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 May 2013 RILEY
I love getting those
Sweet midnight messages.
The ones that remind me that
I do actually mean something
To anyone.
Thank you for them,
You know who you are
To those who come in the future,
Thank you also.
I appreciate your
Beautiful souls and
Your silly sweet smiles and
Your words of wisdom and your
Love and affection.
Thank you for being so
Wonderful and cautious with me and
So kind and sweet.
oh how sweet y'all are
*thank you from the bottom of
Not only my heart,
But my soul.
 May 2013 RILEY
but since the leaves fell down,
I've been alone.

You left with the breeze,
without a single word.

You moved on like the
 May 2013 RILEY
The Mermaids
 May 2013 RILEY
As I sat down by the lake,
And watched the waves come and go by,
I saw a group of mermaids, who came by for a chat,
I was surprised, as they called each other fat.
Worried about the pettiest pimple,
I realized, they were no different,
They talked about how handsome their Duke is,
As, each of them yearned to be a Duchess.

When it was getting dull,
I saw a seagull,
I cheered for him, as he picked up a fish,
I was free like him, I wish.
I decided to sit there, and blend into the essence of the lake,
Till the water turns into snowflakes.
 May 2013 RILEY
It's been a few weeks since it rained,
and even longer since I've let myself go.
But I'll always remember the day I did.
It was the last day of sophomore year,
and we were itching for a little fun.
You and I went out for a celebratory drive,
belting old Taylor Swift songs
at the top of our lungs,
and not giving a ****
what anyone else thought.
All of a sudden, a storm hit
and you pulled the Volkswagen over
with a twinkle in your eyes.
You pulled me out of the car,
and we danced in the middle of the road.
Within seconds, I was soaked
through my dress, through my bra,
sending raindrops coupled with chills
all the way down my spine.
The rain stopped as soon as it started,
but I'll never forget that day.
Dancing in the rain is oh so stereotypical but everyone should try it at least once. As always, tell me what you thought! :)
 Apr 2013 RILEY
Deep asleep my heart stops beating
I see a chance to break away.
Looking down at myself not breathing,
I feel no sorrow if it ends today.
What’s the point in senseless silence,
in my silence can you hear me pray.
Love like magic is an illusion of science,
as I march into the dark decay.

Fear and darkness in the tears I bleed
as I drift into a permanent sleep.
Like a moth to the flame with burning wings
I fly to the valley of sorrow and grief.
I fall into the mouth of a broken tree
then land on the ledge of a snow-covered leaf.
I heard a voice bellow from below:

Where’s the justice in a land of liars,
a knife is plunged into the innocent soul.
A broken heart bleeds anger and fire
as the pendulum swings, the heart grows cold.

Why am I here this is a terrible mistake,
last thing I remember there was no pain,
I went to sleep but did I wake?
I do remember a porcelain plate,
a porcelain cup, I ate and drank,
was it dinner that night that sealed my fate?
Amatoxin tea with a ricin cake,
what have I done, what did I take?

Sorrow is a shadow over those who are grieving,
begging for a chance to put an end to the pain.
Writhing and thrashing from the venomous stings.
falling in darkness consumed by the flames.
As we suffocate should we fight to keep breathing,
or surrender to sorrow and the dark decay.
 Mar 2013 RILEY
Danielle Rose
During a vow of silence
I heard for the first time
While standing
I learned why so many sit,complacent
Through attempts to break me
I learned to deflect
As I carried great burdens
I learned the value of friends
And waking each morning
reminds me to teach it
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