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Wuji Sep 2014
She lied and will deny any thoughts she had at the time.
Loved and lost I can't find where to go and keep asking why.
U think it's denial, but I've walked so far on these calloused feet.  
These days drag on as I wait for the eye contact I deserve.  

Where is the switch you flipped, we could both use some light.
Help me help you to help me so I won't need to help myself.
Y do you think I am nothing, can't you remember anything?

Are you afraid of me? You moved away when I moved closer...
Running from the train is pointless if you stick to the tracks.
No one has the love for you that I have, can't you see that?
The things I'd do to have you again.

You're the one who diagnosed me as insane.
Our love was that of two cannibals tearing each other apart.
U amazed me with your presence, thoughts, and love.

Maybe it wouldn't even work again.
I wish I just had the chance to find out.
Nobody compares to even a single aspect of you
Everything is all smiles till I'm alone in bed with familiar city sounds.
The hole was made too long ago to not be empty by now, right?
Then why isn't it?
Wuji Sep 2014
You fell apart,
While I held you tightly to my chest.
Slowly fading,
The lights start to dim.
I'm losing sight of my girl.

Said she just couldn't,
Mind changed she didn't believe in the one.
My heart sinks,
And then those thoughts sneak in,
Sad and confused, I missed the green line.

She fell away so easy,
How could I still hold on?
Miles below sea she still pulls me.
Stuck in her wake I want to get out of here,
Why can't I rise?
Guess I'll just have a little piece in you forever.
Wuji Aug 2014
I have this drug that I'm on all the time.
An addiction so lethal but I feel just fine.
It's long and drawn out I know the signs.
Couldn't stop if I wanted to so I don't even try.

Doesn't matter if I'm alone or with friends.
When I inhale my thoughts seem to transcend.
All that is broken inside seems to mend.
A sigh and smile a day closer to the end.

When I feel low I walk out the back door.
Take a moment to adjust myself before I take any more.
I inhale with happiness that reaches my core.
How is everyone not on this live so sore?

My friends look at me oddly though they have vices too.
The kryptonite I take only slowly kills you.
They ask if I'm okay and offer me things that are new.
I always decline for there is only one thing I do.

Oxygen is it's name.
I breathe it every day  just the same.
I smile and laugh and enjoy life's love and pain.
If I breathe and smile a good day has been obtained.
We don't need anything to be happy.  It's all in your mind.
Wuji Aug 2014
I think I got it,
An understanding of this situation.
A reason why life still goes on,
With the strength of a child's imagination.
No one can say,
I didn't love her since the day I met her.
No one can claim,
That despite my smile I wasn't hurt.
Life was so smooth and comfortable back then,
Till recently when it seemed a little rough.
Like a piece of you ripped out for no reason,
But now I have had enough.
No blood on me,
You left with an odd certainty.
Ready to jump ship,
Thinking I'd spend time looking for you at sea.
No, just go,
Hide in the dark that calls you.
I'll be in the light,
Try your best not to burn when you want to start anew.
Got it.
Wuji Aug 2014
Saw you in a picture today,
And I realized,
I ******* love you.

You've walked away,
And I'll give you time,
Because I ******* love you.

Maybe you got bored,
Or you just can't commit,
But I ******* love you.

Never needed anyone,
And definitely not now,
Still though I ******* love you.

Got all these little thoughts,
Crowed in my mind,
Screaming "I ******* love you".

**** that.

You have no control,
But you're the only one to blame,
I ******* loved you.

Soon I'll get to see you,
Once or twice a week,
I ******* loved you.

Hope you learn to regret,
This mistake,
I ******* loved you.

I meant every,
Word I said,
Like, "I ******* love you".

How can I love,
Someone drenched in betrayal?
I ******* loved you.

****, I don't know,
I guess...

It's nice to feel uneasy again.
Wuji Aug 2014
It's done,
Everything we had,
So how can I smile?

Maybe it's optimism,
That flies are always drawn to one thing,
And my flame still burns bright enough.

Or perhaps I already have what I need,
You'll always be as perfect as you were then,
Aren't so retroactive in there.

You're an interesting piece of this puzzle of,
Longing to be fitted with a piece as visibly,
But love your next to me and I am part of the blue sky.

Our portion is what makes this puzzle,
Don't force anything just let it,
So we both have a reason to smile.
Don't try to fit in with a crowd you look like you belong to, be with people who act like you.
Wuji Jun 2014
Started with a bang,
Ended when you rang.
That call that night,
That gentle shove out of sight.
All is fair in love and war,
She left me looking for more.
I stole you from your past,
To only now be put in last.
She'll **** her theripist,
Until he gets ******.
And then she too will feel the crash,
Tossed aside broken in the trash.
And I can't decide how I feel,
Think about you day and night as if you're real.
Out of sight and out of mind you don't exisit,
But then why do I still crave your kiss?
How could I ever take you back,
You've erased us and cut the slack.
Nothing was wrong you just couldn't decide,
I'd love to forgive but I'd hate to lie.
You know I'll see you on the streets,
You know how much I'd love to drag you back to my sheets.
I stole you once I'll return to the scene of the crime,
I know all you want is time.
To hate is weak and to love is to be strong,
Never the less you are ******* wrong.
And I can't decide how I feel,
So I won't decide I'll just spin the wheel.
I hope you understand this more than I do.
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