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9.3k · Jan 2018
~~~Exams-a fear~~~
Vaibhav Jan 2018
Exams are a great fear,
Less marks,no one can bear

Exams are like ghosts,
During exams,our mind gets roast

Exams are full of studies,
Everyone gets tensed even the WhatsApp buddies

No one laughs, no one plays,
Empty roads empty ways

Study study study,
Exams are on the way
A short poem on exams
757 · Aug 2018
A letter to my haters
Vaibhav Aug 2018
This is a letter to all those,from whom I get only hate,
Because now I'm going to change their destiny and fate
This is a letter to all those who mock,
Because now I'm going to be heartless like a rock

Dear men, I did not cry because I was in pain
I cried because my efforts went in vain
Dear men, I didn't cry because I wasn't strong
I cried because goodness was defeated by the wrong

But now in front of you I stand,
I welcome you with a gun in my hand
But now I fight against the Devil ,
For the fair victory of good over evil

Don't think that I'm powerless and weak
But to take revenge, an opportunity I seek
Don't think that I can easily get hurt
Until I cover your face with shame and dirt

I am here to fight against all the odd
For now I am the only devil and the God
I am here to fight till the last man
The fallout of my rage has just begun

And now I'm going to be the enemy of their lives
And throttle them with swords and knives
Dear haters, you should be ashamed
Because now I am going to fight until your wildness is tamed
601 · Jan 2018
Psalm of a tree
Vaibhav Jan 2018
Psalm of a tree.
Under a tree I sat
Near a big Buddhist vat
Leaves were scuttling
Ants were rustling

I heard the tree cry
I didn't know why?

I asked the tree
Why it screeched
The tree replied that it was hurt
Because of human's curt

Its branches were cut
Just because of axe's rut

And after this it went to a long sleep
It died with a deep bleep

It left me in thoughts so deep
My emotions were in full leap
Pledge not to cut a tree
Let the trees smile not weep
Vaibhav Jan 2018
The person I trusted the most
Made my life worst
The person who was my boast
Made my life worst
The person who was my trust
Made my life a curse
The person was my friend
I thought our friendship would never end
But now I hate
The memories of my fate
I've got ice in my veins
I've got fire in my brains
I've got lot to do and lot to say
The person left my life in full dismay
My gun, your head
To make sure that you are fully dead
349 · Mar 2018
A hiatus
Vaibhav Mar 2018
I drove swiftly
Over the scorching day
The sun shone fiercely
Down the narrow way
I halted at a street
To get water for me
For relief from heat
But there was no one whom I could see
The world went for a deep doze
But I was half awake
I stepped in a garden full of rose
And I saw a shining lake
I swam across the pool
Through the watery tide
The sun was hot but the pool was cool
Through the lake wide
I came through the shore
The frozen time under the sun
Freshness filled my heart's core
The lake made my day full of fun
Plz comment
Vaibhav Mar 2018
The person I trusted the most
Made my life worst
The person who was my boast
Made my life worst
The person who was my trust
Made my life a curse
The person was my friend
I thought our friendship would never end
But now I hate
The memories of my fate
I've got ice in my veins
I've got fire in my brains
I've got lot to do and lot to say
The person left my life in full dismay
My gun, your head
To make sure that you are fully dead
Plz do comment.One of my best poems
303 · Jan 2019
A Letter of Gratitude
Vaibhav Jan 2019
When I was a new member to this new world,
You sheltered me from the winds that whirled.
You always found me when I got lost,
And gave me warmth when the world frost.

You protected me in the world of hell,
And picked me up whenever I fell.
You helped me choose between wrong and right,
And stood by my side in this harsh fight.

You enlightened me with hope when the world got dark,
And when I became sad,you made me as happy as a lark.
You were always there to help me,
And gave me the wings to fly free.

You'll always be with me,no matter where I go,
To cheer me up whenever I get low.
You supported me right till the end,
No matter what happens, I'll always be your friend.

With these words I want to thank you,
Because people like you in my life are very few.
In these many memories,we have made a very strong bond,
Our relationship is friendship and beyond.
291 · Jan 2019
Vaibhav Jan 2019
To protect us from north, south, east and west,
For our safety, who are never at rest.
They stand straight, against  the sun's heat,
Whether there's rain, dew or sleet.

For the whole country, they brush aside their own pain,
And participate in a war, where there's nothing to gain.
With incomparable courage they set out each day,
Without the fear of becoming Death's prey.

On their bodies and hearts lie many-a-scar,
With none to heal them as loved ones are too far.
But on the battlefield, they're filled with rage,
Their bravery and strength never die with age.

They stay far away from too many
a friend,
Never knowing when their strife will end.
Continuing to smile without any blemish  of sorrow,
They know that their life can end the next morrow.

The embodiment of vigour is a soldier,
With strong willpower and a heart much bolder.
They're quite familiar with death and blood,
With endurance and responsibility their hearts flood.

Even at the last moment, they
choose to be brave,
And continue their fight to the grave.
To them, their toys are the guns,
For the time they're away from their daughters  and sons.

They stand still even in the winds and the dust,
For the time they're alive and the time till they rust.
Their heads up high will never bend,
Their bravery and patriotism will never descend.

But we civilians never appreciate their efforts,
Not knowing how much the pain of separation hurts.
We hardly know how it feels when a close one dies,
Sorrows all around, homes filled with cries.

For us, they readily lay down their life,
And sacrifice their love for children and their wife.
Where we sleep without a sound at night,
They struggle on with the fight.

They keep fighting till their last breath,
Serve the nation till their death.
And when they come back in a tricoloured coffin,
We forget to salute their valor ever so often
281 · Aug 2018
The Blues
Vaibhav Aug 2018
Life is full of gloomy hours,
When we lose our strength and powers
The sadness in my heart,
Rips my thoughts apart
There are times when there's no light,
When everything's wrong and nothing's right
Shattered hopes,deep eyes,
The body smiles but the soul cries
There are people whom we hate,
Who left us to cry on our tragic fate
Sadness is slowly filling my head,
Making me half alive and half dead
My mind jumps around like an antelope,
Cremated dreams,devastated hopes
My happiness has been taken far away,
I die brutally each passing day
Dry eyes and silent cries,
My body goes numb and my soul dies
My life is full of sadness and sorrow,
Hoping everything will be until next morrow
Keeping them apart,I chose to rise,
Because I cannot let anyone **** me twice
280 · Apr 2018
Despicable hours
Vaibhav Apr 2018
Running through the woods ,I lost my way,
It was an empty morning and an empty day
It was a place where I never wanted to stay,
There was less to listen more to say
I walked alone through the bay,
I was smiling but I was not gay
My life was more of nay,
And less of yay
Hell and heaven were far away,
My life was full of dismay
Everything was spoiled nothing was okay,
My life was an open book, there was nothing to portray,
It was a dare to die play,
With rules I couldn't convey
Everything was black and grey,
It was an empty morning and empty day
Vaibhav Oct 2018
Never fall in love with a poet
Because through their stories they tell
They take you on a journey from heaven to hell
Never fall in love with a poet
Because they're not strong to speak
But when it comes to writing, they're never weak
Never fall in love with a poet
Because there are false things they write
To make you choose between wrong and right
Never fall in love with a poet
Because they turn bad landscapes into beautiful sights
And change the pleasant things into situations that will give you frights
Never fall in love with a poet
Because they say honest lies
And show the same things from everyone's eyes
Never fall in love with a poet
Because through poems they show pains
As sadness and despairs run in their veins
Never fall in love with a poet
Because the lines they rhyme
Can make you travel back and forth in time
Never fall in love with a poet
Because irony is on what we feed
And the best example is this poem which you read
203 · Aug 2018
Through a mother's eye
Vaibhav Aug 2018
The mother bird soars in the splendid sky,
And flies in the winds low and high
And flutters her feathers in the ferocious breeze,
She's in a long search,she cannot seize
She thinks of her child sad and sore,
Who longs for food from his heart's deep core
She flies through mounts,she flies through lands,
She flies through oceans,she flies through sands
She flies and flies with her feathers becoming wet,
She searches for food she hasn't found yet
And then she eventually choses to stop,
And rests herself on a tree's top
And then by sudden lightening pace,
She finds herself in hunter's gaze
She is  suddenly hit by an arrow,
That draws blood from her capillaries narrow
She gives out her last sigh,
And thinks of her child when she's going to die
She  thinks of her child sad and sore,
Who longs for food from his heart's deep core
And then she enters her eternal sleep, And remembers her child from her heart deep
And looking through a mother's eye,
She sees only her child when she dies
198 · Aug 2018
A Two Faced Tale
Vaibhav Aug 2018
The one person I trusted the most
Made my life the worst
The person who was my boast
Put my life at its worst
The one person whom all I did was trust
Made my life a claustrophobic curse
That person who was my friend
With whom I thought it would never end
But now I cannot do much but hate
The reminiscence of my tragic fate
I've got ice in my veins
And blood flowing down the drains
I've got a lot to do and a lot to say
To the person who left my life in full dismay
My gun, your head
I've got to make sure that you're fully dead.
May my vengeance prospers with age
May my head boils with rage
May all those memories leave my head
May I forget,the things you once said

— The End —