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782 · Jul 2018
Who Matters
Vixx Jul 2018
Those that matter to you,

Should be those who care about you.
Don’t let people control you, people who care will try and lead you in the right direction, but won’t force you.

Care about you all, stay safe
668 · Oct 2018
The Cave
Vixx Oct 2018
As she sits
In a cave
Blocked in by a wall of insecurity
A light hangs from the tall ceiling
It’s made of the lies she tells herself

The light is not very bright
For it is of hatred
And not many things can give off a little light
Let alone something like this

The cave walls have carvings and drawings on them
All incredible
But in between these beautiful creations are horrible comments and criticism
Not helpful criticism mind you
But awful, awful things

By one wall
There is a bed
It’s a beautiful bed
Made by all those who told her empty promises
And made her feel safe
Even if the feeling is not to be trusted
For these people
Have placed a pea under the incredible mattress
It’s the unsettling feeling that, maybe
Just maybe, these people are not trustworthy
That pea will stick with her the rest of her life
It might become smaller as the years go on
But that is unlikely

Soon shall a hole in that door way be dug
Dug by hope, love, anything good
But, it is not the feelings of these that dig her out
It is the many people who represent these things
They may not know her as well as they should
But the hope is still there

She has been rescued
But her journey is not over yet
573 · Jan 2021
Vixx Jan 2021
Your my rock
you know that right?
i’ll be your rock too
it’s just that i’m eroding
haha not feeling it today bois
542 · May 2018
Vixx May 2018
Our way of life in this planet can described in many ways

One possible way is this

Not efficient, but amusing to outside life
324 · May 2018
The Aybss
Vixx May 2018
I reach into your box like abyss

Trying to pull you out

But each time I come close

You pull away

Pushing yourself farther into this seemingly endless abyss of darkness
Vixx Feb 2019
Why do I have to?
Why do I have to think that your ignoring me when you’ve just not spotted me in the crowd?
Why do I panic about the way I look for one date when you see me practically every day?
Why do I feel like I’m not trying hard enough when I’ve almost burnt out?
Why does your paper cut hurt more than the stab wounds placed upon my back?
Why do I feel bad about providing evidence to defend myself?
Why is it okay that I feel smaller than you?
When in heart and will
I’m so much stronger?
219 · Jul 2018
Vixx Jul 2018
Scribble scratch

The world shall hear my words

Scritch nitch

Paper is outdated

Scratch scribble

The art of poetry is dying

Nitch scritch

Thank god it’s being saved by tech

Scrabble scribble

Poetry learns to thrive once more, but at the cost tech

Is that a good thing or a bad thing?

Thats up to you

Scribble scratch
218 · May 2018
I Follow the Water
Vixx May 2018
I go down with the water
And come up with the water.

I follow it
And forget myself.

I survive because I don’t struggle
Against the waters superior power.

~The Tao of Pooh
Heya! This is from a really good book called the Tao of Pooh. It may seem childish, but it really isn’t.
210 · Jun 2018
Vixx Jun 2018
Green, black, and sometimes brown

Sometimes turtles can be confused with tortoises

Which is understandable

Considering that they have similar body shapes

But that’s not the point.

The point is we are still the same

even though we have different habits,

We still can all trace our blood back to ocean bacteria

Let that sink in for a moment

Your technically related to danger noodles
192 · Sep 2018
A Bit O’gold
Vixx Sep 2018
A time and space
A place to be with a bit o’gold
and a bit o’courage

I see the way we move the swords against our enemies together
slashing and shouting
trying to make sense of everything
until they flee or are slaughtered
on the deck

to bad
they underestimated
how well we work
and protect our goals and gold.

another day
shall bring a bit more o’gold.
Tomorrow will bring the Rainbow o’gold
Vixx May 2018
She is the ruler of the universe of lies from the abyss and from the stars.

Shining the woes of self deprecation and destruction attempting to push it away by complimenting those around her.

Barring herself in a jail of lies guarded by her insecurities, torturing her by putting her friends and loved ones just beyond her reach.

They are having fun, but what she does not know is that they would be so much better off if she would just let them know her inner feelings, and join them.

But her friends are to blame as well, whenever she tries to let them know, they swerve away before she can.

There, the lovely dame is not in distress anyone else can solve.

She must find her inner knight and be her own savior.
133 · Jun 2020
Vixx Jun 2020
Hey moma
Could you spare a second
To listen to me
To be there
I know I’m being selfish
Wanting your time for myself
But don’t I deserve it?
Years of letting you go off to take care of someone else
Years of waiting for that thing we can bond over
Im just asking to feel apart of your life again
I wanna feel like I did when I hated Thursday’s because that meant it was dads turn
I just want to feel worth your time again
130 · Mar 2020
Thinking of Sleep
Vixx Mar 2020
I’m thinking about sleep like dreams think                                 about sheep
And parents think about cleaning
And pirates think about careening
I’m thinking about sleep like math thinks about x
And controllers think about x and x thinks about doubt
113 · Jan 2020
Vixx Jan 2020
You do no not deserve what pain has been given to you.

If others have gone through worse
You still can feel your own problems

Care for yourself
I definitely didn’t forget about this

-a concerned person

— The End —