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134 · Mar 2019
Girl Talk
Fearless Mar 2019
I saw an angel look at me
through your eyes I saw her
you're unaware of what I see
but you were open heart so pure
timid as we talked of things
subjects of shame and pain
excuses and fear often clings
but we're opening up again
a lightness came into your eyes
as we enjoyed our simple day
I saw in them reflected skies
we somehow both found our way
through space and time stayed
not knowing we were on a path
the stuff of friendship made
does not make sense in words or math
now here we are in spring
where hope is all around
this beautiful connected thing
true friends' words the sweetest sound
134 · Mar 2019
Missing You
Fearless Mar 2019
I miss you so, though I put on a smile
it hasn't been long, not even awhile
but you're over there on the other side
and I'm over here, not trying to hide
you think I gave up, that I couldn't stay
but I'm working hard to prepare for the day
when I am your girl, and we are together
with a ring in your hand and words of forever
I'll conquer the world, just so you can see
That you are so very important to me
I love you with every beat of my heart
and I hate it that we are so far apart
head full of hope and a heart full of love
I left you in care of the One from above
133 · Nov 2018
Dirty Skeezers
Fearless Nov 2018
I sat right down upon the stool
Ignoring the eyes of the nearby fool
The bartender nodded and I ordered a drink
He had it to me quick as a blink
The the arrogant *******
Decided I was the one to scratch his itch
He came right over cool as can be
His clothes were screaming 'I have money'
He laid down his line, something about water
Didn't seem to matter I could be his daughter
Gave me the up-down look, I could see his mind
Normally to my elders I am quite kind
The sad thing is, he thinks it's fine
because the other girls do fall for that line
I wonder if he's ever thought
Is his daughter out there to be bought?
Since he decided not to use his mind
I decided to give him a piece of mine
But my Ferrari's just outside
Does he think I don't have any pride?
It's clear his brain is in his pants
And no thanks, not even just one dance
I look at a sad divorcee
And wonder if that'll be me someday
Watching a man my own age
Hitting on a ******* a different page
When I would love to take him to my room
And make him into my happy groom
I'd probably know a thing or two
That that young thing didn't know to do
But men will want what they can't have
And hit on girls when they could be her dad
But must we sit and suffer through
Their attempts to just ***** you?
For me I think that I will not
And though I get hit on quite a lot
I've got some things I'd like to share
With old men that get that stare
When they come for me they will find
An intelligent woman who speaks her mind
It's an uphill battle but it's gotta be fought
So Skeezers know we can't be bought!
131 · Mar 2019
Psychology of Personality
Fearless Mar 2019
One little thing, or a thousand, it's hard to know
can't organize it, put it in a box
like a trillion stars bursting in all directions but somehow making sense, intricate designs upon designs upon designs
chaotic and complex, but beautiful in our complexity
they try to make it all work, to put together the puzzle
order, organization, stability, rules
Fear. Fear brings everything into perspective for some
and nothing makes sense to others. Spurring to action or inaction. Not all action is visible though. Invisible action the more powerful of the two by far. The pen, for instance, ever mightier than the sword. Takes much more action to use effectively and powerfully.
Sometimes things don't make sense to some, but perfect sense to others. Boxes are made for the dead, not for the things that run around in your head.
131 · Mar 2019
Girl's Best Friend
Fearless Mar 2019
itchy tickle little black nose
claws on ends of doggy toes
fluffy tan with big brown eyes
I hope that he never dies
smart and sharp he looks at me
I wonder just what does he see
fluffy tail bounds through snow
man he loves that little word "go"
curled up in a little ball
he makes himself look really small
soft as a cloud and super sweet
I think he knows how to spell "treat"
sliding down the wood-floored hall
chasing after a tennis ball
on my bed he's sleeping sound
I am so happy he's around
Fearless Nov 2019
I read this thing about your man
that you should do these things, if you can
to have a happy loving marriage
so both of you will not disparage
The first one said to give respect
and if you do, you can expect
that he will love and honor you
because you showed him that you do
the second, listen when he speaks
and into his heart you'll get little peaks
the third one, creating a safe place
so he can be vulnerable, his fears erase
be honest with him in all you do
so he knows he can trust you too
the fifth may be the hardest one
and it may make you want to run
but submit yourself to your man
and do the very best you can
give him a chance to grow and lead
and watch him blossom and succeed
six to serve with love and care
to do kind things and love and share
Seventh to have joy even in rain
not seeking him out just to complain
eight shows a huge amount of love
to ask God to help him from above
praying for another opens us wide
pulls out all of the bad things we try to hide
Nine is easy in the beginning
'cause *** within marriage isn't sinning
it's fun, and exciting and easy to do
sometimes later, you just don't want to
it's important to keep it going though
temptation to stray, lurks as we know
The last to affirm the good that you see
and not circle the drain of negativity
always focusing on the positive
all of this is good advice to live
Your marriage will be filled with love
and you can thank a good God up above
130 · Sep 2019
You Are Enough!
Fearless Sep 2019
The devil does not want us to believe in love.
He wants us to be disappointed over and over
again till we stop believing it exists altogether.
Think of the love you wish you had from your crush,
or your boyfriend/girlfriend or spouse.
Think of how you want somebody who loves you so
much that they want to know everything about you,
and they see all the things that make you, you.
You want somebody who understands you,
and doesn’t judge you. You want somebody
who sees the things you are great at, and
who’s opinion matters so much to you that you
want to please them. Not somebody who
makes you please them and do things for
them to earn their love. You want to love
somebody you respect, and who respects
you back, and who makes you feel like you matter.
Somebody who listens to everything you say,
and always has your back. You want somebody
who is so confident and secure in who they are,
that your opinions don’t change them, but at
the same time they love you so much they
would die for you. That is how Jesus loves you.
He is the only one capable of loving you so perfectly.
If you want that kind of love, you have it!  
You just have to accept it and believe that it is real.
STOP listening to the lies that tell you that you aren’t good enough.
129 · Nov 2019
Jesus Makes Men
Fearless Nov 2019
A 20 something boy afraid of it all
of all responsibility big and small
he ran from the girl who loved him the most
as if she were some terrifying ghost
he ran from the thought of settling down
and these fears ran him all over town
into bed with this girl and then that one next
sending so many girls a different text
couldn't keep track but thought it was funny
different girls when it's raining or snowy or sunny
as long as they told him that he was the best
and never put his fragile little ego to the test
but then one day they just stopped being fun
then tables turned, and they started to run
they ran from his charm when he offered dinner
and he started to feel like a ***** old sinner
nobody wanted him, he felt all alone
though occasionally one would throw him a bone
he loathed the attention of the girls that he had
they were all washed up and used up and sad
was this what was left what it all had come to
it's what he deserved, he knew that much was true
alone and broken, at the end of his rope
he downed some more *****, he'd lost all his hope
he cried out to Jesus to save him from despairing
from all of those mistakes he had made without caring
Jesus reached down, and said you are enough
relax now, I'll take care of all of that bad stuff
you are My son, I bought you with My life
You can still be worthy of a loving, smart wife
treat her with care and she'll love and respect you
I will help you be good to her in all that you do
she won't dishonor or make you look bad
and she'll hold you and care for you when you are sad
If you turn to Me and trust in My hand
I can give you a life that is really grand
throughout history I've made courageous men
and for you My son, I will do it again
I'll make you so strong that your ego won't break
I'll make you so confident, you don't have to be fake
I'll make you so loving you won't have to try
I'll make you a man, and it's ok if you cry
128 · Mar 2021
Happy Days Are Here Again!
Fearless Mar 2021
I went on a dark and bitter road
carrying with me a giant load
of anger, fear, and huge regret
and things I wanted to forget
relationship dissolved in fights
so I had to book some flights
to escape my mistake
when I had finally come awake
to see that there was no love here
filled me up with giant fear
I spread that fear all around
by air and sea and on the ground
drowning in puddles of my tears
Jesus reached down through my fears
He took my chin and raised my eyes
but I latched onto unhealthy guys
I prayed and prayed and pushed my way
But God said no, so I couldn't stay
this brought me to a choice, you see
do I trust Him or be angry?
I didn't get the thing I wanted
which could have left me lifelong haunted
Instead I chose to have some faith
not to try to play it safe
All the things I've ever tried
and all the stupid tears I've cried
have lead me to this place I see
where Jesus just wants to love me
When He said no, it was for my good
and now I'm in a much happier mood!
He brought me to battles I couldn't face
took me on runs I couldn't race
He put walls up I couldn't climb
and ran down clocks till out of time
so He could guide me along the way
to a beautiful, and happy day
because His plans for us are great
and with Him, it's never too late!
You won't be happy when you win
so you can go right back to sin
you win when you are already happy
I know it sounds a little bit sappy
So praise the Lord with all your heart
that is the first place to start
praise Him when you've got no reason
and soon you will, in it's due season
Thank Him when it makes no sense
especially when feeling tense
He will give you peace inside
so you don't have to run and hide
He fights our battles when we trust
and does whatever that He must
to show His love and abundance too
He wants you to know, that He loves you!
128 · Jan 2021
Journey of Words
Fearless Jan 2021
A wandering thought across a page
like meandering deer trails through the sage
you don't know where they will go
but you follow just to know
what mysteries may lie in wait
locked behind an iron gate
or in a pirate chest in the sea
words are always a journey for me
127 · Aug 2019
Fearless Aug 2019
Love is unconditional and also unafraid
Love doesn't judge you and ask what you get paid
Love waits patiently for you to come around
Love does not stalk when you don't want to be found
Love does not assume that it knows who you are
Love waits for you to share when you come back from afar
Love does not seek its own and then plan out your life
Love is not upset when you don't want to be a wife
Love wants what is best for you and always prays it so
Love does not make you feel trapped, it always lets you go
Love makes you feel free at last when you accept it in
Love is what God has for us, regardless of our sin
126 · Mar 2019
Rainy Day Decisions
Fearless Mar 2019
Sparkling on thin needles
sun glistens through
looks like Christmas lights

hearing the steady sound
outside my window
and I think of you

I wonder if I can handle it
all of this rain, and more
can I stand the wet places

the gloomy clouds
oppressive gray all around
will it get to me or is it perfect

I don't know what to think
I don't know what I want
I don't know what I'm in for

decisions always more and more
never seeming the right one
just trying to do the best

how do you find your place
when this world is not your home
how do you know where to wait

we are all just waiting here
the dedicated are doomed
the half-hearted are hated

how do you commit your heart
when you know it won't last
the gloom gone, sun is coming

nothing lasts, nothing makes sense
commit commit just go 100%
something is meaningful in the chaos

wind whipping rain all flurries about
nature is chaos but all is in order
rain or shine, don't decide. just live.
125 · Dec 2019
Cheer Me Up Scotty
Fearless Dec 2019
I refuse to be negative, I will not give in
I will rise above, I did come to win
I won't give in to the fear and the hate
caused by everyone fighting their mate
I won't give up on love or on hope
I won't let myself just sit here and mope
I won't read sad poems that just drag me down
I won't look at things that cause me to frown
I'll fill my head up with positive things
and let all my worries up and sprout wings
I won't be afraid and I won't let go
there's something else I think you should know
if you don't give up and you don't give in
and you don't become a slave to your sin
if you will lift your head and follow your heart
and don't let this dark world tear you apart
then you will give witness to miraculous stuff
and you will soon realize that you are enough.
Make a wish. It's 11:11
Now thank God for hearing your prayer.
124 · Nov 2018
Life and Death
Fearless Nov 2018
An acorn is a tiny thing
But out of it a giant springs
It makes a home for birds and bugs
The roots give rocks and boulders hugs
Below it's branches leaves are dried
And broken hearted souls have cried
Tombstones lie below this one
Someone lost their only son
A stream of water near another
Where someone buried their dead mother
But back to other happy things
The peacefulness, wind whisperings
Powerful and mighty is this tree
That it puts hope inside of me
A mosquito flies around my head
Not bothering the lucky dead
But he brings hope to my heart
To get me up for a fresh start
You think you're too small to affect big things
Take note from that tiny terrorist with wings
God gave us nature for peace to be found
That's why I'm sitting here on the ground
People are buried all over the place
That's why this spot has a different pace
No one is worried or hurrying by
Nobody crying or asking God why
They've been sleeping for hundreds of years
Their prayers have been answered, no more tears
They sleep and wait for the glorious Son
To come down and say, 'alas, it is done.'
124 · Feb 2021
Busy BB With Me
Fearless Feb 2021
I first went out to dinner to have a little chat
I went out with my friend who has a little cat
then came the weekend and camping was the theme
my friend that I went with, we made a decent team
after that was Monday, I worked as best I could
trying to be an adult, as I know I should
days are kind of dragging; season's kind of slow
and the sunlight outside beckons with its warming glow
but Wednesday we went dancing all in one straight line
and now I am determined to make that new dance mine
then another weekend, and I could not sit still
didn't seem to have direction, or a strength of will
but went out in the wilderness to catch a little break
and every time I do that, it's never a mistake
I talked to God and told Him all the things that bother me
and tried to put it in His hands, 'cause the future, I can't see
Then I paced around the house, doing random stuff
but I ate too much sugar so the restlessness was rough
then I got invited out with the boys to shoot
and I could tell that one of them thought I was really cute
I've had a few fun weeks, and busy ones for sure
but missing you's what ails me, but for that there is one cure
I know you're missing me as well because you told me so
but do you want to BE with me? that's what I want to know...
124 · Nov 2019
Struggling Moments
Fearless Nov 2019
I planned out my day, and then I planned my year
I plotted every single thing so I could see it clear
I chose the career path, and I clung to all my strength
I managed my thoughts positively and exercised at length
I saved up every penny, and strategized my life
then I planned out how to be the very perfect wife
I knew if I was perfect, that I could have it all
everything I ever wanted, whether big or small
Nothing seemed to work out right, I never could predict
and it got to the point where I just couldn't handle it
I thought that I was smarter and that if I was good
I would be able to have everything that I thought should
just think harder, just do this, and then I will try more
but the more I did this, it frustrated me to my very core
I lost sight of who I was and all I thought I knew
but then one day it hit me and I started to get a clue
all my life i'd tried so hard will giving you a passing nod
then it hit me one day, that I had thought that I was God
123 · Dec 2019
Different kinds of Broken
Fearless Dec 2019
A pool of glistening tears, spreads beneath my knees
I hear the wind rustling, as it's blowing through the trees
I feel like I am broken, abandoned and alone
searching the whole world, to try to find a home
I used to be the loudest one, laughing in the room
now I'm in this empty place, quiet as a tomb
I drank till I blacked out, my head down on the bar
ashamed to say I've gotten, behind the wheel of a car
now my heart is broken, he ripped it into shreds
and I've never felt so horrible, as on my heart he treads
and yet I wonder now, as the gloomy lifts away
was I more broken then, than I really am today?
My head was full of thoughts of getting what I wanted
and all of God's great gifts, I ever freely flaunted
and now my heart is filled with sorrow and with prayers
but now I feel His touch, and I know He really cares
so I've come to the conclusion, though I thought I was fine
that all that self-assurance, was never really mine
that confidence I thought was running through my veins
was really just the devil, pulling on my reins
now I'm breaking free, and though it hurts at first
I know that had I stayed like that, it would have been much worse
so I've come to the conclusion, there's a purpose for the pain
and if you can push through it, you have so much to gain
Where once I was a shattered glass, the pieces strewn apart
now I am just dealing with a normal broken heart
It's been taped back together, but its not fully well
I'm afraid that everyone who looks at me, call always really tell
Those cracks across my surface are letting the light out
but they also let the love in, and that's what it's all about
122 · Oct 2019
Fearless Oct 2019
Every time we speak, I feel like you are judging me
so I spout off without a care, nonsense to regret later
I don't know how you do it, but you make act defensively
when with everyone else, I'm a lover not a hater

I just want to talk to you the way I talk to others
but with you I cannot be myself, I don't know why
anyone else, can be instantly like sisters and brothers
but after you and I talk, I always want to cry

You make me so frustrated because I can't just be
and I don't know if it's you that's making this so tough
or if all this difficulty exists inside of me
All I know is that it never gets better it's always rough

You interrogate and fluster me and make me feel dumb
do you do it on purpose? Or is that just my perception?
then I leave our conversations feeling glum
It was so easy to talk to you at the relationship's conception

I think the best defense against this defensiveness
is to have a good offense of humility
I will stop trying with the impressiveness
and hopefully this will cause more tranquility

Your constant need for adoration is exhausting
but that is not my fault nor my job to fix
but if my own arrogance is part of it's causing
then I shall take that one ingredient from this awful mix

I don't know what problems are you in you
but I can do a lot to change the things inside of me
for some reason, I'm stuck on you like glue
I just wish that you could relax and be happy
121 · Mar 2019
God is With us
Fearless Mar 2019
Long and intense though your week may be
You can’t give up, for don’t you see?
That God is always there through it all
Through the things we deal with big and small
Sometimes it seems we’re all alone
When bad things happen we moan and groan
But he is there through thick and thin
And in the end He’ll help us win
We can conquer all our problems
For He is with us and He can solve them
All He asks is that we trust and believe
'Cause He's got something up His sleeve
So lay down your fears and don’t give in
And step back from them and wait for Him
120 · Nov 2018
Dumb Little Love Rhyme
Fearless Nov 2018
Deep as the sea and oh so blue
When you speak I don't know what to do
I try to concentrate and listen hard
But I probably look like a ******
'cause all I can think of is kissing those lips
and feeling your hands gripping my hips
your laugh is the cutest thing I've ever heard
you sound like some sort of **** man bird
if I ever have the guts to show you this rhyme
you'll probably think I was nuts for a time
but that doesn't matter 'cause you don't know
that I love you 'cause I haven't told you so
120 · Aug 2019
Little Red Hearts
Fearless Aug 2019
A little boy stood on a stool
he looked up and asked, Daddy, what tool?
that one, he pointed to a little red heart
but dad, that won't work to rip this apart
I know, but we'll need it 'cause this will be tough
ok, but I just don't think it will be enough

A little girl stood next to the kitchen sink
well, mommy, what ingredient next do you think
this one, she pointed to a little red heart
but that will make this separate apart
I know, but you just need to trust your mother
but mom, that ingredient doesn't fit with the other

A young man stood and was punched in the face
later dad asked, what tool did you use in this case?
this one, he pointed to a little red heart
but dad, I just wanted to rip them apart
I know, I told you that this would be tough
ok, but I still don't think it was enough

A young woman stood and was called weak
she came home and mom asked, with what did you speak
with this, she pointed to a little red heart
But mom, it felt like they ripped me apart
I know, I told you to just trust your mother
even when turning one cheek and the other

A man stood and waited unnerved
thought of dad’s tools, the purpose they served
he knew that the tool for this job was his heart
even if it ended with it all torn apart
he knew that this job would sometimes be tough
but he knew that his heart in the right place was enough

A woman walked full of nerves, a smile on her face
she knew what ingredient to use in this case
she knew the ingredient was her open heart
and she hoped it would never get torn apart
she had trusted and listened to the words of her mother
now it was time to give her heart to another

A mother and a father watched their children with pride
as one gave away and the other accepted a bride
they hoped that the lessons they’d shared were used
that those little red hearts were never abused
and so they watched as two hearts became one
the next step of the journey had just begun
119 · Nov 2019
Random Morning Thoughts
Fearless Nov 2019
Rush of wind goes through the palms
it's Sabbath and I'm reading Psalms
I had a plan to sit by the pool
but the weather is a bit too cool
my roommate's painting in the shed
I decided to write poetry instead
I'm thinking 'bout our talk yesterday
and all the things I wanted to say
you always seem to cut things short
and I'm just try to be a good sport
texting just is not your style
and I'd rather hang out for a while
so invite me out and I'll say yes
and maybe God can both us bless
118 · Mar 2019
Fearless Mar 2019
Silence beckons deep hearts reaching crying love
but the chatter is deafening inescapable
screaming aloud in a crowd with no ears
sitting in a sea of techno twerking scramble
laughing and touching, eyes like grasping hands
clawing and fighting trying to catch a breath
eyes closed tight fighting, overwhelming
blood leaking from heart through bleeding ears
drowning in noise not loud enough to drown out the pain
the hardest of things to enjoy but the most satisfying
the master, take silence from the noise and push
inverted blast, silent atomic energy expanding
envelops all it touches, louder in its silence than all else
falling away, fading into the background as it passes
lonely despair in the twisting, grinding, raucous, sinful sea
escaping running, faster fading, slowing quietly awaiting
forest of silence, glowing inside brilliantly shining peace. Alone.
118 · Sep 2019
Human Heart Condition
Fearless Sep 2019
Passing smile polite little nod
on and on the people plod
you see the lonely in their eyes
and we turn and we despise
the weakness there is our fear
the darkness drawing very near
anxiety from lack of love
we forget to look above
so much selfish running round
till greed drives us into the ground
nobody understanding you
are they even trying to?
but they all want the same
this Jumanji hashtag game
we're tired of people everywhere
but we're looking for our perfect pair
want to be alone, but then we cry
and we complain and wonder why
share yourself just open wide
we all just need no longer hide
117 · Jun 2019
I have traveled...
Fearless Jun 2019
You used to be so huge, that I couldn't even picture you
but now that I have traveled I have a better clue
I thought there was one ocean and it went around the middle
but now that I have traveled, I have figured out your riddle
I thought you were even bigger, once I learned all of that
but now that I have traveled I know you're not that fat
I thought the other side was so very far away
but now that I have traveled I know it only takes one day
I thought that if I saw it all my dreams would come to be
But now that I have traveled I know I was trying to find me
I thought I'd find a place that's mine if I went out to roam
but now that I have traveled, I know where there's love its home
115 · Oct 2019
Cheerful Little Pissant
Fearless Oct 2019
Bouncing happy can't contain
this beauty born from struggle and pain
I know I annoy those still in the dark
who eye me like a hungry shark

It's not that I am actually annoying
it's just that their misery is so cloying
it's needy and saps all of their strength
they go on and on about it at length

I want to hand them a bottled cure
but there's one thing that I'm very sure
that if they looked for help from God
they would not feel like dirt that trod

everybody trying to use them for stuff
taking and taking, it's never enough
nice to everyone so they won't be hated
but never feeling their appetites sated

So now I go on my merry way
and for these souls, I often pray
I sometimes see them start to change
but there's only so much in my range

So turn from your misery, turn to hope
the self-help obsessively saying don't mope!
Like, oh, well I'll just be happy then
this is not within the ability of men

You cannot do this all your own power
to sit at the top of some imaginary tower
You were built to rely on a loving Creator
Make that decision now! There may not be a later
115 · Oct 2019
Fearless Oct 2019
Be in this moment
this moment right now
don't think of the future
or stress about how
you'll get where you're going
not because you know
this life never tells you
exactly where to go
so live right this second
take a deep breath
you cannot control
the moment of your death
there is no formula
to repeat the past
can you not see
you're going too fast?
right now is the time
it is all you've got
spend it wisely
and realize it's a lot
you'll pass up your life
focused behind or ahead
don't you know yet
we all end up dead
It's the only life
that some ever get
I see why you're stressed
'cause you don't know yet
that God can take care
of all your petty needs
if you will go out
and plant His love seeds
so worry no more
'cause there is a life after
stress free and fun
and full of bright laughter
114 · Sep 2019
Turning a Little into a Lot
Fearless Sep 2019
Little is a lot when it is in God's hands
Just rely on Him, when there's too many demands
Perfection is exhausting and it'll make you cry
you think you're not enough, and you always wonder why
If you thank Him for the blessings you don't think you got
then He will give them to you, and you will have a lot
The things we think we want, like money and attention
are not what we want most, I just want to mention
we desire freedom, and love and some respect
we think the only ones with this are the rich and the elect
that is not the case, they're in prisons of their own
drinking habits, *** scandals, and feeling so alone
Ferraris and mansions have never caused us awe
jealousy and frustration, though they sometimes drop a jaw
we ridicule the rich for how they use their stuff
even those with way too much, never think it is enough
the things we really value are kindness and humility
but humans are innately wicked and we lack the ability
to see how these things gain us the things that we want most
friends, respect, love, and joy, so just ask the Holy Ghost
You matter, you're unique no matter what it is you do
not everyone that's nice only wants something from you
If you don't know what to do and all you got is a beating heart
Thank God for all of it, that is the best place to start
114 · Sep 2019
Little Bursts of Joy
Fearless Sep 2019
Hop and skip, I sometimes sing
This joy and all my wondering
the world seems to have come to life
I let Him handle all my strife
Little giggles bursting out
but not so "happy" I wear people out
I didn't do it, I don't know how
To explain what I am feeling now
No formula for perfect bliss
alone I could not manage this
We try to hold on to happy thoughts
like Peter Pan and Mrs. Potts
You cannot control your own mind
there's no solution you can find
just lift your eyes and let Him in
He gives you freedom, lets you win
I feel like I'm a wound up toy
bubbling over with so much joy
It's hard to walk when I want to skip
and dream I'm on a pirate ship
Just let Him handle all your stress
and then you will be so FEARLESS!
Fearless Dec 2019
His name was Mort
he had a hideous wart
when he got into port
all the wenches would snort
but he waltzed up to the fort
and attended the court
where he drank some fine port
and had a nice chocolate torte
he had eyes on a consort
a tryst with her, he'd had to abort
his mission, her father did thwart
so he drank *** by the quart
and fought men for sport
the rich he'd extort
for he was that sort
for this fair escort
he would not resort
to actually court
her image of him, he dare not distort
and that is why, he'll always fall short
but he got a passport
and got on a transport
and learned to support
himself in Freeport
and that my dear friends, is all I have to report
113 · Aug 2019
Chips and Salsa
Fearless Aug 2019
Chips and salsa crunchity crunch
On these things I like to munch
no nutrition in this food
but it puts me in a happy mood
popcorn and a great show
are also married, don't you know
peanut butter jelly time
a quality pairing in this rhyme
I am in a silly mood
and so I'm playing with my food
112 · Oct 2019
Never Forgotten
Fearless Oct 2019
You sit there alone, tears down your face
another dark night, morning full of disgrace
he said he would call, but you haven't heard
you sent tons of texts, but heard back not a word
he touched you so tender, his hands on your cheek
did things that made your knees just go weak
you talked and talked and he shared his life's goal
you both knew that you'd found a match for your soul
but now he is gone, and without a word
flew right out of your life, like some giant bird
you're shattered and broken, was it all a lie?
this pain is so much that you'd rather die
there is one who is there, He's sat by your side
He's caught in His hand, every tear that you cried
each moment you've spent in bed with popcorn
He's been there for you, watching you mourn
the loss of love that's been ripped from your life
the wounds that cut deeper than any sharp knife
He wants you to know that he loves you so
there is no place inside you so dark He can't go
He can bring joy back into your lonely heart
He is with you always, you're never apart
Though you've betrayed Him and treated Him rotten
He loves you so much, not alone, not forgotten
112 · Aug 2020
Empty Shell
Fearless Aug 2020
folded in upon herself
round curves and sharp lines
her brain all fuddled by it's grief
and her circumstance defines
she feels an empty shell
and so I've drawn her so
a girl without a face
for nobody can know
a person not themselves
but what others think they want
crushed inside this empty shell
the bravest soul to daunt
the empty loneliness engulfs
though surrounded by her peers
afraid to breathe or move or talk
locked inside her fears
and so she's sketchy pencil lines
for I have drawn her so
because one is not in color
until they can just let go
there is freedom in worship
but not if we are bound
we cannot even love ourselves
when worshipping those who walk the ground
111 · Jul 2020
Little Bits and Pieces
Fearless Jul 2020
a ragged little hand-me-down
a knotted ball of string
lots of broken pieces
of a copper clocky thing

the rain is coming down outside
her dress is ripped and torn
street cats scramble off to hide
while the wedding party morn

piano keys all broken
not a sound is heard
conversation felt not spoken
because sound would be absurd

a finger lifts her chin
to meet sparkling deep green eyes
in her he's found the twin
of his heart's mirror in disguise
111 · Dec 2019
Vampires vs. Zombies
Fearless Dec 2019
I met a pretty man, like a vampire
and my loving heart he did desire
so I gave it to him willingly
and he ****** out my ability
to feel love again in my heart
once he'd torn "us" apart
he ****** the love right out of me

then I met a Man, like a zombie
His loving heart He shared with me
He gave Himself up willingly
and infected me with the ability
to feel love again in my heart
and to share it with every part
with all who came in touch with me

So love not like a vampire
consumed with your own desire
but love like a zombie
and 'infect' everyone equally
disclaimer: this is about sharing love, not about sleeping around
111 · Jun 2019
Fearless Jun 2019
sitting watching they walk by
on balcony with a trained eye
I see the holes in some of them
where there is a missing gem
some holes are small, barely there
some are huge and everywhere
the more a person has in them
the more they're holding on to sin
when you are making grave mistakes
you don't know the toll it takes
people can feel when you are wrong
they hear your silent villain song
you may not know you have this hole
where once sat your shining soul
but rest assured, it can be filled
if it is only what you willed
so ask the Lord make you whole
and then you will not have this hole
Fearless Nov 2018
Roses are dead
Violets are stew
If you're in love
then you're an idiot too
'cause boys just like drama
and you'll never be right
unless you're like their mamma
and never will fight
they want you to be good
while they play around
but they wanna check under the hood
before they settle down
so where is the balance
and what do you do
how can you stand a chance
or know what is true
the only way you're ever the one
is if you stay true to you
till they've had all their fun
110 · Mar 2019
What I miss about you
Fearless Mar 2019
I don't miss the holding hands
while sitting watching some live band
I don't miss the hugs and kisses
hoping you'll make me your Mrs.
I don't miss the spooning cuddles
whispering when we're in our huddles
I don't miss the loving gazes
feelings twirling all in mazes
I miss the silences we shared
because we knew the other cared
I miss that we both got our space
and neither on the other's case
your needs were just the same as mine
to have your peace and take your time
people always want too much
your emotional energy and such
people always want to talk
even on a "quiet" walk
people always want attention
and other things I will not mention
no expectations came from you
and that is why I could be true
to tell you what was on my mind
and just let both of us unwind
nobody gets it, or very, very few
but that is why I'm missing you.
109 · Sep 2019
Bias, Regret, Isolation
Fearless Sep 2019
The bias in your heart creates an elusive lens
Complete and utter impartiality never to attain
You love somebody so, that you never can be friends
No matter how hard you try, it always is a strain

Regret is the flawed scourge that causes you the pain
And makes it impossible for you to let it go
So you dwell in what ifs and try and try again
But I will tell you something, that you may not know

Isolation is a stingy experiment, robbing you of hope
The scourge you beat yourself with and the bias in your heart
Are the devil's way of making it very difficult to cope
If you lock your heart away then you'll be torn apart

Open it up wide with the ability to love all mankind
It sounds emotionally exhausting but this is what you do
If you only try to please God, and love Him, you will find
That you suddenly have the energy to love everyone else too

To forgive the ******* that broke you and thought they got away
To love those who ridiculed you, when you were just a child
To open your heart in friendship and love each and every day
And even to forgive yourself for all the years that you were wild
108 · Nov 2018
Little Things
Fearless Nov 2018
Thankfulness for little things
even though you wanted wedding rings
can lead you on to something great
'cause you showed love instead of hate
faithfulness in little things
secrets kept in whisperings
can lead to gaining someone's trust
which in this life is such a must
kindness shared with little things
a drowning bee with soaking wings
can lead to glimmers full of hope
and give you reasons not to mope
if you can be good with all little things
and let go the hurts and fights and stings
then "impossible" miracles could manifest
because even in small, you gave your best
Trying to infuse the world with positivity, one poem at a time.
108 · Dec 2019
Beautiful Sunny Day
Fearless Dec 2019
on a green hill with sun up high
you plopped down next to me with a sigh
we laid in the grass and talked for a bit
and I was charmed by your sharp wit
you reached out and took my hand
a gentle touch, made me feel grand
a breeze caught your hair as you looked at me
and I wanted to tell you what I see
your blue eyes with flecks of gold
your chiming laugh that never grows old
a hope for love is in your eyes
though you try hard to disguise
before I can stop it, my hand reaches out
my mind is racing, all my fears shout
I ignore them as I touch your face
then you pull me in, to your embrace
your features smooth a smile there
you look like you have not a care
I know God's smiling down at me
and now I can clearly see
how He has listened when I pray
and gave us this beautiful, sunny day.
108 · Dec 2019
Well Worn Path
Fearless Dec 2019
she wandered down a well worn path, that she had trod before
afraid that she would wander it again forevermore
there never seemed an end, to the random twisting ways
it was so confusing, that it left her in a daze
people she passed talked to her, but she heard not a sound
and she knew that she would not, till the exit she had found
they tried to interact with her, but she was not all there
because the winding road she trod, was with her everywhere
from time she to time she peaked, out of the windows of her eyes
to see if there was someone, who could heard her desperate cries
but the winding road had trapped her, and they just couldn't hear
so she continued wandering down the maze of all her fear
she knew there was an end, and someday she'd find a way
but unfortunately for her, today was not that day
she grabbed a piece here, and another over yonder
to try to put this puzzle together for a picture that was fonder
a picture of it working out and life all making sense
but too many pieces missing, just made her really tense
then there was a flash, and she sort of got a look
of a path that might open up behind a tiny nook
so she pushed a little there, and it started to give a bit
and that's when she decided, that she would never quit
107 · Nov 2019
It Starts With YOU
Fearless Nov 2019
Love has become so unfortunately tainted
that in order to find you must be sainted
people don't trust that any can love others
turning away from even their own mothers
women don't trust men and men the same
it's all just one sad little trick filled game
but these are lies that are meant to deceive
the outcome that they are designed to achieve
to isolate all of us, leave us all alone
so we will be mad at God and not atone
if we don't believe that another can love us
how can we believe in a God up above us
a God we can't see who's never around
when we are lost and just want to be found
He's always there and He answers our call
even when we're left with nothing at all
love others around you, don't be afraid
don't use them for interesting ways to get paid
people aren't ladders you climb to somewhere
others can tell when you really don't care
so open your heart and show you are real
everyone around you just wants to feel
Let God work through you to share a smile
and maybe we can all stop crying for awhile
107 · Dec 2019
One of Those Days
Fearless Dec 2019
One of those days when it all goes right
One of those days when you've got no fight
One of those days that fits like a glove
when to everyone around you extends some love

It's nice when you have a day that is happy
and though this poem might be a bit sappy
I had one of those days on this sunny day
and I'll tell you how it got this way

I have no idea, there's no formula for it
you can't run your life by control or whit
some days things go right and some go wrong
some days you cry and some days sing a song

The happiest days are gifts from above
showered upon us by God's great love
He brings peace and blessings to those who wait
we just have to trust Him with our fate

Don't seek out those days, they will come
if you struggle and strive, you will be undone
just relax and trust, I know it seems odd
but when they come, don't forget to thank God
106 · Nov 2019
Sunny Day
Fearless Nov 2019
Today I woke up in just the best mood ever
I've gone through dark times where that was never
Times I never thought I'd smile again
where I just could not ever seem to win
I don't want to talk about that though
because there's something I want you to know
It doesn't matter what you got going on
or how long everything seems to go wrong
dark times will pass and the sun will come out
you may not even know how it came about
I know how mine did, and that's why I'm here
to tell you what brought the end to my tears
I realized I'm loved, and that it's all okay
that God is with me, each and every day
If you think that it's just all rules and boring
or sitting in church with old people snoring
then think of it different, and just talk and ask
and turn your face to the sun and sit and just bask
you'll feel like you're talking to yourself at first
or God isn't listening, and you're somehow cursed
try to ask Him to give you freedom and love
ask Him to send His help from up above
tell Him it's hard and you can't handle it all
admit you're not God and to Him you are small
your problems are so important to Him
maybe I wrote this, just for you Tim
He can handle whatever you've got
so cast your cares on Him, even if it's a lot
I don't know a Tim, but if there's one out there that read this then, that's cool, I hope it helped in some way, but in case your name isn't Tim, I hope it helped you too. :-D
105 · Dec 2019
Fearless Dec 2019
Sometimes there is no action, that will not cause a rift
through lots of dumb scenarios, we sift and sift and sift
if I do this then that, all these effect and cause
makes us unable to act, we only can give pause
but to do nothing is an action too so what are we to do?
this round and round about is what leaves us feeling blue
the reason for this is, we're afraid of what others think
someone's always hurt or mad, it makes our stomach sink
we cannot see the future, but God is in control
constantly trying to predict, is what is taking toll
if you think about it with a positive spin
God can take whatever you do, and He can help you win
All things work together for good for those who love the Lord
so you don't have to fret about consequences you can't afford
now, that being said, that only means if you are doing right
because if not, you will end up in one big heartbreaking fight
So pray and pray and ask Him for His guidance on this day
then the consequences won't be too high for you to pay
104 · Apr 2019
Running After It
Fearless Apr 2019
Running so fast and chasing so hard
trying to see if we can play the right card
he's just so perfect, everything I want
at night it's my very heart that he haunts

dazzling her, buying her presents and gifts
trying to break down her walls and mend rifts
if she will just talk to me give me some time
I know that I can make her mine all mine

why can't they just love us why can't they just see
who I am inside and just love you and me
if they would just give us the time of their day
then we know that we could show them the way

the way to true love and what all that includes
they could just feel the love we exude
we would make them feel safe with our warm embrace
and wipe away all their fears leaving no trace

what we are ignoring is we're working for love
when really love is a gift from above
and what we don't see is they work for it too
but they don't have to work for it from you

we never want what is freely given
because we don't trust that we're really forgiven
we feel guilt and shame and want to make amends
so we punish ourselves and follow these trends

so when you are loving and open in heart
be prepared to be torn up and broken apart
this world is unkind when you love from the core
don't you know that's what they killed Jesus for

but if you never give up and you truly believe
then God always has something up his sleeve
and He can turn fear and despair into hope
He will GIVE you love so you don't have to mope

the moral of this little story you see
you don't have to work for love, just let it be
go be yourself and do something you love
God will open His arms and pour gifts from above
104 · Dec 2019
Fearless Dec 2019
I've been a bit prickly these past few weeks
and out of my eyes I've sprung a few leaks
bump into me, watch out for my sharp poke
'cause I've just been that sort of a bloke
sharp as a needle the thoughts in my head
I want to unleash them but keep quiet instead
your mind should be sharp, but with aloe-like words
and let yourself grow, and be friend to the birds
103 · Mar 2020
No Worries in Nature
Fearless Mar 2020
A dog jumps in the lake and splashes all around
my heart it thrills a bit at the joyous little sound
not a care he has as he runs about with ease
he's not a bit afraid of this rampant new disease
a bird calls up above, calling to it's mate
not a bit of fear, regret, or holding on to hate
a child laughs with glee at the butterflies around
she has no regulator on the loudness of her sound
the bright and golden sun dips down in a low bow
the bugs all buzz around, they know what happens now
the wind sounds through the pines a calming melody
all these things go on as normal, in perfect harmony
they don't fear tomorrow, what it brings or if it comes
they go about their business with their little nature hums
the Creator has a plan and they trust Him with their care
they never complain or whine, that life is so unfair
they're job in this world, their purpose is His glory
and that is why they know, that they never have to worry
103 · Apr 2019
Fearless Apr 2019
Rise to the top
cream of the crop
lied all the way
to get higher pay
little greased palm
exterior of calm
smile and a wink
champagne clink
smooth sailing
girls railing
******* up the nose
you know how it goes
smarter than the rest
gotta be the best
control is the key

but now let me tell you what he doesn't see
he doesn't see that his lies are a trap
smart people can see right through all his crap
he backstabs and ******* and always complains
he's happy sometimes but not when it rains
when the storms of life come he has no strength
to get that fleeting happy he'll chase any length
he pushes away and ignores those who love him
he's covered in sins and horrors so grim
he hurts people, uses them, with never a care
he won't think of the future, no he doesn't dare
if ever a slight to his precious ego comes
then he gets so upset that he's nearly undone
he's the weakest of the weak but thinks he is strong
he never admits at all when he's wrong
he brings out the worst in all those around
and his voice is always his favorite sound
makes you feel like you're worth nothing at all
takes a hard worker who's kind and makes them feel small

But God sees a heart
one so torn apart
a lost battle field
that needs His shield
this poor broken man
who thinks himself grand
is a shattered soul
without a good goal
so immersed in this earth
forgetting new birth
he wants to be free
and this he can see
he just doesn't know how
thinks he's chasing that now
only One that can save
this poor foolish slave
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