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Timothy Feb 2022
May your dreams exceed the limits of this earth
Your imagination free to roam the cosmos undeterred

May your soul remain un-stifled
Your contagious smile observed

May your character of strength inspire others not insult
Your conviction be your beauty
Your uniqueness understood

May your presence in this world ignite the fires in our hearts
Your individuality
You’ve been different since the start

May your previous existence carry forth your youthful wisdom
Your choices be your own
Not determined by the system

May your parents be awash with love reflected back from you
An unconditionality, deserved gratitude

Rua Brady, strut atop restrictions in your path
May your sunshine never set
May you always, resort, to a laugh
A gift for my friends' daughter, an old soul at three x
Timothy Feb 2022
Gripped by our minds
The time ticks by
Attempting to find
The solace in Instantly gratifying means
The ends to which
Have long disappeared
Holes filling slower than the depths being dug
The fading light
The repetitive thud
Admiration derived
Not in awe
But in phones
Infiltrated eyes
Gaze capturing signs
Signalled are virtues
Interests conflicted
Capacity restricted
‘Willfully’ ignorant
The inner infant self soothes
Autonomy removed
The voice of discernment retreats into gloom
Value and meaning
Obscured, then consumed
Selected truths
No choice
Just seeming free will
No voice
Unless it lies within the narrative of choice
To speak
To be critiqued
Costly, free speech
The fighters retreat
Unconsciousness reigns supreme
Timothy Feb 2022
Days bolstered by comforts
The time ticks by
Covered by ceiling not sky
Our ears are plugged
We deflect and justify
Unquestionable choices
“They don’t concern you, only I”
These islands of lives
But rainforests cause storms at sea
Loose lips sink ships, Freudian slips
“Your choices do concern me”
Though I am only human with inherent fallibility
I just want us, to be free.
Timothy Feb 2022
I journey with the moon tonight,
As it tugs upon my heart
Leads a dance with the shore
As it laps upon coastlines
Now nothing but confines
Of nations so taught.
Thousands of unnecessary miniature civil wars
Wrong, left, right indefatigable fight

I journey with the moon tonight,
Resolving civil wars
Inner battles of deceit
Hard fought upon my shores
Confrontation reigns within
Just a reflection of without

I journey with the moon tonight,
To settle inner conflict
A recognition that it’s land beneath the ocean
Separation is illusion
A conspiracy of islands all connected by land
Upon which, my bare feet stand

I journey with the moon tonight,
As I sow my inner wounds
Treating sores of all relationships
Where in which I stand, confused
That includes the disenchanted child who hides within
Whom arms outstretched, I welcome in

We journey with the moon tonight.
Timothy Feb 2022
We’ve resolved our relationship
Myself and I
We’ve hashed out our differences
We’ve reconciled our lies
Aligned our perceptions
Re-focussed our eyes
We’re a team now
Sailing the calming waters inside
Destinations agreed
We dance upon the seas
Beneath star blanketed skies
Alone not lonely
A retreat, but homely
Free from the self directed slander of old.
Timothy Jan 2022
Decoupled from my conscience of subjective discernment
The necessity for personal authority over impulse
Vs an instantly gratifying road to distraction
Journey of wilful blindness
Consequential destination deferred
But upon arrival lies the choices
To decouple, To adjourn
Or to confront the demons towards which my back I have turned
Self-romanticised truths to whom before I have spoken
Yet despite a colourful history our personal promises lay broken
Under the rug
Etched into the bottom of a bottle
A chasing of tails
Ignorance long forgotten
A cycle indeed
But of downward trajectory
Gratefully, the bottom of which yet to be met by me
But somehow graced by others
With stronger character than I
A slippery *****
An exponential decent
Over which I now maintain a watchful eye
Timothy Oct 2021
An intrinsic insistence of negative choice
A high-jacker of will
An undeniable voice
A captivating spirit that justifies oneself
A sideline observation
Our resistance on the shelf
A resurgence of trauma
A manifestation of pain
An implicit reminder from within
A validation of weakness
An inference of youth
Our self inflicted sin
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