People judge...
too much
But that doesn't mean people are just....
too wrong
Their judgements are base....
on the part they see.
But stuffs they see....
might be far from real
Aye "my Gee"
Their judgmental course....
can't be processed at court
Yes "my lord"....
The court hearing has been adjourned
Okay, okay...
Let's state the fact
Judgement is a tact...
That weak people use...
Words misconstrued
to make others confused
Well, that could be truth
Most people do.....
Judge from words told
by them jury folks
Lies they contrive
And then they connive
to spew and judge
Tittle-tattle stuff
That's far from their scope
The next you see
is... you're being abused,,,
Sorry, I mean accused....
of being this and that
with their judgemtal dart...
pointing at you
And at the end of the day,
You're the one who'd be paint
As the the badass mate
Hunm, that's deep
But if I may ask
Are you...
being accused
Or wrongly judged
By someone ***?
Not really that
Just thinking out loud