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 Aug 2016 SorrowsOfAKing
I tremble as I open my eyes,
Is this reality or is it just a dream,
Am I even alive?

My head hurts,
I wanna scream,
But I can't put my thoughts into words
When I open my mouth,
There's nothing but silence.

No words to come out,
I have nothing to say.
Oh I have so much to say.

But all those thoughts,
Will never become words.
They belong to me,
They'll stay in mind,
For all eternity.
It will fade eventually...
It has to fade eventually!

Neuron paths used less frequent fade, right?
The road less traveled will become an overgrown stony, bumpy path instead of this autobahn in my mind, this highway of thoughts you have created.

I'm sure it will fade eventually...
I'm sure it HAS to fade eventually.
Letting go...maybe?

— The End —