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 Jul 2016 Tuana
Keith Wilson
My  next  door  neighbor
as  just  died.
I  knew  he  was  dying.
But  it  still  came  as  a  big  shock.
I  was  just  thinking.
Life  is  so  fragile.
You  can  be  snuffed  out
at  any  given  moment.
R.I.P.  Norman.

Keith  Wilson.  Windermere.  UK.  2016
 Jul 2016 Tuana
Keith Wilson
It's  raining.
What  a  lovely  morning
after  all  that  sun.
The  Mallard  ducks  are  out.
I  can  breathe  again..
It  became  too  warm.

Keith  Wilson.  Windermere.  UK.  2016.
 Jul 2016 Tuana
Keith Wilson
 Jul 2016 Tuana
Keith Wilson
Another  day  is  over.
Another  day  is  done.
This  week  went  past  so  quickly.
This  week  went  by  so  fast.
My  life  has  gone  so  quickly.
Old  men  told  me  so.
And  now  I  tell  the  young  men.
That  life  to  quickly  goes.

Keith  Wilson.  Windermere.  UK.  2016.
 May 2016 Tuana
Fernando Pessoa
I am the escaped one,
After I was born
They locked me up inside me
But I left.
My soul seeks me,
Through hills and valley,
I hope my soul
never finds me
 Apr 2016 Tuana
electron volt
another dead
upon my head
i do so dread
when they've been fed
 Apr 2016 Tuana
Soph T
The time will come,
When with hardship,
You will prevail.
At your lowest point,
you'll stand up.
And each will look at you,
And admire you.

You will not give up.
Try harder, be stronger, act tougher.
Whatever happens to you,
In your heart,
Things will get better.
Who knows,
Maybe it will be as if it never happened.

Take down the fear,
The pain,
The strife.
Show your true self.
You'll make it through.
There's always a rainbow after rain.
 Apr 2016 Tuana
I'm learning

learning to be free
learning to love myself
learning to live

I'm living

living my life
living without you
living with love

I'm loving

loving my life
loving myself
loving you
The last few months have been tough but I am learning, living and loving!  I am accepting my mistakes, my choices and beginning my life again
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