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  Jul 2019 Shabnam
Aslam M
Strong Winds
  Heavy Rains
All the Trees Sway
  Except One.
Tired of Being Strong
Wants to Break.
Shabnam Jul 2019
I let you go..
When you wanted to.
What more could I do?
Shabnam Jul 2019
Whatever you threw at me I have always tried to give my best..
Even in the trials and the tests.
I have put a really brave fight;
Now I need you to hug me tight.
I put up with your lemon rind
Is that all for me you could find?
Now give me a sweet lime or a peach
And keep it within my reach.
Won't be able to thank you enough
Now please stop being so rough.
Dear life..
Dear life.
Shabnam Jul 2019
Don't know when I will be me again?
  Jul 2019 Shabnam
Aslam M
To converse ...
I Wrote.  
Now I am Broke
  Jul 2019 Shabnam
We do not need to be in bloom
to be worthy of space - of room
on this planet. So on the days
you feel bitter - stay here;

please stay here

Nothing in season
can stay sweet all year.
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