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  Jan 2016 solEmn oaSis
when solar winds
cause a freeze
and ships have doldrums
due to breeze

when roses wilt
because of dew
and broken clocks
are always true

when soldiers all
return from war
and vow that they
will fight no more

when the Jokers'
call the bluff
and the greedy
have enough

when redwoods fall
without a sound
and the canyons
regain ground

when all these things
are proven true
then i will stop


(C) 1/2/2016
Hope you had a great New Year's Day...
had to be brighter than mine!
I had the FLU! LOL!

I'm feeling better now, though.
Thanks for all the prayers and
new year's wishes. I appreciate you!
  Jan 2016 solEmn oaSis
If I am kindling,
you must be the spark...
Much alive in the darkest dark,
lifting all shadows with
finesse and flair.

     If I am flame,
     you must be the air and wind...
     Unfettered and free...
     Cradling my infancy.
     Only to nurture and inspire,
     to groom flame to fire.

If I am faltering...
And almost extinguished,
you must be the hand...
Bearing the confidence and belief...
Awaiting the moment most opportune,
to align yourself in rhythm and tune.
So we could...
Continue to
burst forth into light.
So we could...
Resume our journey forth with might.

     Let us be our own deterrent
     from the darkness
     that comes with morrow's set.
     Hand in hand, we must...
     Because together...
          And only together,


Happy New Year to all!
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