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Q Dec 2013
Green is to jealousy as Red is to rage
Lock these feelings in a cage
I'll rend and tear and rip you apart
My rage is sweet and my envy's ****

Green is to jealousy as Red is to rage
I'll **** you horribly in my craze
I'll drink your bones and chew your blood
My rage is voracious but my envy's good

Green is to jealousy as Red is to rage
I'll sprinkle my hatred with a bit of sage
I'll spice up my envy to be bitter hot
My rage is content but the envy's not

Green is to jealousy as Red is to rage
This isn't just a passing phase
I'm off in the deep end, I've lost my mind
My jealous rage is one of a kind.
Q Dec 2013
Ana and Mia are my best friends
Down goes the food, then back up again
"Don't eat it, doll, you must be thin"
"Well, now that you have, regurgitate it."

It's delicious on the tip of my tongue
Then bitter like guilt the second I'm done
It's heavy in my stomach and I can't move
Until I lean over the toilet and purge the food.

Ana and Mia are my best friends
They'll stick with this fat girl till the end.
Ana and Mia are my diet plan
My throat is burning but at least I'll be thin.
Q Dec 2013
Bittersweet lime-flavoured love
An apparition, a ghost, a face I think of
A mere shadow without definition or name
A hopefulness for the fulfilment of why I came.
Stretching into the ghetto of my mind
Is a body, a shape, a stencil of who may be mine
Reaching against the wicked hands of time
Yet never grasping; a drop of sugar, a cup of lime

Down on my knees with my hands clasped tight in prayer
And my will alone shakes the foundation, yet no one appears
Errant tendrils of loneliness grip at my rotting soul and heart
And the rejection, and the hurt, and the hope tears me apart.
I am now a sinister, cynical shell of who I used to be
And I plead, I beg the monotony to set me free
As I am suffocating on the slimmest sliver of a wish
My head turned upwards, lips waiting for a kiss.

Whether love, or like, or grudging intimacy
So be it, for I need it, and whatever else it may be
Thus, I will wait by the water's edge where the waves are violent
I'll wait at the volcano's peak, before it erupts, when all is quiet.
I'll hang to a fraying rope placed miles above solid ground
I'll stand at the edge of a tall building and dizzy myself looking down
Until someone, or something, arrives from somewhere to extend my time
Until the taste finally fades: a drop of the sweetest sugar, a cup of bitter lime.
Q Dec 2013
There is nothing here
And here is nothing at all
And there is no rhyme, or reason
Or meaning or purpose
As we work towards nothing
Whilst we live in nothing.

There is no end
And there is no beginning
And there is nothing after the end
And there was nothing before the beginning
Thus we merely exist and then we do not
Yet we never began existing at all

And in our absurdity,
Our damnable inanity,
When do we realize the monotony?
When do we realize the lack of purpose?
And when we do, should we also realize
There is no time or place or distance?

And then shall we understand
There is no 'we'
And there is no 'there'
And 'we' 'exist' in 'nothing' at all
Or shall we continue to find meaning
In the forever meaningless?
Q Nov 2013
You said I just want attention
Just want to be Queen for a day
That I always had to be in control
Always had to have it my way

Well, welcome to my palace peasant
Kneel down and kiss my feet
I don't need you anymore
But you sure as hell need me

And the Queen will rule her people, under her they shall be free
Let the traitors scatter and flee or die with her next decree

Welcome to my palace
I only love my own
And if you plan to leave
I'll be happy when you're gone

The people of my kingdom
Are the air in my lungs
But should they turn on me
I'll cut them down and breathe the sun

The leaders under my reign, may one day want my throne
Express your envy nobly and I'll nobly cut you down

My successor will be ethereal
And lead my people with pride
All against my reign
Kindly, step aside

For I am the Queen!
I am the leader!
My traitorous little minion....

You were lucky to be here.
This is for you Dillon. Kisses from me to you, my traitorous little minion. You said I wanted to be Queen for a day....but I've been and will be Queen for much, *much* longer.

Q Nov 2013
Company is my friend
Who leaves the party first
No matter how hard
Loneliness and I have worked

The first to arrive is Anger
(Though no one really likes him)
He always brings Bitter
And sometimes Exhaustion

Tears comes by occasionally
But only when Depression's around
And when Suicide joins us
Every one leaves town

Insanity's a regular
But her humor is quite lame
And these are all my friends
And we do this every day

Help is the party-pooper
She's stuck up beyond belief
Always saying we just want Attention
Yet she only ever brings Grief

And so the party ends
And no one's feeling better
And every **** time I write
Suicide another letter
Q Nov 2013
We're getting to be good friends, but first, I must say:

There's nothing wrong with you
Lift your head up high

You always seem so trapped
But just this once, you can fly

You're quiet and reserved in person
But, ****, do you get by

You're unique and that's alright
(Jesus, how much incense do you light?)

You're art is amazing, kudos and kudos again
Did you need to hear that tonight?

You're intelligent as hell
And you don't even try

You don't spout *******
Though others always lie

You're not egotistical at all
You don't use "I" all the time

So yeah, I just wanted to say
You're doing good in life.

Now I'm hoping you don't read this
Because this is literally just what I thought
Of you with a little rhyme scheme
As well as what I think you're not

But if you do read this
I kinda admire you
You're one of those surreal people
Who still lets reality through
If you do read this, seeing as I gave you my poetry alias, here's you're new favourite song: Green Green Grass of Tunnel by Mum
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