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TheUnseenPoet Mar 2021
We all deserve to walk in the dark if we wish.
We all deserve to get home safe.
We all deserve to be policed by kind hearts.
We are all Sarah.
In memory of Sarah.
TheUnseenPoet Mar 2021
I thought poetry was for poor people too,
No fee for the thoughts in my head,
But I really loved your last poem
So go stand in the sunshine instead.
TheUnseenPoet Mar 2021
Don't delete this email,
It's a poem, it's quite sweet,
It's got some rhymes and metaphors,
So please don't hit delete.
Don't delete this email,
A poem is here you see,
I've spilled the beans on my hopes and dreams,
Wiv posh vocablurree.
Don't delete this email,
The content it might grab 'ya,
But while you're here.....come closer dear....
I've got some cheap ******.
TheUnseenPoet Feb 2021
The moon gazes down with its big moon face,
And casts light to the earth from the depths of  space.
"Isn't it lovely! A full moon!", we cry,
As the dark side craft get ready to fly.
TheUnseenPoet Feb 2021
Death carries three scythes
Drugs, drink - and the sharpest - hope.
All **** in the end.
TheUnseenPoet Jan 2021
See this box and tube mate?
Proper bit of kit ;
The customers all love the way
It gives a pop and spit.
You wanna see their faces man,
The horror in their look,
As I let fly and freely fry
with tricity that *****.
Some of them howl like diabolical owls
"Hoo hoo hooooHooooo" they lament
"WTH is this?" they squeal and hiss
"Especially with what I've spent."
I'm a self made man with an awesome plan
To win over the pro ghost lobby.
But I've got stuff to do
Had a thought,
Something new.
In time travel. My other hobby.
TheUnseenPoet Jan 2021
I have a ******* superpower
To the worms I am a God.
They pop up everywhere I go
And wave their heads and nod.
I showed the others kids at school
What I could make worms do
But they laughed and bullied me
Said I'd lost a *****.
One night when Mom had gone to bed
I went out in the night
Put my torch under my chin
Talked to them in the light.
They whispered lots of scary things.
"Keep a close eye on the sun!"
But it's too late.
It's happening now
Soon the worms will come.
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