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  Feb 13 PuellaGratiae
A mug of tea, a mug of cheer,
Warmth in hands, the cold draws near.
Sip by sip, the world slows down,
In quiet moments, peace is found.
I use my mugs as pencil holders, I need another mug. but that might be way I wrote this. (it definitely is I see my mugs right next to me so I wrote about mugs).
  Feb 13 PuellaGratiae
I think it is a good day
I feel okay, and that’s all
I feel, no sense of greatness
Nor self-hatred, no free-fall.

I look into the mirror
No fear, just looking as I
Realize that I have acne
But it’s me and I feel fine.

Right now, I am just okay
But one day, I will appear
From silk and I will be her
From those words, so far but near.
tried an awdl gywydd today.
I'm so tired of bending myself to fit the harsh edges
of others firm lines.

I don't have to convince
anyone of my worth.

if they want me, they can chase now.

(tag; you're it)
PuellaGratiae Feb 13
They say love never fails
But what if it does?
And when it does, it hurts.
I'm wondering and waiting in nervous anticipation for the day that it does.
  Feb 10 PuellaGratiae
How can you stop the rain from falling down?
You can't, you shouldn't try to frown.
Let it fall, let it soak you through,
Sometimes getting wet is good for you.
Let it wash away your worries and fears,
Wipe away the tears  and dry your tears.
You'll be alright, there's no need to hide,
Embrace the rain, let it be your guide.
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