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  Aug 2018 Puds
Elizabeth Squires
most of us don't get enough sleep
we're deprived of its good boon
the right amount is eight hours deep
then work days will beam of moon

we're deprived of its good boon
by not jumping under the quilt
then work days will beam of moon
at times we appear to wilt

by not jumping under the quilt
everyone of us are worn out
at times we appear to wilt
which isn't a super tale of spout

everyone of us are worn out
because we lack adequate rest
which isn't a super tale of spout
so to slumber long would be best

because we lack adequate rest
functioning can go on the blink
so to slumber long would be best
as we'll feel fresher in wink

functioning can go on the blink
the right amount is eight hours deep
as we'll feel fresher in wink
most of us don't get enough sleep
  Aug 2018 Puds
Dawn Bunker
I saw that man fall in the street.
It was like he suddenly
lost his feet.
His sign went flying,
as did my mood.
I should've been crying,
will work for food.

I saw my friend breaking down.
She needed those pills,
but they weren't around.
Her hands were shaking,
as was my mind.
Her heart was breaking,
yet I left her behind.

I heard the sirens again tonight.
My stupid neighbors,
another fight.
I've seen that girl,
we spoke once or twice.
She's not in my world,
I've been more then nice.

There will always be something wrong.
Some lost soul
some sad song.
There will always be people,
to rearrange it.
But God, just once,
can we try to change it?
  Aug 2018 Puds
Dawn Bunker
She looked directly in my eyes,
and then she looked away.
It really came as no surprise,
that I should feel this way.

I'd seen it coming for so long,
I knew what lie in store.
I simply wanted one more song,
I yearned for just one more.

For she could take my breath away,
with songs so sweet and clear.
I'd go to listen every day,
just for the chance to hear.

To be around that strong sweet voice,
I could not help but smile.
Each day I had no other choice,
but to listen for awhile.

Who am I to want for more?
She's gone now....  yet I linger.
Yearning for what went before,
inspiration I could bring her.

In dreams last night I heard the phone,
a constant steady ringing.
I said hello to a voice unknown,
until I heard the singing.
  Aug 2018 Puds
Elizabeth Squires
who was responsible
for the queen's ultimate disappearance
who took it upon themselves
to seek her clearance

over quite a length of time
those of a regal pedigree
have been unexpectedly vanished
from the monarchical tree

these culprits cannot be
traced anywhere on the ground
its as thought they are secreted
beneath a shadowy mound

and we aren't able to stem
their anti regal sentiment
which is ever hardening
like a ten ton cube of cement

exhibiting the crown's
bloodline doth bring vaporization
where there will be nowt more
espying of a visitation

danger is omnipresent
and its peril aimed on any empress
an unknown body of disfavour
not requiring her impress
  Aug 2018 Puds
Dawn Bunker
Howard Dully was twelve years old
when Dr. Freeman felt so bold
to dig around inside his head
a wonder that he isn't dead.

The year was 1963,
when Howard had his lobotomy.
He never even had a clue,
of what his parents planned to do.

The name Freeman gave to his personally designed
lobotomy knives.
They went under Howard's eyelids 3 centimeters
from the mid line and parallel with the nose.
Driven to a depth of 5 centimeters he pulled the handles
laterally, returned them halfway, and drove 2 centimeters
deeper.  He touched the handles over the nose, seperated
them 45 degrees, elevated them 50 degrees, and at this point
he probably
smiled to himself.
For now they were parallel,
and ready for photography before removal.

An angry stepmom arranged it all,
she made the final judgement call.
They labeled Howard as insane....
opened him up, and juggled his brain.

Howard survived because he was still growing.
Not fully developed,
his brain would keep going....
off in directions he couldn't control
but never condeming
the depths of his soul.

Not long ago I read his book.
I felt intrigued to take a look.
I hope, dear reader, you do the same.
Remember his story,
remember his name.
Howard Dully's book was published in 2007, and it went on to become a New York Times bestseller. Howard coauthored the book with Charles Fleming, and it is titled My Lobotomy.
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