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229 · Nov 2020
Tim Roo Kie Nov 2020
People come into our lives and go...
Each person has a role to play,
Rather it is a strong link or weak..

Like a tree, the leaves began to fall...
Wilted and dies but its purpose is fulfilled,
To become manure to feed the new growth

Some people drifts away like driftwoods
Making known no imprints in your life
Gone with no importance
Without showing any memory of their visit,

Some people are there to be Hinderers
Or perhaps, for gains
To improve our patience and stability,
The stronger stays put as your friend
No matter how spiral the situation might be,

Nothing can crack the bond you have built
Through by God, the friendship will not falter
But grows to a perfect perfection,
It holds together through life problems

Head on with memories lasting a lifetime
The weaker will dissipates like the dry winds

Scatter whichever way the wind blows
Neither here, neither there
Just a weak link totally without trust
Neither here, neither there
Scattering in the wind

But one thing I know for sure is,
People come, people go,

What we had was such a long time ago.
You hurt me with your creed,
All you were worried about was your greed.
Once again for my heart you apply,
But saying I love you this time would be a lie.

You've made everything complicated for me,
Why can't you just let me breathe?
So just let this go, let it go,

Because this time I'll have to tell you "Hell Nah"
I locked up my heart and threw away the key,
I'll never let it go, I'll keep it forever like it's my abductee.

People come, people die,
Saying "I Miss You" this time would be a pretty ******* lie.
So I just wanted you to know that I'm leaving.

It might not be now...
Not tonight...
Not tomorrow or the day after...
But someday...
It'd be unpredictably someday...
And never you dare to say you "Missed Me" while I'm gone.
This piece is for those who have been hurt and feels like giving up. I was once toiled, but I kept on striving till I prevailed.
180 · Nov 2020
Tim Roo Kie Nov 2020
When I'm gone...
Your tears will flow,
But I won't know,
Cry for me now instead...

When I'm gone...
You will send flowers,
But I won't see,
Send them now instead...

When I'm gone...
You'll say words of praises and edifications,
But I won't hear them;
Praise me now instead...

When I'm gone...
You'll forget my faults,
But I won't know.
Forget them now, instead...

When I'm gone...
You'll miss me then,
But I won't feel it;
Miss me now, instead...

When I'm gone...
You'll wish you could have spent more time with me;
Spend it now instead...

When I'm gone...
You'll wish you could have spent all your money on me;
Spend it now, instead...

When you hear I'm gone,
You'll find your way to my house,
Just to pay condolences,
But we haven't even spoken in years.
Please look for me now!
This is for all that don't appreciate what they've got until it's gone. Care Now! Before It will be too late.
106 · Nov 2020
Tim Roo Kie Nov 2020
I heard quite often “Men Don’t Cry”
Though no one ever told me why
So when I fell and skinned a knee
No one came to comfort me.
And when some bully boys at school.
Would pull a prank so mean and cruel
I’d quickly learn to turn and quip
“It Doesn’t Hurt”, and bite my lip.

So as I grew to reasoned years
I learned to stifle any tears.
Though “Be A Big Boy” it began,
Quite soon I learned to ” Be A Man”.
And I could play that stoic role
While storm and tempest wracked my soul
No pain or setback could there be
Could wrest one single tear from me.

Then one long, cold night, I stood nearby
And helplessly watched my Big Brutha, Zebedee die,
And quickly found to my surprise
That all that tearless talk was lies.
And still I cry and have no shame
I couldn't play that ”Big Boy” game any longer,
And openly without remorse
I let my sorrow take its course.

So those of you who can’t abide
A man you’ve seen whose often cried,
Reach out to him with all your heart
As one whose life’s been torn apart.

For men do cry when they can see
Their loss of immorality.
And tears will come in endless streams
When mindless fate destroys their dreams.
Many are times, people said 'Men Don't Cry' and I find that amusing. We're all mortals and we are all emotional. How would people said that? It's disgusting!

— The End —