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  Jan 2015 Bra-Tee
DC raw love
The feelings of being hated only affect the weak and insecure.

For me, if I see hatred from a person, I see signs of weakness and insucureties in that person.

How does one deal with a bigot. Bigot is a bit different. It is when one tries to influence one with hatred.

If someone hates you for what you have or the friends you have. It may sound like hate. It's called, envy or jealousy.

If someone hates you from something you've done to them, that's resentment.

As long as you've done nothing wrong, there's nothing you need to change.

I live my life by one rule, as long as I live a clean life. I do not care what one thinks.

I keep nothing but love in my heart and stay wise to everything.
Bra-Tee Jan 2015
Listen to me body! I am your master.
Listen to me hands! I command you!

My eyes I demand that you dry. Stop showing this world how fragile we are.

Legs stop shaking and causing earth to reach for me.

Hands stop sweating. Your letting strength slip through our fingers.

Emotions we do not need you here. This house is to small for your boolshit!

Body I'm the master and you the slave
Don't forget that.

Stop exposing my weakness!

You cowardice flesh stop shivering its only pain! Hold still!

Tongue, shut the **** up! you hold your self still and keep my secrets.

In fact body stop being so Human or I will fvckin **** you!!! Haaaaaaaaa!
I think I'm too much obsessed with perfection .
Bra-Tee Jan 2015
Her eyes worked perfectly fine.
But She was blind: maybe because she chose to be.
I lied, I cheated, I played silly games on Her every chance I got.
Yet, I told Her that she was my only One,
And she listened. (She wasn't deaf)
But ****! She was blind as *****!.

And now,

I got this beautiful Dime that I'm recently dating. Her names Casey. ****, everytime she smiles my kidneys faint.
Her sweet voice commands me to do almost anything.
Sometimes she doesn't pick up Her phone and in public she doesn't wanna hold hands too much. She lies about where she been last night...
She tells me I'm Her only One,
And I believe Her...
Am I blind too?
Bra-Tee Jan 2015
Father, your love was the toughest kind of love... It was the kind of love in which doubt played a huge part.

You doubted my abilities, you doubted my strength. You always thought that mother's love was making me weak. And that Mashmellows and PlayStation can't teach me to be brave.

Yet each denial or doubt has made me stronger! Each harsh word,(Bastured, *******) made me realize that some words are made to be ignored!

I don't listen, Yes, you were right...
I always complained that You never understood me. But yet again, I never understood You.
Perhaps the father of your fathers father raised You the sameway that You are raising me! (With a rod, belt and endless shouting)

#With me not being your favorite child of the family. I vow not to follow your footsteps as Father oneday; I'd rather start my own footsteps.(Support, loyalty and endless love for my kids)
Inspired by one of the best poets I know: Yacov
Bra-Tee Dec 2014
I'm Doper than I were 2 blunts ago...
****, I'm so High I should've been a pilot.
  Dec 2014 Bra-Tee
jeffrey conyers
When have police officers ever had a great reputation?
Just when?
When many of one race has never adapted to changes within society.
During the segregation days of injustice by many.
And harassment by others.
It's to be expected sooner or later police would face problems.

In all honesty white cops doesn't know how to approach black males.
Or even Latinos.
Just speaking truth.

To serve and protect means more than that.
It's also means earning respect.
Which we know isn't always given.

Many whites feel very uncomfortable within groups of minorities.
Just speaking truth.
Those that does have been raised to respect everyone.
Then you have some that feels no respect for anyone.
Just been honest.

Mobsters have had officers on the take.
And even in present times.
Many still dilute the position with criminal behavior.

Compare minorities cops to white cops.
And this shoot to **** is less among them.
It's all within the talk and people's skills.

Sure white population support them.
They get harass less from them.
And it shows.
While they more suspicious by some minorities.
Just speaking truth.

It hurts, when truth is exposed.
But than many juries are not wised to convict.
When evidence points to a fair deal of justice.

Let not a badge dictate them innocent.
When facts states truthfully that they are guilty.
And than you ponder why folks says, where is the justice?

Admit many are racist.
Admit many deserve to be in prison.
Face the facts.

Notice which race commit the same crime as minorities.
But gets a different sentence for the same crime.
Just speaking truth.
For truth lies within.

Then again, some officers will be offended.
That's just the way it is.
Truth hurts.
Especially when it directed toward them.
Bra-Tee Dec 2014
Good men don't smile...
Around women who they do not like.
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