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Swoo Mar 2020
Plugged In

She had plugged in!!!! It was in 2013 when I was belly twenty three. While I was in my broken pieces and she puzzled me. Now a bunch of years in, and  every time I see her she causes changes to the way I breath giving me feels, as I  want to be in whatever location she's in looking into those eyes and  diving into her soul. With her knowing she's been the love of my life all along plugged in. -Swoo
Swoo Feb 2020
Gone Boy

She owns me yet she doesn't seem to really know this.
I've existed also to love her for a long time now, with her smile as my most priceless of gifts. I've also grown to  wear it on my own.
From the day I took time looking at her smile and appreciated the effects it had on me. Life has been beautiful ever since as she flows through me.
Moving from the inner depths of my creation to the outbursts of my expression, she has a hold on me as I feel her more than anything I've ever encountered I'm a gone boy.

Swoo Feb 2020
She has dreams of touching skies wheather its  physical form or in hyper spirits. Takes trips to little Paris and takes pictures on a bridge of locked up secrete. Yet still wants to go to Big Paris and enjoy the high fashion trends of France maybe speak a little bit of french c'est la vie she'd probably say a honey with a lot of sauce I say. - A Pedi Women With  French Taste

Swoo Oct 2019

Sometimes all I want to do is hold you.
Just put my arms around you and savor that moment.
I'm really glad we never got a title
Not friends.
Not anything governed by man that always gets ruined, but just us loving each other until the end of our time on this earth.
With you just feeling loved by me being enough and everything else on practical terms.
Without the urge of telling it to you but as you're in front of me those words turning into physical form enjoying a feeling we've always known Us.

Swoo Jul 2019
An Effortless Escape

Her spirit is sturborn she will will never let me go. Ive had a hundred tries but she put me on a thousand trials, seen her in my visions and it was a beautiful scene yet a torture to my reality stream. So I fall asleep to escape her grasp only to discover she's built a home in my dreams an effortless escape.

Swoo May 2019
The sky is such a marvelous thing at night, right when I have a conversation with Bob Marley about how he had the arrangements of his guitar strings. How the melodies would touch people's souls when he would play them his tunes.
The sky is a beautiful thing at night how its like a big human eye scope where you could almost see the otherside where there's a visual of some existence that never changes its form.

Sometimes when I'm high elevated I look up the skies and wonder how come  ever since I reliased there where shiny little somethings at night as a little kid. How come their still shining in those similar places they shined from untill now? " I'm sure you guys have somehow wondered the same thing sometimes" the sky is the most beautiful thing at night.

Swoo Feb 2019
Un Bothered

How much it had took me just to convince my self, that it didn't matter.. With almost every strength on my body I had to hold it together so I couldn't break down and crumble. All those lies that were probably true. She didn't care for me as much as I did, as bitter and painful that truth was I had to swallow it, continue showing love with no return as I made excuses for her actions pacing inside my self just not to admit it she probably wasn't  meant for me. I did think about that quit often cincidering her actions... But then her actions where also confusing since she would be cold as a moon then one day hot as a summers day. So I couldn't really live because what if my perception of her was wrong since the views under love influence and conscious are never the same so I stayed with all the strength I had left trying not to doubt her or even judge as much as it did hurt I pretended that it didn't bother me Un bothered.

A lovers reflection
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