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  Nov 2024 South by Southwest
Walking in the crowded hallways
The teens yelling
All of these sounds
Coming from all directions
Making me feel small
And claustrophobic
Suddenly my clothes are too tight and too loose
And my hair is itchy on my neck
Overwhelming urge to scream and run away
To be alone in my bedroom
Where its quiet at least
But no
I need to go to my next class
That I'll forget about as soon as the test is finished
Or maybe before
I don't know
  Nov 2024 South by Southwest
A sticky note
Where I'm supposed
to write what I learned today
But the thing is
I learned nothing
I would get a zero for putting that, so I lied. They are teaching us to lie.
  Nov 2024 South by Southwest
I don't like winter for one reason
Because I leave for school before sunrise
And come back
When the sun has almost set
I see no light
And I can't walk
Winter has taken away my walks
They keep me sane
And now they're gone
And so is my wonder
And my joy
I figured out why I've been feeling so bad lately
(a disastrous morning Sonnet)

I am the very model of a girl who’s late for morning meal,
my charger failed, the printer jammed, the morning’s start has been surreal
I lost a scrunchy and a shoe, I had to use some dry shampoo
my Keurig had no k-cups too, I’m feeling like a total shrew!

Our pre-dawn jog went really well, but now the morning's gone to hell
I couldn’t find clean underwear, I’m desperate to charge my cell,
I got some soap in my left eye, I stubbed my toe and nearly cried
While brushing teeth and hair in haste, I wonder why I even try.

Anna’s got an attitude, she’s not someone who’s normally rude
her hookup so ‘experimental’ has an irregular sleep-in schedule
how’s she going to get to class if she’s babysitting sleeping-lass
I guess I’m not the only one, who’s schedules simply come undone.

I woke her with a gentle voice and soothed her out—we had no choice
My morning happened to sideways go—but it fueled this grandiloquent tale of woe!
A song for this:
Something Stupid by Michael Bublé and Reese Witherspoon
Merriam Webster word of the day challenge 11/17/24:
Grandiloquent = the use of extravagantly pompous language
  Nov 2024 South by Southwest
Plugin my headphones

Set my Spotify on shuffle

Sit in a few seconds of silence

Anticipation comes from waiting

The song finally plays and

Evanescence graces my ears

I just wish that someone would

Bring me to life
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