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Dec 2019 · 49
Jena T Dec 2019
When the feelings die
And the cracks turn into cliffs
I'll fall down and break apart
Into the smallest pieces

I'll let myself scatter with the wind
Till the pain fades
And I hear my pulse in my head
Then I'll piece myself together again

No piece will be the same and it might sit in a different place
Little lines will streak my body
Scars of all my grief

I'll become a beautiful mosaic
Each piece an art
Every line a memory
And when my days are done
I'll look and smile at what I have become.
Dec 2019 · 209
A Place of Mind
Jena T Dec 2019
What I know I've never seen
It comes from inside
This place I reside
Speaking of wrong and right
Where fairytales are written and myths live in might
A chaotic place of dark and light
Behold its beauty and beware its bite
Dec 2019 · 47
Sea of Sorrow
Jena T Dec 2019
The waters fill in tight
Till the waves drown every sight
Hold your breath until it feels right
To let it go and let the water bite

Breathe in deep till it no longer hurts
When you're ready follow me and stay alert
Don't touch the native life or be curt
Everyone here is kind and works in concert

It's a long way down to the bottom
By time we reach it you'll have forgotten
All your woes and sorrows no longer wanton
It happens to all who drown in this sea of the lost souls we have begotten
Dec 2019 · 407
Ticking Clock
Jena T Dec 2019
It's old and it's new
Going round or changing the numbers that accrue
Chiming and clicking for every moment I ever knew
A stranger that marks each second and moon of blue
Never dying on its march of eternity without a clue
That it was never real but only perception's fool.
Dec 2019 · 55
Jena T Dec 2019
In every dream I wander
Every night I journey
For what?
I do not know.
Dec 2019 · 51
Jena T Dec 2019
I want to go home
Where the skies are rich in color
And the trees are tall and old
I miss my family
The ones who know my soul
I whisper their names when I'm alone
Thinking of my love for them
I crave the feel of home
Where it's not foreign
And I know the sea's breeze and the mountain's cold.
Nov 2019 · 142
My Writer
Jena T Nov 2019
I once wrote my own pain
It came upon me like a dream
Living each day in this story of my own making.
Wondering, what was I thinking?
Nov 2019 · 56
Jena T Nov 2019
When I die,
Let my blood fill this ink.
Let my tears wet these pages.
Let my heart beat in these lines.
In these words I lived.
And here is where I'll be buried.
Nov 2019 · 130
Affairs of the heart
Jena T Nov 2019
From a window in the dark I watched a lonely meadowlark.
It flit and it flew from every branch that grew.
Carrying stories of all my worries.
It livened and it knew of every thing my heart had ever sewn.
In grief and in joy it plucked my tender strings never playing coy.
Singing sweet songs of hope and weeping of times when I was left a hollowed corpse.
It danced in merriment and marched in vile contempt.
Some branches bent to its weight while others never dipped to my fate.
We are all watching in the dark the mysterious workings of the heart.
They kindle and stoke a temptuous fire that will set the soul alight.
Bringing even the strongest to their knees, we are all watching, can't you see?
Watching the lone meadowlark whisper our stories to the trees of all we have ever loved and grieved.
Nov 2019 · 64
Journey of the night.
Jena T Nov 2019
I float in this empty ocean staring up at the night sky.
Hearing the whispers of my mind. Knowing I’m not home for every star is foreign in this life.

I watch the moon travel by.
It speaks of tales and woes it’s seen in every bright night.
I ask why it travels this lonely path.
It does not answer but keeps watch of me as it passes by.

This dark sky.
With little pins of light.
Circles over.
Ever night.

I float in this quiet ocean.
Rocked by gentle waves.
Watching the sky.
Searching for some distant light.
Because it's always night.

Hearing the whispers of my mind as the sky drifts by.
“How do you cry?” one asks and it clouds the sky.
Blocking the stars and leaving me to float in this dark night.
Sometimes the waters roughen, and I clench my eyes.
Remembering the stars of a different sky.

Here I lie.
Gazing up with each eye.
Every care drifting below the currents of this place I reside.
Pondering the silence as I wander by. Knowing somewhere the dark sky knows my kind.
And waits for when I no longer deny that this sky is not mine.

— The End —