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3.3k · Nov 2014
Mishty Nov 2014
He's that to me,
What sun is to a sunflower.
What rain is to the peacocks.
What moon is to a partridge.
What dream is to a person.
And what words are to a writer.
He's my muse.
1.9k · Nov 2014
Mishty Nov 2014
Those thunderstorms drink away the river water when her gaze is fixed on her love.
1.6k · May 2015
Mishty May 2015
I kept my worries in my pocket.
Looked up in the sky,
The again towards my pocket.
I didn't realise when it rained
And washed away the worries from my pocket.
Being here after too long is bliss
1.5k · Nov 2014
That war
Mishty Nov 2014
Life is beautiful.
They said.
Only if you make it.
I replied.
We live only once.
They said.
We die once.
I replied.
Smile is the best ornament.
They said.
Only if you were it.
I said.
Love is beautiful.
They said.
Only if you fall with him.
I said.
And this war between me and them,
Will remain never-ending...
1.2k · Nov 2014
Describe you.
Mishty Nov 2014
If words could describe you,
I'd be lost in that sea
where-in worlds were water.

If moments could have you,
I'd be lost in the clock
which could hold you.

If numbers could count your existence in me,
I'd die counting them
Because you're my infinity.

If only you could be measured.
If only.
1.1k · Nov 2014
Holding back.
Mishty Nov 2014
Holding back the dreams
The minutes I spent with you
When I felt you around me
With that fragrance of yours
With those words which laid a meaning
Of my existence in this world.

Holding all of them,
When my tears can't be held back.
717 · Oct 2014
That wind
Mishty Oct 2014
The winds
That touch
Your face
Has my breath
In it.

If only
The motion was slow
It would know
How silence
Love to show.

The proximity
So intense
He felt
My butterflies
I felt
His fears
In each other's rear.
716 · Dec 2014
Mishty Dec 2014
My demons shout a story of their love for your angels.
Oh! And You pretend to be deaf to them.
469 · Oct 2014
You In Me
Mishty Oct 2014
In my insipid sojourn
I saw a blazed comrade in you.
How beautifully you lapse my absurdness,
yet know me to be incisive.

You usher me from the oblivious darkness.
And I from the irksome light,
Contrary yet complementary
That’s what makes us ‘WE’.

I can’t find a better opportune minute,
To express my titillation

For your presence in my life better than this.
Love you to the fullest onto death
Keep smiling, cause life is beautiful.
466 · Jun 2015
Mishty Jun 2015
Every night,
I wish I'm with you.  
smiling at me.
As ever.

You lean at me,
Trying to sense the tension.
Breaking a smile
And telling me
With your eyes,
That I am safe.
With you.
457 · Nov 2014
That Someone.
Mishty Nov 2014
When I see no one,
I see someone,
Always, That someone has been you.

People talk about so many people
I talk about only one someone,
Always, That someone has been you.

These rivers flow.
My river stops at someone.
Always, That someone has been you.

My lips dance someone's name.
Always, That someone has been you!
Fall in love.
Love thyself.
416 · Dec 2014
That demon!
Mishty Dec 2014
Walking on the road of my heart,
He cramped it.
He was the demon who shouted my name.

I turned back,
To see the wings,
That would help me fly where the oceans and the sky, met.

I tried saying something.
All he heard,
Was the wind painting words which I never said.
"I love you"
403 · Oct 2014
His love.
Mishty Oct 2014
She was.
He made
An illegal attack.
Kissed her bruises
Hugged her wounds
Cuddled her smiles
Loved her dreams.
It was an illegal attack.
400 · Dec 2015
Mishty Dec 2015
Made to die.
To relive reality,
Two hearts stand before one another
Knowing not what one hast to say.
One looks at the other,
The other looks at the one.
Curses serendipity
for not being serene for one.
370 · Nov 2014
It's okay!
Mishty Nov 2014
It's okay to be wrong
It's okay to be insane
It's okay to be lovely.
It's okay to be crazy.
It's okay to be arrogant.
It's okay to be anything you want to be.
It's okay to be you!
336 · Oct 2014
Mishty Oct 2014
She is
As pure as sin
On whom
He wishes
To ****** his love
All through
His Life.
327 · Oct 2014
The demon.
Mishty Oct 2014
That demon
Is a beautiful distraction.

It hugs the angel
In a way
No one calls the angel
An angel.
She's a demon,
323 · Nov 2014
Being new!
Mishty Nov 2014
She's new.
A new girl in this universe.
The old one was tired.
Just tired to see the same faces.
Instead of changing the place,
She changed the life.
319 · Oct 2014
The Devil's Darling.
Mishty Oct 2014
She's a devil's darling.
People call her.
She kills people,
with her smile.
She gives life,
With her smile.
316 · Nov 2014
Mishty Nov 2014
Dreams own no boundaries.
They said.
But His dreams did.
It wept till her.
Laughed till her.
Scrolled till her.
Died till her.
307 · Oct 2014
Dream. Live it?
Mishty Oct 2014
I  have a dream.
To listen
To you.
While I rest on your shoulders.
To read out something
I write for you
When you rest on my lap.
Live it?
300 · Nov 2014
Mishty Nov 2014
You know, I need him.
I need to see him,
To listen to his voice,
Or just hear anything from him,
Just to smile.
Or let this pen flow the way it does.
296 · Oct 2014
Her sky
Mishty Oct 2014
She just wanted to fly.
The sky was hers.
You know what?
She could have done that.
But she loved her prison.
*His heart.
292 · Nov 2014
Paper birds
Mishty Nov 2014
He folds the paper in which he wrote love for me, into paper birds and made it fly till my heart stopped beating in his ears..
292 · Nov 2014
Mishty Nov 2014
I don't mind writing n number of poems which described you. Which held you. Which made you smile. Which brought us together. Forever.
276 · Oct 2014
Know me.
Mishty Oct 2014
Know me
When it's late.

Maybe then,
You'd value me.
My presence.
My absence.
My silence.
My words?
274 · May 2015
Mishty May 2015
If dreams were to come true,
I would have long dreamt of you.

— The End —