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The color pink
Is more than it seems
Some find it pretty
Others think of piggies

I think of what it once was
Before it was on a canvas
It was the color red
The color of bloodshed

From pink to red
Only seeing dread
From being innocent to sinful
And never being wishful

I'll paint with the color of blood
And all your emotions will flood
You'll be scared and scarred
Until everything goes dark

You've never seen one die
At least not with a smile and closed eyes
With blood on their hands
And the whole thing planned

You're trying to think of how
I could possibly be dead now
It's a pretty easy answer though
The pink is gone so the red will flow
The truth about love
Is that there is no truth
Love is a chemical imbalance in the head
It doesn't last and always leaves depression in it's wake
I want to believe I live in a dollhouse
Where nothing is wrong, nothing is broken.
I want to live in a dollhouse
Where everything is permitted
But in reality nothing is like the dollhouse I want
In reality I live in a broken house
Where mother and father live in separate houses
Where brother and sisters fight over stupid things
Where younger sisters fight and bicker over the littlest things
Where going to a different house every other weekend
Where a nineteen year old bother is still working for a job.
Where the seventeen year old is working part time job to help with the bills
I dream of a dollhouse
Where mother and father are together
Where siblings get along
Where older brother works
Where older sister is helping with younger sister
Where everything is in place
Where everything is permitted
The one thing I want....
I want to live in a doll house
I want to be like a porcelain doll
A porcelain doll with nothing broken, just a little cracked
But reality trips me over telling me
"nothing is going to be the way you want"
I sit there thinking "Why bother?"
Then I remember something my sister told me
"Over think the possible"
But reality is telling me not too
In reality I am a broken doll, coming from a broken home
Where mother works a nine hour shift
Where father leaves town
Where older sister gets her heart broken
Where younger sisters want to beat the guys up for it.
Where older brother is lazy like a dog not wanting to hunt.
Where mother has a boyfriend who cares for us like a father should
Where father has a girlfriend who also cares for us
But I want to live like a porcelain doll in a dollhouse
A dollhouse where mother and boyfriend are married
Where a family is a family
Where sisters are playing around
Where oldest sister can read a book without splitting up fights
Where brother helps with the sisters schoolwork
Where music is louder than a bomb
Where sisters can share things like secrets
Where books and music rule the house.
Where siblings listen to their parents and obey the rules
Where friends can come over and stay awhile
Where we can run around without getting in trouble.
Where father can build computers
But reality reminds me, he controls the show
And I **** in with "I can do anything because my house right now is my dollhouse"
My doll house has everything..
My dollhouse acronym
D= Do what you love
O= Over think the possible
L=Love with all your heart
L= Let go of the negative thoughts
H=Have faith in your family
O= Over think the ideas you seem impossible
U=Understand that you are loved
S= See the inside beauty not just the outside
E= Everything is going to be alright.
He gathers his courage,
Cannot commit to telling her.

He Braves his heart,
And tells her then.

This constant heart changes each day and loves still.
And she loves too, holding his love carefully.

And they live, lives of happiness and sadness,
Just as it was meant.

New love springs,
Like roses covered in thorns.

A field of vast grass whispers in the breeze and never changes.
And these two hearts still beat together.

A love so sure,
It rules over constant hearts.
 Aug 2015 Makenzie Robison
You caught the butterflies,
Put them in a jar.

Please let them out,
I miss the feelings,
When they flutter.
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