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R B M Feb 2022
There was a time I wanted to live on the same street as you when we grew up
But I'm not sure where that dream ended up
You were my big sister and I was your parasite I guess
But you were the one ******* me dry, telling me to feel blessed
Said to count myself lucky that you didn't **** me in my sleep at night
And knowing you, I knew this was true, so I guess you're right
All I wanted was a big sister, but instead I got a monster
Who lives in the back of my head
It used to be loud, and then it got quiet
But now it is back
And this monster sounds just like you
I hate how it feels
To know that I gave everything for you
I shared a bedroom, tried to protect you, cheered for you
Prayed for you, cried for you, feared for you
Wanted you, needed you, thought of you

But now... it's different
Things are all different.
You never cared, never gave the same
And now I'm still here
Hating how I remember you.
R B M Jan 2022
I've been convinced of being in love before
But now I'm not so sure I ever was
Because I know this is it
How I can't explain how I feel
How I can't pick the best thing about you
How I can't get through a day without thinking of you
Smiling at the thought of you
How everyone can tell that I'm head over heels
How I can't even talk about you without blushing
How I can't hide how I feel
I've never felt like this before
And I know this is real love
And I know that nothing before this was
Now patience is the key, but I have faith in this
And I'm keeping this feeling for as long as I can
I'm keeping you for as long as I can
And that's all I need
Feeling good
  May 2021 R B M
Zack Ripley
I've been lost. I've been found.
I've been up, down, and around.
I've been here. I've been there.
It feels like I've been everywhere
Without going barely anywhere at all.
I've been accepted. Rejected.
Made fun of by my peers.
But i'm here to tell you if I've made it through,
There's hope for you too.
Just breathe,
and don't be embarrassed
If you shed a few tears
R B M May 2021
Nothing is wrong,
But nothing is right.
Nothing hurts,
But sometimes that hurts.
My eyes can’t cry,
But they’re still filled.
My screams can’t get out,
But they’re still there.
I’m running,
But I’m running on empty
And when you’re running on empty
You don’t get anywhere.
R B M May 2021
One of my worst nightmares
Is sitting in your house with grandma
Except it isn't really yours anymore
But what's so bad about it
Is that it's completely silent
No bees buzzing from the back
No woodwork noises grinding
No mower vrooming
No eggs crackling
And it's so disturbing
Because the absence of those noises
Means you're really gone
R B M May 2021
I’m supposed to be the glue
I’m supposed to stand strong and tall
I’m supposed to be the bridge between them and them
Whether that be you and her
Or him and him
I’m supposed to be the glue
But maybe the only way for glue to last isn’t from the glue stick
Slowly degrading the glue off
Stays for a while but eventually lets the papers pull away
No, it’s the liquid glue that works
But the glue has to be squeezed out of the bottle before it works
Stays for longer than a long time
Maybe I’m not a glue stick, maybe I’m a glue bottle
I have to be taken out of my bottle to work
I have to be gone to work
I have to not be here to work
To keep everyone together and happy
Or to bring them together
I’m willing to bet you’d all be stuck like glue if I went dripping away.
R B M May 2021
I’m tired of disappointing you
Because every time I disappoint you, I feel disappointed in myself
I’m sorry that it’s hard for me to talk to you
And easier to talk to people that have hurt me over and over
I guess I just tend to trust the toxic people more
And maybe I’m tired of feeling like my pathetic “issues” are stupid to you
Maybe I’m tired of feeling like I can’t talk to my dad anymore
Without you snooping through the texts
To find something to get upset about me not telling you first
All I want is for your support in my decisions
For you to stop babying me
I’m almost an adult and you're still telling me what you think I need to do
But I feel like at this point I need to figure things out for myself
And first learn how to go through with what I think is right
Before I go through with what actually is right
I’m supposed to be learning
But all that I’m getting anymore
Is the feeling that I’m an even bigger disappointment than the others
Because the fall is a lot worse when you start from higher up
I’m sorry I’m losing your faith
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