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Austin    A look inside
Riley Ayres
21    "I am as they say, an answer without a question" - Erebus Victor
I have hurricanes in my windpipes.
Ryan Cenzon
England    feminist/pagan/17 into reading, writing, poetry, philosophy, psychology and nature
Infamous one
Hello friend! My name is infamous1! I've been writing for years, its my voice. I'm being more creative no longer self destructive. I started writing …
India    just like to write sometime....
Austin    I'm not a writer by any means. ~desiderata~
Marco Batista
Desmond Lane
I have been writing the same way ever since I started. I write it down exactly as it comes out and I don't edit it. …
Rahul Luthra
Hyderabad    Poet of the fall (because I normally suffer from a writers block during the rest of the year)
Singapore    Hi:)
Thomas Heitz
24/M/Ashland, OR    Just a kid
Karl Franssen aka Bryson Flegg
That Place Where I'm From    "I am the very model of a scientist salarian" “I don’t care about anyone, and the feeling is quite obviously mutual.” Sylvia Plath, The Unabridged …
Awais Leghari
Pakistan    Fledgling poet.
Jillyan Adams
AP Beckstead 2014
Utah    Much unhappiness has come into the world because of bewilderment and things left unsaid. - FD
M/Dallas    Amongst the hobos and the stars. Living in the land of cars. I write my words when I've been drinking, spent my night out at …
27/F/England    Sunshine spills from her lips, every time she smiles
Artist, in literature and visual arts. Expression is imagination that drives the world.
Missouri    So close to love Yet not close enough♡ #Only #Wanderlust

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