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Somebody call the "thought" police.
The "feeler" police are too busy.
Cutbacks are for the weak.
So the strong can take care of them.

Not sure how this will end.

How about now.....

never mind.....
NOTES - MISS Litella is in the house!
a song rises
fountain overflows

captured within moments
something of the truth

a pathway to everywhere
all at once.... love

and the song still rises
the fountain overflows.
Does it seem that way when you've been awake for an hour and its already been a ****** long day, does it ever seem that way to you?

Doing my best because a change is as good as a rest.

I'd like to think but then again I'd like to do lots of things that are beyond me, but beyond me is where I find lots of like-minded company,

am I rambling?
I knew there was a turn
but it never turned up
and I kept walking straight
in search of it.

The road was familiar
the turn was on the left
in every known way
yet in the broad daylight
it left me.

I know you wouldn't believe it
neither did I
as alike a puzzled wayfarer
I kept on looking for the turn.

It happened to me.
P'raps it happens in other lives too,
the turn always there
keeps eluding.

Then when found,
it's no longer needed.
nice little house.

who knows what goes on there.
As far as it goes and I think it's going to go far this car crash of a government has definitely raised the bar,

we're going to be poorer
and they say,
because of the Tories,
****** and corruption
are just two of the stories.

I should try jumping off this tower block and make believe that I can fly, we're all living in this scary tale and we're all going to die.

We can't Elastoplast or bandage
the damage is too great,
there's nothing else that we can do
we'll have to amputate.

Next time I'm voting with my feet
walking away from all of this
I know when I am beat.
the mirror runs the length of the bar.

we down our drinks
and the bar empties out into the street.

across the street
the unemployment building is burning.

the tender, passionate flames
sets the night on fire.

blue eyes looks up,
she says to me,
"wanta go on a date?

i'll make all your dreams come true,
wouldn't you
love to love me?" she hooks her arm
through my arm and smiles,
"$20 and up depending on what you want."

"what's you're name?"


Gretta and Marie are kissing and turn
to me and give me that
Cheshire cat smiling

and for a moment
the ****** of the impossible
when the 5th floor collapses on the 4th floor
the flames shot up
like the 4th of July

and everyone cheers.

but then the fire engines come.

we file across the street
and into the bar,
unhappy faces,
angry faces stare.
the party was over.

and the mirror runs the length the length of the bar.
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