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Oct 2023 · 143
New York
Reflected smile Oct 2023
I've always wondered how the streets of New York looks like
And I'm still wondering
Oct 2023 · 604
Reflected smile Oct 2023
Knock Knock
Who's there
I hate the fact that you're better
Better at everything you do
Doing them with such great passion
Passionate in killing!
Killing the innocent!
Innocents who just wanted to live
Live a life full of laughter
Slaughter! That's what you good at
At the expense of someone's dreams
Dreams that would have blessed d world
Words can't express how much I hate you!
You don't have to **** before you win
That's what mohbad said at least before he got killed....
I'm a great poet! You just have to look closer
Oct 2023 · 64
Reflected smile Oct 2023
Soundtracks in my dreams
Fresh tracks through the beach
Putting smiles on Thier faces
Placing peace above war
Humanity above religion
Laughter above rules
Laugh hard because we broke through
Fight hard to break loose
Break loose from  depression,
Stretch out hands so they can stand
Love one and love all
Love the Idea of love
And detonate the idea of bombs
And that's Christmas to me
I'm a great poet you don't have to tell me
Oct 2023 · 190
Reflected smile Oct 2023
It's like the sun won't set
Spice the wings in two sets
Thyming is everything
Salad is the only thing
I don't want to see
If! Smoke the fish! And
Dodo will finish it
If you can't then don't make the stew
My clients
Sep 2023 · 270
Reflected smile Sep 2023
Don't come to my wall looking for rhymes
My gun has no safety on
Just move on
Sep 2023 · 53
Reflected smile Sep 2023
I'm not quite educated
But I can educate you on how I feel
Yes the pills
My own safe haven
Behind the pills is
The only place I can call home
Because that's the only place where I don't care if I'm laughing too loud or not!
where I'm free to be me
Where I don't have to get scared if I would be accepted
Where I can play like a kid again
It feels real But doesn't last long
It's just like a trans just that  the feelings are real
Sep 2023 · 60
Friends aren't real
Reflected smile Sep 2023
The love I gave
The hate I received
The faith I had
The truth I never knew
For in truth I was betrayed and
Nailed  to the cross of silence
Friends aren't real
Sep 2023 · 54
Reflected smile Sep 2023
If I back down call me a fool
If I don't win that means it's true
It's true I was born to fail
Sep 2023 · 51
Stay high
Reflected smile Sep 2023
As I close my eyes to sleep
all my **** ups starts playing like a full movie
when I open my eyes it turns into a long audio clip
my only escape route from those thoughts is when I'm high
because when I'm high even though they still play but I no longer care !
Maybe then I have to stay high
Sep 2023 · 42
I knew
Reflected smile Sep 2023
I never knew how you felt when I said those words
I wish I could take back each word !
But I guess it's too late
I wish I knew
I really wish I knew
I wish you could hear me say
I'm sorry
Oct 2022 · 84
Reflected smile Oct 2022
Her waist
Her pride
She has set a price on her thigh
Every morning she stare at the mirror
Adoring her eyes
With her upper teeths clipping her lower lips to her lower teeths
She's fascinated by her own beauty
Outside her door you would see men they fight
At the glance of her even the king's sighs
Oct 2022 · 95
Reflected smile Oct 2022
Grandma tell us a story!

Yesterday I was
Today I am
Tomorrow I might be or I might not

If tomorrow I still be, then I would tell you another story
But if I'm no longer her tomorrow then I become your story!

Always remember every story must have an end for another story to begin
Oct 2022 · 46
Reflected smile Oct 2022
Aliya raise the song from the back
why  are these seats empty?
And Where is Ephraim?
I don't know ma
But he's better forgotten!
He said the Street has more faith in him
So He left the faith for the street
Who could blame him
Maybe the street really did valued him more than we did
Now he lives in fame and fortune
I don't think he's ever coming back

If all you said is true !
Then indeed he's surely not coming back
Oh the street has won again
Oct 2022 · 105
Reflected smile Oct 2022
This place !
Always warm
Always like ***
This place!
Always forgiving
Always embracing
This place
Always safe
Always brave
Apr 2021 · 62
Good years
Reflected smile Apr 2021
Don't know how you make me smile in pain
you always have a solution to every of my issues
When I'm scared, you always reply, “ relax that is a small challenge
how do you do it ?
how do you make me feel strong?
I don't understand how do you do it?
tell me how do you seem to make everything all right when they are actually wrong ?
You  give me life when it seems lifeless,
you are the greatest gift ever given and I will cherish you for life thank you for being there
Apr 2021 · 61
Powerfully Empty
Reflected smile Apr 2021
Yesterday I realized how everything around us is a miracle.....
Because I tried kicking the wind but the wind kicked me off my feet...
She has no muscles yet nothing stands her way
You can't measure her height, she can be tall when needed, and short when prompted.
Believe me life is a miracle
Too sad people hardly realize that.
She will always be here empty and void yet powerful..
Jeremy's thoughts
Apr 2021 · 82
Reflected smile Apr 2021
I'm always sad not because life is short, but because no one really knows what happens when life ends..
Next what's up, BELIEVE!
Deep feelings of Jeremy
Apr 2021 · 44
Colorful tornado
Reflected smile Apr 2021
Afraid of what she holds
What she can unfold
What I may become
How about my income?
Will my kids use a golden comb
Or drink from the best honey comb?
Years beyond yrs would i be bold 2 stand?
I hope I don't hide when I see them!(frnds)
I hope I won't be ashame to speak up!
I hope all my good ideas don't end up null
I'm sincerely fuckinly scared of tomorrow
Too much drugs and alcohol..
Makes the tornado colorful
Unexplainable Jeremy's deep feelings
Sep 2020 · 48
Reflected smile Sep 2020
This room isn't enough for me to swallow....
Deep down I know the floor is cold shallow....
The same bed but know it feels like a wheelbarrow.....
I wish I could just dissolve! snap your fingers, please thanos!...
Can't believe she did this! She was just like my pillow...
She knew all my secrets, and I adored her like a sparrow".....
My tear drop always on her chest in my deep shadows....
She looks so sweet and sounds like a piano....
It was all going fine and I even promised her Tomorrow,....
She wanted a horse but a made her ride on the biggest cow....
On that big, soft,white fancy bed we would sing songs and curdle....
" You can count on me like 1,2,3, I'll be there" she solos.....
The same lips came the words that pierced my heart like arrows........
Before she left and never returned....
She is the testament of my sorrow's....
Monsterous like Goro....
Disastrous like Mario.....
Dangerous like a rifle.....
And deceitful like the night hallo's....
But ****! I still want her so bad
I feel useless without her
I don't want to see another day without Delilah
Where is my Delilah
Have you seen Delilah?...
My friend told me to quite heart broken poems, that I **** in it, but I will keep writing until the wind sings my name
May 2020 · 58
Reflected smile May 2020
I use to be cute, but now I'm like a flute, blowing away like truth, I don't wanna talk about the root, it makes me cry because it's full of proof, that my love for you is as high as the roof...soon I hope to be your groom, and take you to my room,  to show you my secret crood, oh I almost forgot it's about me being cute!!  Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder!!  What's say you am I cute?? 🙃😉
It's been  a long road
Mar 2020 · 62
Need somebody
Reflected smile Mar 2020
One day I will find love
Because I'm almost through with my divorce with boredom,
I just hope I find someone
Who will make feel like sweet
Mar 2020 · 51
Reflected smile Mar 2020
I need a girl who will go crazy about me, who won't stop texting even if I don't reply, who be there when I graduate, who will laugh when I tell dry jokes, who will take me on her shoulders so that I can see tomorrow, who will  tell the world that I'm for her without being ashame, who would hold my hands just for me to feel like Christmas , who will share sweet memories with me, who will live in my dreams, who will drop the world just to carry  me, who will loose all just to have me, who will be my strength when I'm weak,  who will be my all in all (I know she doesn't exist)
But if you do, why can't you just come into my world and a swear I would be all to you in a million fold
Mar 2020 · 56
It's true
Reflected smile Mar 2020
Wen tears cry, who do we hold onto! 😞
Wen knowledge😦 don't understand wisdom,
Where would life take it's breath!😤
Where there are no grounds, where should we stand upon! 😢
My body misunderstood my soul,
now my heart faints☹️
Mar 2020 · 55
Reflected smile Mar 2020
I really liked her, most of the nights I would spend with her, even when all left I stood by her. Gave my all to make her happy, I was bold enough to stand and fight for her but never bold enough to tell her how I felt.
And now it's too late
She is in another man's arm
Mar 2020 · 58
Waxed cold
Reflected smile Mar 2020
When I first saw you, you were colorful, beautiful and wonderful
I remember talking to you and I almost wanna lick your mouth, oh **** it smells great, on getting home I could still persive you all around, how great was your perfume
BUT  now!!!!!
I could hardly breathe yesterday ,
My peffff died the moment I got close to you .....
Is it Because resposiblity has abide?
All about you has waxed cold!!!!
Mar 2020 · 56
Reflected smile Mar 2020
Many beautiful rays from the spark
When our eyes collided
God knew you would distract the other angels so he sent you to me
Because I was too focus
I needed a little distraction
I swear, I can't sleep anymore
No, not because I'm thinking of you
The truth is you have become my thought
This distraction is divine and we are tangled forever.
Mar 2020 · 64
Reflected smile Mar 2020
What do you call worship
Who is "worship"
When you worship what goes on in your mind?
When you close your eyes what do you see?
Naked photos or you go off thinking of something else
Can you tell if you're really worshipping ?
Who do you picture when you worship, the actor or Jesus?
Is it okay to picture the "actor" while worshipping?
How do you feel when you worship?
Must something be felt before it's called worship?
Is worship Beyond closing of eyes?
Is it beyond singing?
Tell me
Feb 2020 · 65
Unleavened tears
Reflected smile Feb 2020
Hero's don't cry
But tears dropped down her eyes
When she saw her son Not among them whom worn the 👑 crown,
She lives to see him wear the crown
It was her childhood dream,
Birthed from her childhood failures
All her dreams wrinkled in a minute
And her tears became unleavened
Because her son couldn't wait
He slept on before the day of glory
The crown was supposed to be his
He actually came out first.
The breath of the day became his last
Inspired by a true life story
Feb 2020 · 57
Reflected smile Feb 2020
Don't spill water on a mad man
Onced loved but now lost
Into a world were thoughts comes with without  timing .
Never think they are uselsess,
Sure they are careless but  
Maybe some day their thoughts may come in time
and the time may be a time when you need help
And they would turn out to be your
Feb 2020 · 47
Reflected smile Feb 2020
Kiss me and I would forget the world
And become your word
And you'll become my lord
I promise to beat the crowd
To win the crown
Just to make you smile
Feb 2020 · 49
A dream
Reflected smile Feb 2020
All things seen but nothing real
Words hurt but dead feelings
What you wish is what you see
Rain fall dry grounds
Huge wings but can't fly
Being here but there
So many lies yet true
Dreams  are like a movie theater
The dreamer is the camera man
The brain  is the script writer.
Directing is a free role, you choose who you give it to
Feb 2020 · 43
Reflected smile Feb 2020
Before life were was "I"
Before my first breath where was "I"
SO confusing how men speaks of three channels to human
"Before life", "in life" , "after life"
Yet none knew who they were before life, and who they would be after life.  
Feb 2020 · 47
Reflected smile Feb 2020
How I wish there is a quiet button,
I wish there was an escape door,
How I wish there is an exit tunnel ,
In life.
Without getting hurt or hurting others
I would have traveled back
Even before the beginning,
There's too much pain to life.
Everything about life hurts
Feb 2020 · 55
Reflected smile Feb 2020
Sometimes I just willingly cry to ease the pressure deep down
So i can finally feel relaxed
Tears is all I have left
And that's the only reason
Why I keep bouncing back
Because after tears comes peace
It's okay to cry.
Being sad is a gift
Feb 2020 · 52
Reflected smile Feb 2020
Amazing how things go wrong but yet right
It seems far, yet you so close.
How wonderful you're there but you're still her .
No human could actually can define you
But you defined them all
You're the pillar of the universe
Feb 2020 · 53
Reflected smile Feb 2020
She's the creator,
And the heart of the creation,
When she speaks the world give attention,
She is full of affirmation,
Her earnest desire is to see our
Proclamation Come into realization
All melodies depends one her
She is the soUl mate to all
Feb 2020 · 64
Thinking out loud
Reflected smile Feb 2020
They say readers are leaders
I'm not afraid so say
That I will be a follower forever
Because your thoughts won't let me read
Happy Valentine
Feb 2020 · 29
Valentine's Eve
Reflected smile Feb 2020
My heart burns when you say
"It's okay "
I know you are not.
I feel awful not having you by my side, 
How is it like in cold'heart  City?
How do I explain this
I can't just stop my eyes from bleeding,
Simply because I asked myself how much I love you,
And that's the only way my eyes could  answer.
I can't write more because my Hands are shaking and I'm feeling sick,
I will keep breathing on our past memories
I just wanna say
I love you
Feb 2020 · 26
Reflected smile Feb 2020
The birds fly why can i?
Others are beautiful but me?
My voice can't take the note but not thiers?
Their family is wealthy why is mine not?
What if I was born in pluto
What if I live outside the universe
What if the earth was a part of my toll collection
What if the Galaxy was my bucked
If what if the stars were too tiny for me to hold
What if men never had dreams
What If my title and the body isn't in line
How does it affect you?
Feb 2020 · 37
Mothers land
Reflected smile Feb 2020
Who will tell them that we are not all thesame
How will they know that there are still so many that are Good
I'm scared to proclaim my mother's land
Because the sons of the land had polluted her name
They created an image of discomfort to the outside world
Which might last forever
So now when they hear our names they are terrified
Terrified that something bad might happen
It hurts me most when am asked,
Who are you?
I would still and would always say
So help us lord
Feb 2020 · 33
Reflected smile Feb 2020
What do you call a star with a heart
That has blood running through her core
How can one  tell of her that live beyond time
She of whom the universe adore
Whose heart is tireless to drive
She never give up
She never slam down
When she rebuke is for the good
Her restrains makes better
And the best comes from her reproof
So honoured that she is my
First queen
My only pride, my golden city, my latest smartphone, jewelry store, my all in one, she is everything I call joy.
And the greatest star in the universe

Mummy boy ♥

My mum my all
Feb 2020 · 86
Type writer
Reflected smile Feb 2020
Let me be your typewriter
Don't say a word
And I would write your world
Keep calm
let me rewrite your universe
I know your heart
Feb 2020 · 45
Reflected smile Feb 2020
Don't  look for love in the slumbs(local poor area) because movies told you so or else you would be doomed

The rich ones love more than the poor because their wealth excites them and the poverty of the poor upsets them,
I bet you it's better to be with an excited person than the angry oness that are doomed
Be wise or elses you would be doomed!!
Weird world
Feb 2020 · 50
The pretender
Reflected smile Feb 2020
Hey it's me! and I'm a pretender!
I can't ring a bell
I don't know how it plays
I hate the ****** roll
But when the ****** are around
I say the things that I don't won't to say
Because I want a blend in,
I fake the roll,
the real me cry's all night
Because he wants to be free
It's so painful how I cage myself in
And fake myself to the outside world.
I'm a pretender
And maybe I would always be
Because that's what the would need me to be, just maybe,!
I wish I could express myself better
Oct 2019 · 84
Reflected smile Oct 2019
Its all about been single, but
Just so sad how she suddenly
Call me a friend
We use to be best Paddy's
Now the salt is lost
And flavour gone
she knows a better guy
I can hear me introduces as an old
Time school mate.
Friends would have been better
Unsurprising how the image of me has wiped from our photo with no respect to Time
Nothing is worth loving
Oct 2019 · 120
I'm happy
Reflected smile Oct 2019
Cover up, empty ***.
Feelings down, thoughts up.
Wanted to cry, but must be a man.
Looked around, no hope found .
Phone ringing, mum calling ,
Hello mom are you okay??
Son I'm starving nothing to eat (crying) .
It's ok mom, I will get back to you soon. I will send you some money  and don't cry mom I said , with my eyes covered in tears.
Actually I have not even a penny, I'm  cashless. Totally broke.
The worst feeling I have evered had is telling my mom it's going to be okay, when nothing seems to be okay and no hope of it getting okay or better  soon. To cut the long story short
I'm  so happy mama is happy now
Because her dogs eat five times a day
Oct 2019 · 140
Reflected smile Oct 2019
So proud of myself
Upgraded my thinking
And a new view to life
Use to be afraid of tomorrow
But no longer
I'm more than wow
Sep 2019 · 107
Reflected smile Sep 2019
If not for you who would had remembered me
No, not one, no one would had called my name
I have only known importance Because you enslaved them
My thoughts came to them when they saw you
Now that you are going
I'm now a nobody
I'm now a micro chip
I  hopefully wait for your return
So I can be visible again
" Stranded"
Hope to find importance above you someday
Sep 2019 · 81
Reflected smile Sep 2019
Just like a ship I journey on you until my destination without knowing how deep the ocean is
You deserve a heroic cape
You deserve a medal
There's too much to the  journey to talk nor write about
No enough space
                                     Dedicated Engr uvie
Sep 2019 · 159
Big why
Reflected smile Sep 2019
When I write
I become
a free thinker
a Rationist
a Psychopath
When I drop my pen
I'm a believer
So emotional
I'm mentally lovely
Those are my big why
They are "why" I do Write  the way I  I write
Me why I I
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