that calls you.
I'll be in the light,
Try your best not to burn when you want to start anew.
Got it.
Wuji Mar 2012
Justice isn't doing the right thing.
It's just about balancing the scale,
Between right and wrong.

He killed a man,
You know what to do.
Chamber to his head click click boom.

The scale must always be,
In a mutual state.
Who ever touches the scale will meet their fate.

Eye for an eye,
Who can argue with that.
Strike for strike, **** for ****, prepare to receive your bill.

You owe us many of things,
An arm, a leg, a wife, three fingers,
And everything else you took away.

If your life doesn't pay the toll.
We will simply carry the ones,
And take them from those who you love.

This is blind justice,
For how can it care.
It is a scale,
Libra is always fair.
The stars say I am Libra. Stars can't talk.
Wuji Oct 2011
On and off, on and off,
Lights are on,
Now it's dark.

This is the reason for my despair.

On and off, on and off,
Lights are on,
Now it's dark.
This is my love affair.

Light's are on,
Everything is great,
You and I,
A pair destined by fate.
Creating memories for us to forever know,
Neither of us wanting,
For this love to go.
It seemed the sun always shined,
You could make me smile anytime.
You knew my ins and outs,
All of my mental routes.

On and off, on and off,
Lights are on,
Now it's dark.

Light's are off,
Everything is covered in dark.
A giant part,
Is missing from my heart.
And as for the memories,
They are being painfully hammered into my head,
Every time I remember, one is nailed in deeper,
Causing me dread.
Can't be removed,
Can't be soothed,
My heart is now grooved.

On and off, on and off,
Lights are on,
Now it's dark,

Light's are on,
Everything is fixed.
Couldn't be happier,
I really missed this.
We decided that this wouldn't happen again,
Let's keep our love safe.
It seemed our thoughts wouldn't bend,
Closer and closer we got.
All my feelings of darkness,
I had forgot.

But then you stopped caring,
If the lights were on.
Claimed you could see in the dark,
You said that I was wrong.
This really is your fault.
But the sad thing is,
I wish it was mine.
So I could say sorry,
And we can flip the light switch on,
For one last time.

On and off, on and off,
Lights are on,
Now it's dark.

This is the reason for my despair.

On and off, on and off,
Lights are on,
Now it's dark.

I need someone that can have my heart repaired.

On and off, on and off,
The light bulb is broken,
Now it's forever dark.

This is my love affair.
Off and on. On and off. I wonder if you too suffer the cost.
Wuji Dec 2011
The SS,
Those sons of *******.
Men to the left,
Women to the right.
Eight words,
Spoken quietly,
  No pity.
Listen to what I say,
I saw flames,
Look at the flames.
Flames flames,
Go away.
Why do you pray?
Listen to what I say.
Shut up,
You *****,
Or I'll tear you to pieces.
I said nothing.
Lost in thought,
The choice was in our hands.
Still unknown.
No one listens to me...
Listen to what I say!
Jews listen to me,
I was saved miraculously.
Where did I get my strength?  
I can no longer live.
Found poem from the book "Night" by Ellie Wiesel. Thank you Mr. Wiesel. No one listened to Moishe...
Wuji Sep 2012
Sticking out like a sore thumb,
At least I'm not locked in the masses' fist.
Writing my own tale of oddness day by day,
Building the stories I will tell my grand kids.
This might only be the preface of the plot,
While I climb the raising actions to the ledge.
I will not peek at the end of this book,
But just might burn some holes in the neighbor's hedge.
I live for the reaction of you all,
Hoping to bring smiles and laughter.
Maybe opening your eyes to the way I see life,
So this can be a successful rapture.
Please stare at me in disbelief while I blow your minds,
Beneath this crazy face their more then meets the eye.
And yes,
Most of them rhyme. have purple toes?
Wuji Jun 2012
So much beauty in our world,
In every tragedy we think we see.
You think you can compare ******,
To happened to you and me?

The storms came often,
Ripped our land apart each three months.
But I always stayed in the storm,
Looking back I feel like a dunce.

Sad to say you only saw the rainbow,
When the storm had stopped.
Now I live in a new land,
Your crimes' charges have not been dropped.

Can't say I miss the sun,
In the times it did shine.
Nor the heavy rain and harsh winds,
That had clouded my mind.

Though I do miss that feeling,
That Spring days are ahead.
Looking back it's quite a shame,
You never slept in my bed.

Sad to say you only saw the rainbow,
When the storm had stopped.
Now I live in a new land,
Your crimes' charges have not been dropped.

My new land still unclaimed,
Yet I do not jump right in.
Would never disrespect my ******,
My great new female friend.
Don't read what you don't want to know.
Wuji Oct 2012
Whispering in the dark says I don't want it.
Screaming in my head says I can't have it.
The echoing fear loneliness surrounds me,
Knowing that I have nobody slowly kills me.
I have no arms just for me.
Not even my own,
Because they hold someone I love.
They just take my arms home,
I stand here innocently,
Fragmented writing noted on my phone.
Wuji Nov 2012
I'm tortured as of now,
And I can't really complain.
Sorry girl of the future,
But I'm playing in the rain.
I'm a mess right now,
All I can do is think of her,
But don't pay much thought about it.
I'm sure if you exist,
My love for her is gone.

You see I'm so lonely,
And she touches me without crossing the strings.
I'm naive and longing to have worth,
To her I know I have a place.  
No, it's not a good one,
But what else can I have?
Just siting in the dark,
Telling the hole in my heart it is full.

It's not like I hate her,
No, none of that.
When I do nasty stuff though,
I don't let her see my face.
Want her to feel my pain,
But she'll never catch on.
As much as I want to leave,
I'm afraid to be gone.

Let me know that you are just mine,
And I promise everything will be just fine.

Because she never was...
I know it won't work.
Wuji Jul 2012
Join me good friend,
Look into this pond.
Tell me what you see.

We can see different images,
If we both see through,
The haunting reflection.

I see you and I together,
Staring into a pond.
Not seeing the creatures below.

Do you see how we stand here,
Smiling without reason?
Our most inner thoughts fight one another.

I grab you quickly,
In some romantic gesture.
As we stand close getting closer.

That's the reflection.
Standing by the pond we stay barely close enough.
Longing in my eyes I lay down.

And let my ambitions rest.
"You're the best..."
Can you see it too?
Wuji Jan 2013
Did you happen to see that?
***** got hit by a truck.
She's lies on the side of road,
****** and knocked out.
Cautiously I approached,
In fear she would wake up.
Took a bite of her neck,
And deiced that was enough.

Tried to find my way home,
But my thoughts only brought me to her.
Went back to ground zero,
For just another look.
Still there she lay,
Now with her rot and decay.
Surely shes lonely,
I'll invite her to my house.

When I asked she said nothing,
Yet she winced her right eye.
Good enough for me I thought,
As I threw her over my shoulder and cried.
What a pretty girl,
Look how she bleeds.
Not much of talker,
But she's all I need.

Sat her down at my table,
Got her and I a drink.
Two glasses of orange juice,
"How lucky am I" I couldn't help to think.
Growing hungry I asked "What shall we eat?"
There was that wince again, but I swear she whispered "Me."
Jumped over the table, mounted her on the floor,
I tore the flesh off my sweetheart with bloodstained teeth.

Her organs still warm,
Her blood a nice cold contrast.
The frenzy went on.
Till I had nothing left.
A puddle of blood on my floor,
Staining my carpet and heart.
She was a good girl,
Too bad we had to part.
Wuji Jun 2012
Our love was made in China,
Outta of the sparks rose a fire,
Now we're all burning,
For that love we've been yearning,
That love that started the fire.

Who can call it love,
If we've only got a taste.
The words on the tip of my tongue,
In my ears that laugh stays rung.
In opposite directions we race.

Didn't push me off,
Seemed it enjoy it all.
But at least we have that day,
Where you and I played.
No one can break that wall.

Our love was made in China,
Outta of the sparks rose a cloud of ash,
Now we're all cold,
From that love we've been told,
That love that stayed dead at the site of the crash.

Odd zoo animal,
Let him in my house.
I was only trying not to be a ***** *****,
Now he wants to get hitched.
Such a creepy craving mouse.

Gave to him a gift,
I was his first kiss,
He was fine but I wanted more,
So awkward he couldn't handle a *****.
But please go on insist.

Our love was made in China,
Outta of the sparks rose a column of black,
Now we're all empty,
From that love we've held gently,
That love that stayed at her house and won't ever come back.
I thought about it again...weird.
Wuji Aug 2011
The boys marched off to war one by one,
They thought that war would be very fun.
Hunting and killing bad guys,
Destroying the ones that plot our demise.
The boys marched off to war, O' war.  

The second squad came in two by two,
They heard that the first squad went, "kablew".
Scared a little they marched on,
Spinning their little tiny batons.
The second squad marched off to war, O' war.

Body bags came back three by three,
Blood dripping down to their knees.
Mothers and fathers gather around,
As their children are put in the ground.
We just let them die, for lies.
"Ants go marching one by one."
Wuji Sep 2012
We are the ones who won't open our eyes,
Fearing that we will turn into cold stone.
The unknown, a dangerous mystery,
That is why we can never truly know.
Out of sight out of mind, can that be true?
No, we will always concisely be sad.
Deep down we all can feel it's just a ruse,
In the distorted nest of all our fears.
If that's not enough, the snake kissed your face,
All the saliva of temptation there.
Wipe it off quickly before you lick your ich,
Too late now the snakes know how much you care.
Medusa can't wait to have a new fool,
Trophy of a scared man, isn't that cool?
You have to open your eyes sooner or later. (Sonnet)
Wuji May 2012
Knowing sadness,
It is easily done.

To live life in the grayest shade,
To have removed the pleasure of fun.

Anyone can see it,
As you lay your head down.

Surrendered to sorrow,
Sad songs are so renown.

Others will fire questions,
Though you assume they are far off.

Dart boards made of water,
Can never hold back the darts.

No idea what is wrong,
You swear you were smiling the whole time.

Why does everything feel so wrong,
What paused the song on which you rely?
Stop the sadness man.
Wuji Jan 2012
With a family that is not mine.
I sit there waiting,
Am I just wasting time?
Metallic utensils,
Dance on the plates.
Scratching and scraping,
What a horrible date.
Father looks *******,
Daughter ******* on and on.
"Cut your hair!"
You think I care?
The spell is fading,
I am starting to wake up.
But my bed,
Is oddly comforting.
So stay in bed.
Although knowing,
That soon,
I will,
Need to,
Get up.
Why am I still here?
Wuji Feb 2012
Why are you here,
Haunting my mind?
Leave me spinning like a tornado,
As you hum your rhymes.

Memories flash back,
Unlike the phone which we were captured in.
Smiling holding each other,
Two on the bed, two in the closet, we all could have been kin.

My mind and my heart,
They fight to tie.
Neither can hope to win,
But the loser is always I.

Surfacing to my thoughts,
Like a beast rises from water.
She taunts me with sweet dreams,
Deceives like a daughter.  

Dreams of the future,
Nightmares of the past.
Still don't crush my hopes,
That might have you at last.

Questions fall from the sky,
All I can do scream.
The sky, the sky, is falling!
Chicken Little, I now know what you mean!  

Why can't you face me woman?
Tell me to my face,
That I am the worst of people,
Inform me of my disgrace!

When I see you,
I pretend not to give a ****.
Why should I even bother,
To show you who I am.

Plague plague, go away,
My mind does not enjoy your stay.
Spreads like fire,
Burns at a high rates.
I need to stop loving those who I should hate.
I swear I do it to myself.
Wuji Feb 2012
Looked in the mirror,
And I saw three people,
Looking back at me.

They were so different,
Motives crisscrossed.
Only showing sometimes in reality.

I saw my best friend,
He looked at me dead in the eyes.
Whispered wise words, into my mind.

Told me to be,
Calm and controlled.
Help others feel alive, do what I am told.

Beside him stood my worst enemy,
He smiled like the devil and said,
"Feeling are for fools, **** everybody."

Asked me if I cared about him or her,
Reminded me that nothing fun,
Comes out from being pure.

In the middle sat a boy,
Was it me?
He rocked back and forward crying himself to sleep.

Screamed his questions,
In unseen rage.
"Who the hell are you, where is your cage!?"

I stared at the three,
Tried to make sense of it all.
My mind couldn't take it so it jumped just to fall.

Destroyed by the questions,
My mind denied the heart's lies,
Shut off my eyes, now I am truly blind.
I am three people. They don't play well with each other.
Wuji Nov 2012
Just a human being,
Just a ****** up thing.
I'll make up my mind and close on own coffin doors.

I dance with the crowd,
And sleep by myself.
Mounted high upon the hill tops of your superstitions.

I am so gently picked up,
But thrown harshly to the ground.
Your every word causes the balance in me to turn.

I can stare at you for days,
Or blink my eyelids away.
Always thinking of the moment when I will be at peace.

Just a human being,
Just a ****** up thing.
Is there a good reason I can't just be left alone?
I hope not...
Wuji Sep 2014
In my head,
Make me happy.
That's what they,
Seem to think.

I do not,
Why they can't,
Just be happy.
I'll take lead.

I believe,
That they are,
Far from right.
No science,
It's pure will.

Let's call it.
We all have,
Some in us,
Focus it.

Create life,
Make your own,
It's easy.
Follow me.

I can teach,
You the ways.
You'll smile,
Start right now.
I refuse to believe that I have to thank chance for why I am who I am. I made myself.
Wuji Sep 2012
If plants can overgrow,
Then we as a species are obese.
Leaves make trees more beautiful,
But fall has rid us of all of them.

We are a rotting tree in winter,
And our demons live inside.
Hibernating the fear and angst away,
Since they can't afford to hide.

Everyday we pray,
No groundhogs will be afraid.
So spring can spring upon us,
And feed our many roots.

But Mr. Groundhog,
Doesn't show up.
All he does is paint sliver linings,
And keep our hopes up.

With the sun keeping spring a secret,
That only fools know.
Shadows are scary.
Wuji Nov 2012
If they are selling,
Then you know they're,
Ripping you off.
******* out for profit,
The game rigged,
They will always win.

Insanely low prices?
You know they still make money.
Corrupt corporate company,
Money loving thieves,
All a question of,
How much they can take.

Buying for cents,
Selling for dollars.
If you want what we are selling,
You'll have to put on this collar.
Jump through the hoops,
As we throw you for some loops.

You think you're getting the deal?
You're buying for,
Three times the price.
We say we aren't fake,
But there is no way we're real.
Now everyone pay up.
Stupid commercials.
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